Comic Books


Batman and Robin are at the mercy of NoBody as he forces them to embrace a new way to battle crime and injustice. But Batman has other ideas!

Plus: Don’t miss the origin of NoBody!

Written by PETER J. TOMASI
Art and cover by PATRICK GLEASON and MICK GRAY

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.1%
Avg Rating: 4.3
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  1. I hope NoBody and N.O.W.H.E.R.E. from teen titans and superboy don’t team up, nothing might happen

  2. Wow that’s a great cover right there.

  3. Man it must have been a pain in the ass to draw all of those bats.

    Still, one of the best books of the new DCU is out again. Or at least ‘MY’ pick as one of the best.

  4. Great book read the preview of this issue over at CBR and Dameon is a real little shit and I hope Bruce or Alfred straighten that boy out soon.


  5. Oh and one more thing… Has Bruce personally tested Dameon for DNA that really makes him his son?????


  6. Damien is the reason I am reading this book. Batman is my favorite Bruce title hands down but this book is worth it just for that little shit!

  7. “There’ll always be monsters, but I don’t have to become one to fight them. ” Damn, I loved that line.

  8. This books is great… with all the press that goes to Batman, this comic is awesome. Not only is Tomasi killing the writing, Gleason is drawing the shit out of this. Great book. 5/5

  9. This was pretty fun. The cliffhanger has me reeeeeally interested in next issue. good stuff.

  10. With every issue arguably better than the last, in my opinion this book is rising to the heights of Snyder’s Batman.

    The dialogue and pacing in this issue were spot on. And hot damn, Gleason is dominating that art. So many standout panels and pages in this issue — with a special nod going to Damian’s always brilliant facial expressions.

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