Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.1%


DApatsy05/21/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.4
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  1. why am i still pulling this book, oh yea i keep hoping it will get better….its not the first time i’ve been disappointed 

  2. JoeNY, what is it about the book you don’t like? I am really enjoying this book. I think it’s a nice throwback, kinda old-school title. I think it’s probably the most under-rated book marvel is publishing right now, and one that I usually really look forward to each month.

  3. I liked the first arc but KIA I didnt like that much I hope this is better for me.

  4. I liked the book a lot but Steve Uy is really a step back in the art department for me. His last issue was really well written but his art fell short for me.

  5. @rift1128—I agree with you. Is he the fill in artist for Stefano Caselli (the regular artist who I like).

    This series has been solid for me and a lot of fun. If you’re not enjoying the book, you should probably drop it. 

  6. Taskmaster: We are going to need more jars

    Can’t wait for this book 

  7. I really am enjoying this book, and more Taskmaster is never a bad thing. 

  8. Has this book been good lately? I dropped it around issue 5, but with all the Skrull biz goin on, I’ve been hungry for MORE crossover titles if you can believe that. (I’ve completely changed my tune on events, I’ve accepted them…)


  9. The book and its characters just dont have any relevance in the marvel world, they exist on an island. I loved the idea of this 50 state initiative, but i just feel its been handled poorly, i mean i dropped The Order after the 3rd issue. I am going to stay with this book and hope that Secret Invasion gives it a boost, i still think they can turn it around we’ll see.

  10. JoeNY, I can see how you feel the book "exists on an island." The thing is, that’s one of the things that I like about the book. I love that the only thing i need to read to fully enjoy the book is just the one title. I originally picked it up because of the Civil War stuff and I thought the concept was interesting, but i stayed on because i really loved the writing. The art I like, but don’t love. However, I really enjoy Dan Slott’s writing. This title isn’t the most earth shattering book out there. It’s not the kind of thing that i read and put down and go "DAmn, that was brilliant!" however, i find it to be just a flat out fun read every month. But I definitely see your point and it’s a very valid opinion.

  11. i dont know why i keep getting this book but i do

  12. I, for whatever reason, still like this book, and really look forward to it every time it comes out. I think it may be because I’ve since taken to kinda tuning out and having fun with the book (I don’t hold it to the same standards as, for example, Green Lantern and Cap) and I just kinda like the idea of teen superheroes having issues in boot camp. Plus, I think new people are coming in soon (given the title of the arc, that is) so that should be interesting

  13. I disagree about this book not having any relevance. Other than New and Mighty Avengers, it’s probably the most relevant book out there.  It’s heavily steeped in every facet of the Marvel Universe, and is the one true by product of the last major Marvel event.  And I think it’s only going to become more important as the recruits start heading out to other teams.  This might be the best book Marvel is putting out right now.

  14. Ok im back on the book I don’t know why but the last few pages make me want to pick up another.

  15. This book sucks.  dropped.  I never read New Warriors, so I don’t ‘get’ this book.

  16. I don’t think alot of people have read New Warriors and still get this book. It’s got fresh new characters, and Slott is doing a fantastic job writing it into the Marvel U while keeping it independent from most other books. Plus, now it’s going to be a part of SI, so it’ll probably gain some more importance and/or readers.

  17. Man was this issue disappointing! The story was ok but Steve Uy is not good at all. The characters looked distorted and the feelings werent shown through the art at all!

  18. I thought the story was pretty good. I was an interesting bookend to the very first issue. The series opened in #1 with Cloud 9 flying around just for the sheer joy of it. This issue ends with Cloud 9 flying, but the joy is gone. This is now her "job." It was an interesting transformation she took while going through the boot camp.


    As for the art, while I thought the penciling was ok (not great, not bad, just ok) I HATED the coloring. It is this style of coloring that has come along in the last few years (I first noticed it on Deadpool) that just makes everything very flat and almost look more like a screen shot from a cheap cartoon then an actual comic book.


    I never read new Warriors, but I love this book.  

  19. I read New Warriors.


     I guess I can see both sides on this one… but I really enjoy this book. It keeps on schedule, decent art, and enjoyable. But it is in a little island too. Doesn’t bug me that much though. It did seem more relevant after Civli War, and now I am wondering where they are going to go with things.


    The last arc was so-s0 

  20. This book isn’t about the NW, though. So I don’t understand why someone would be turned off by their appearances in this title. They aren’t even the NW here. Makes no sense to me. 

     Another fantastic issue, and it would have been even better if Caselli was doing the art.  The interaction between Iron Man and Gyrich was priceless, especially when Sally Floyd reminded Gyrich that he had no family.  Hilarious stuff.  I’m happy to see Triathlon finally getting a bit more respect in this book now. He’s a former Avenger and should be taken seriously. I’m not so fond of his new costume, but I’m glad he’s taking on the mantle of the 3-D man officially.  Speaking of costumes, ALL the new graduates costumes are hideous. Especially Cloud 9’s.

  21. I’m dropping this book.  I really loved the first few issues but it has been in a slow decent for quite a while.  This issue was just awful, the writing, the art, it just had no redeeming qualities.  If it ever returns to what it was in the first few issues then I will think about picking it up again.

  22. Good grief, Steve Uy’s are is horrible!


    I really enjoy this book but the art this week was shocking – everyone looked like they had mumps and little spindly arms!

  23. "Steve Uy’s are is horrible!" I ment to write art, apparently my typing is as bad as Uy’s pencils.

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