Comic Books
Story by Kieron GillenArt by Gabriel Walta
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
11/09/12 | Yes | Read Review | |
blkassassin106 | 11/07/12 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.7
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This has been a surprisingly good series. I’ll miss Gillen’s run on Uncanny X-Men.
This was actually pretty good! AvX was uneven & plodding at times, but looking back, I’m glad it happened. We’ve got some cool stuff rising from the ashes of the train-wreck. 🙂
I can’t believe I’m not only still buying this, but enjoying it as well. Who’da thunk it.
Better Than AvX. Maybe next time they can have one person write the cross over.
Absolutely agree. You’d think Marvel would understand the power a unified vision can give to a comic instead of trying to sell everything to everyone by putting every creator they have on an event title.
I thought this was surprisingly well done; and I’ve been yearning for a whole issue of Mark Brooks since he started doing the Legacy covers.
Since JIM became the best “tie-in” to Fear Itself, Gillen has proven himself to be the master of handling event tie ins.
Heck, I still maintain the JIM’s Fear Itself issues WERE the event!
Man issue 4 was full of hype for me.. Ready to the read this and see where all this goes for marvel now.
Looking at the art on this issue and it reminds of the cartoon “8th Man” from when I was a kid.
Has anybody else had trouble with their free digital copy? I tried to redeem my code, but it comes up with Avengers Vs. X-Men: Versus #5.
My download was okay for this, but when I tried Daredevil:End of Days I end up with Road to Oz…how random
Better than AvX, hands down.
I was thinking the same thing. This was just great.
Awesome issue, the transformation of Cyclops is complete and it makes complete sense. I think Scott may be the most fully realized character is superhero comics right now. I love what he said to Wolverine about their respective roles now. I wish Kieron could continue to write Scott.
I have to agree… I always hated cyclopes and felt he was a lame character, but this really really shows a deeper, darker growth of a character who is needed in the new world after Professor X
I didn’t like Gillen’s run on Uncanny and I didn’t fully enjoy AvX…but this tie-in has been GREAT! Really interested to see what Scott, Erik and Illyana get up to! And I hope it’s not just that they’re “villains.”
The only good thing to come out of avx and sets up Bendis and bachalo’s uncanny x-men perfectly.
Wow, a tie in that finally does it’s job: getting me interested in buying more stuff
Haha, yeah! I almost wish this had been branded as a prelude to Marvel Now rather than an epilogue to AVX.
I really enjoyed the 1st 4 issues of this series. I loved that they were dealing with such big, philosophical questions. However, I was completely let down with this issue. I thought the art was second rate and I’m afraid that Cyclops is coming across more as delusional than as a leader of a movement. Oh and one more thing….can anyone tell me what the story was that turned Magneto from a charismatic, revolutionary leader to a second banana “yes” man? I’m really upset about the weakening of this character over the last few years. It makes no sense.
I believe there was an issue of uncanny… around 500 I think… where magneto came to utopia and bent the knee to cyclops. I don’t recall if his rationale for this was ever really spelled out, but in general, with no new mutants being born, magneto apparently saw the flaws in his previous worldview. I have a feeling the “yes man” you’re seeing might have another change of heart.
Ok, im new to reading comics so Im just learning who the writers and artists are. And thanks to this issue, I will from now on avoid anything that Walta does. The artwork was horrible! Otherwise, the story has gotten me interested in other Marvel titles and i must now make eliminations again on my pull list to make room for new titles.