Comic Books


Who wears the Black Mask? The true identity of Gotham City’s new crimelord is finally revealed and that identity will surprise everybody – especially Batman! And after the final showdown between Black Mask and The Dark Knight, will things ever be the same for Kittyhawk and the Reaper?

Written by TONY DANIEL

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


akamuu03/17/10NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.4
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  1. It’s Bruce Wayne. Delays and an extra issue added to The Return of Bruce Wayne made this reveal come too early. All DC books featuring Bruce Wayne will continue their regular schedules but we gotta wait an extra month for the official return of The Dark Knight… lol.

  2. This Black Mask thing has been going on so long (and mediocrely) that I don’t really care who it is anymore.

  3. @stockhart: i agree. what’s the deal with putting a 3rd stringer on this book? we got morrison, rucka, and williams on the other bat-stuff. this run could be forgettable if it wasn’t so bad.

  4. To drop or not to drop – that is the question. I will probably end up getting this issue just to read the conclusion and jump off next month.

  5. Gotta stick around and see what #700 will be all about. . .

  6. God this run feels like it’s been going FOREVER! let’s end this mediocrity already!

  7. Well I have already made it this far, it would seem pretty stupid to not see what the final reveal is about after buying EVERY other issue of this arc.  I didn’t think it was all that bad though, but I’m a Batman fan to the end.

  8. TONY DANIEL is BlackMask

  9. Newsarama has an article that sights Daniel as the regular writer/ artist…so for the first time in 100 issues I’m considering maybe dropping this…and I read through war games! And that was awful, but this is just bottom of the barrel. The story is trying to be Grant Morrison without actually having the talent, and the art is like a low rent Jim Lee. Daniel is one of those writer/ artists who should just be ‘artist’ because he’s a terrible writer. He’s not Darwyn Cooke or Matt Wagner or even Todd McFarlane.

  10. I wonder why this isn’t Morrison’s reveal to show?

  11. @mikeanddzod21: I totally agree with you. This run doesn’t seem to end. I’m definitely dropping this till DC actually puts a writer on this book.

  12. i thought the previous issue of this arc was surprisingly good, hoping for a decent conclusion

  13. I don’t think Daniels is that bad of a writer, but I like his art better.  He’s an okay fill in writer, but I hope he isn’t around permanently.

  14. the last 2 pages of the story was badass.

  15. This was one of the better issues of the arc, but I have to say that I had the mystery figured out by the bottom of the first page.  And for anyone curious, this story’s (more than likely) getting picked up in May’s Detective.

  16. What an anti-climax. The Catgirl thing is just ridiculous and unnecassary, the reveal was weak (not that I cared to begin with) the story telling was still clunky as hell and I never had a clear sense of geography. I would give this entire arc a D. The only redeeming quality of this was the last two pages…except we’ve had Dick as Batman for almost a year now so that revelation isn’t even all the grand. Ugh this was a waste.

  17. Way too much going on in this issue/arc for the reveal to have any impact (on me) because the whole issue (like most of the run) I was trying to remember who was who & what was going on. Great art though.

  18. Wade thats why Dcshould have a recap page. Or y’know reread this issues. I loved this issue and Daniel has blown me away with his Batman stuff. I didn’t like BOTC but Tony has more then redeemed himself.

  19. I jumped into this series with the last issue and I thought this one was pretty good.  I’m still mixed on the whole Catgirl reveal, but I guess we’ll see what happens.

  20. I was impressed with this issue.  All the things I said about Daniel’s Grayson Batman being no different than the Wayne Batman was all leftout of this issue; it did seem to be Grayson in the costume, and not just because of his moves.  Very impressed with the change.  Sets the stage on one page of all to be coming in the future, but I agree with OwlyFan that I’m still on the fence for the new sidekick.

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