Comic Books
It’s Batman and Red Robin vs. The Architect as the villain tears through Gotham City’s first families!
Plus, who is Nicholas Anders? The team continues to investigate the mysterious man from turn-of-the twentieth-century Gotham, but what they find may change everything they know about the city itself!
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.3%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
keith7198 | 07/24/11 | No | Read Review |
Franktiger | 07/23/11 | Yes | Read Review |
TheNextChampion | 07/20/11 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.1
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This book really hit it’s stride last issue. Really excited for more awesome architecture adventures!
The art has been pretty blah so far, but the story has been VERY good since issue one. Even though Snyder has told me he has put a lot of work into this book, he says a lot of more credit should go to Higgins. If this is a prelude to Higgins writing Dick for Nightwing then I might give that book a shot.
I old school stuff is great in thsi book.
Scott Snyder is quickly joining the ranks of Miller, Rucka, and Brubaker as one of the best Batman writers.
i have no bad words about this book. I love the art and Snyder can do no wrong. I expect this to be my POTW.
Love McCarthy’s detail oriented and stylistic art in this, hope to see more Black Bat and Damian interaction too.
Yet another amazing Batman tale from Snyder. This guy is incredible.
I am not enjoying this nearly as much as I’m enjoying his Tec stuff but I’m still picking it up for now though…
The art was better, but still iffy on some spots. But the story is still pretty damn good. Maybe the best mini I’ve read so far this year? Too early to tell though…
Continuing a great mini. Love to see the firm grasp that the writers have on these characters, while marveling at an intriguing story about bridge-building, of all things. Top shelf.
LOVE THIS BOOK!!! I will be so sad to see this mini end because it is so good and such a great Batman/ Gotham story
Did anyone else notice the other co-writer on this issue? I wonder what’s up with that. I also really enjoyed the small beats that seem to set up Dick’s impending return to the Nightwing identity. Good stuff!
@KenOchalek I just noticed that.
Who is Ryan Parrott?
@TheNextChampion I don’t know, but he got to see a couple scenes from The Dark Knight several months early back in 2007:
4/5 from me. Really good, but not great. More of an exposition issue that could have used more action. Definitely in for the whole ride as this is a great mini.
@KenOchalek So…..he’s just a lucky fan? I’m confused…
Ryan’s a new writer for DC who also works for Bad Robot
@KyleHiggins This series has been wonderful. Well done, sir.