Comic Books


One dark, tragic night, The Joker shattered the life of Barbara Gordon in the landmark story BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE.

In this issue, see a side of that story that has never before been told, as BATGIRL faces the demons of her past! And if that’s not enough, a deadly new gentleman killer, Grotesque, stalks the streets of Gotham City!

Written by Gail Simone
Pencilled by Alitha Martinez & Ardian Syaf
Inked by Vicente Cifuentes
Lettered by David L. Sharpe
Colored by Vicente Cifuentes, & Ulises Arreola Palomera
Cover by Ardian Syaf
Cover Color by Ulises Arreola Palomera

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


rocket_avenger03/18/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.6
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  1. uh oh, RET-CON alert!

  2. I am giving this title one last shot. I’ve held on for all the issues so far, but my interest has been slowly going downhill. If this issue doesn’t capture me, it’s getting dropped from my pull list.

    • I kinda feel the same way. There are a few new 52 books that are right on the edge of being cut, and this is one of them. I loved Secret Six, so I know Gail can do some great stuff, but this book has just been decent so far.

    • Dropped from my pull list as of last issue. I’ll pick up future issues if it looks interesting, but the art has been going down hill, and Gail really isn’t impressing me on this title. I think she’s possibly overwriting it. Also, I prefer a confident Barbara Gordon to the silly twit currently in the Batgirl costume. She’s no Barbara Gordon I’ve ever read about — though she does seem a bit like the one in the Batman Animated Adventures — when she was just starting out.

  3. Oh boy…

  4. Can’t wait easily one of the top 10 books of the 52.

  5. I am REALLY getting tired of all the new, dime a dozen, forgettable DC villains.

  6. I want to know what this new Gail Simone did with the woman that wrote Secret Six, because they clearly aren’t the same person. Secret Six was original and unforgettable. With Batgirl, every issue feels like filler, and this seemingly endless stream of generic one-dimensional disposable baddies isn’t helping. I’ll continue to pick this up out of respect of the memory of Secret Six but it better get into gear soon.

  7. This has been a real treat in my opinion, the artwork has been consistently good and the story arc has been well drafted. I look forward to Babs every month and have been satisfied. I wanna see some new villans in this title and can’t wait.


  8. Has every solicit mentioned the Killing Joke, it seems like it.

  9. Dropped, as of last issue.

  10. really was a great issue, this series never disappoints 🙂

  11. This was definitely the best issue of the last several. Pretty interesting cliffhanger there at the end. I might have just been suckered into keeping this for the time being.

  12. Did anyone else notice how the female penciller Alitha Martinez didn’t get credit on the cover? Considering Gail Simone’s (rightful) stance about female creators I have to wonder what DC was thinking by slighting the other female creator on Gail’s book.

    DC will likely say she only did 8 pages of the pencils so she doesn’t deserve her name on the cover, but I wholly disagree.

  13. Thi issue was close to the top of the list this week and would have been if not for the continuous whinning from Babs about poor me poor me. I am glad Dinah gave her a good smack across the face, I hope as it seems wakes her ass up and stops being a little bitch. Otherwise; this was a 4.5 with the new villian and the artwork was very good again.


  14. I really dont like syaf. Is a new artist coming on permantly for this title? This was probably my favorite issue so far even though I only gave it a 3/5.

  15. Batgirl #7 can be summarized in three words: Barbara-Freaking-Gordon!

    Please check my mini-review here:

    Comments and feedback are always welcome!

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