Determined to keep the tradition alive, founding Avenger Hank Pym leads a core team of veteran heroes in creating a place where the next generation of Earth’s Mightiest can be trained by the greatest of those who preceded them. An institution where everyone who has ever been an Avenger can share their skill, knowledge and experience. The future is in their hands…and in the hands of the six young superhumans chosen to make up the inaugural class. But who are they? And what dark secret will turn their world–and potentially the entire Marvel Universe–upside down by the end of the issue? If you think this is just another teen hero book…the last page shocker will prove you wrong! Writer Christos Gage (AVENGERS: THE INITIATIVE) and superstar artist Mike McKone (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) unite to bring you a bold new era of greatness!

WRITER: Christos Gage
PENCILS: Mike Mckone
COVER BY: Mike Mckone

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 4.2%


tomdpimp06/09/10YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
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  1. this is the avengers book im least careing about

  2. I’ll give it a shot.  Hell, all the other Avengers books have been winners and I love Gage, so I’m in for a t least a few issues.

  3. Speaking of Gage, Area 10 rules

  4. I love teen heroes, but just not interested.  In fact, I’d probably be more interested if it weren’t another Avengers book.

  5. "If you think this is just another teen hero book…the last page shocker will prove you wrong!"

     Last page: An adult shows up!!!

  6. Just curious if the people who aren’t interested in this read The Initiative? It might change your mind. The Initiative had the most consistent quality at Marvel over the last 2 years.

  7. I’m buying this on the strength of The initiative. It is the only Avengers comic I’m buying in issue cuz I want to support and see this title grow.

  8. I pulled this, but honestly I think I may just check out this issue and not come back. I have little to no interest in the book. I liked Initiative well enough, but it was too hit-or-miss for my tastes. It had a really solid tie-in to Secret Invasion but I jumped off soon after since one of my fave characters was killed and the other floated into semi-obscurity.

  9. I was pretty skeptical of this book, but listening to McKone and Gage talk it up at Heroes Con, I’m willing to give the series a try.

  10. based off of The Initiative, the best selling point I can give this book is that Gage finds ways to do almost whatever he wants.  generally, it’s a long haul kind of thing though.  this first issue may not hit hard on its own.

  11. I’m no designer, but I’m really not diggin’ that logo for the series.  The shared "A" and the fact that Avengers is slanted, while Academy isn’t is really buggin’ me.

  12. I have loved Gage’s work so far, and I am very happy with the Heroic Age stuff so far.  This book will make it if the characters are compelling.  It’s hard to break into a world were we already have a ton of cool characters.  It has got to be tough to come up with new powers that don’t seem like a rip-off of someone else.

  13. I felt, for me of course, that Initiative was mediocre.  But since I’ve allowed myself to be captured up in this enrapture of Avengers books, why the hell not try this one?

  14. "I’m no designer, but I’m really not diggin’ that logo for the series.  The shared "A" and the fact that Avengers is slanted, while Academy isn’t is really buggin’ me."

    I think its mostly because the logo has to compete with that amazing Heroic Age banner above it.   Any logo is naturally going to pale in comparison to that.

  15. Eh, not really sure if I want to buy this issue by issue. I think I might just get it in trade. The same with Young Allies.

  16. The dinosaur guy is on The Super Hero Squad.

  17. Isn’t just basically Avengers: The Initiative vol. 2? I kinda liked that series. I’ll give the first arc a chance at least.

  18. I’m on to find out the shocking reveal and the McKone art.  Then…we’ll see.

  19. I recently read the first 2 trades of Initiative and kicked myself for not jumping on that book quicker.

    So I’m in for this. I love McKone’s art. I think Gage is a solid writer, and the concept interests me. The only other Avenger book I’m getting in Secret, and I think the tone is different enough that I can enjoy both.

    Plus the preview looked awesome.

  20. I’m giving this ab arc, I’m not that interested, but I feel like it may just surprise a lot of people

  21. This Heroic Age reboot of the Avenger titles has, so far, really disappointed me. If the trend continues I might have to take the 4 titles off my pull-list. How is Spiderman these days?

  22. @JesseG

    Honestly, I was Spider-man’s biggest fan, I’ve been collecting for the last 12 years, never missed an issue, but it has been so slow lately I’ve dropped it. Heart breaking. It’s four times a month, but the stories are dragged out to fill that many issues. I also don’t think the writing by commity is working very well. Too many cooks. I think they need a show runner or something. Plus it’s slowly becoming a 3.99 book.

    Just my opinion though, the Ifanboys seem to love Amazing these days.

  23. So this crosses over with Thunderbolts in issue 3 and 4?  I was going to give it a try.  Now I don’t know.

  24. Actually I’m gonna wait on this one. Gage’s Marvel stuff hasn’t blown me away. His other stuff like GI Joe Cobra and Area 10 is fantastic though.

  25. @magnum240

    I was a little dissappointed by that news too. Not buying Thunderbolts. Gage said you can read 3 & 4 without reading the Thunderbolts.

  26. This is the first I’m hearing about the cross over and that is a bummer. I don’t know if I liked that, I got burned last time. I was really enjoying Dark Avengers and hated the X-men crossover.

  27. Not a bad start but could have been a lot better. As for the team being made up of potential ticking time bombs, I’m really buying it. I mean the guy that can turn into a dinosaur is very dangerous? Give me a break.

  28. I really enjoyed this, veil was really well written and stole the show for me.

  29. Veil was a good character so is Hazmat until Wolverine comes and kills her after having a short chat while drinking a Coors Light… wait, that was Ultimate X-Men 41.  Oops.

    Kidding aside, I liked the book, I liked the characterizations but I think the Dinosaur guy is super lame. 

  30. I’m gonna stay through this first arc.  I’m actually more interested in the "teachers" than the students.  Justice, Tigra, and Pym are underestimated in my opinion. 

  31. I’m not sure if these kids appeared before in Initiative, but I thought that this issue did a great job in introducing us to this new team, and I enjoyed how everyone bounced off each other. As for the art, it wasn’t bad, but it was on that serviceable level.

  32. Reptil, you are no Stegron the Dinosaur Man. 

  33. The art on this book is AWESOME. Probably the best art this week. McKone is Jesus!

  34. I really liked Avengers: The Initiative, and I always love these team-building issues.  The characters seem interesting, and the concept is neat.  I’m on for a while.

  35. Pretty neat set up with some cool characters, but talk about an info-dumping issue! And yet, nowhere is that laborous pile of dialogue boxes did anybody care to explain how this Academy started up! Ah well, seems like a good time. I’m in for a while.

    OH, and for some reason, McKone drives me nuts! Everyone has creepy porcelin doll face!

  36. I have to admit, I got about 10-pages in and just decided to set the book down. It wasn’t bad, no I can’t say that, I just really wasn’t interested in what the book was giving me. Which is sad because I’ve loved McKone’s work since Exiles and Teen Titans.

  37. The students all came across obnoxious and flat, but it was the best heroic age avenger title for me so far and I will continue to read it for the time being. I can’t ever remember reading any McKone stuff before, but I was impressed. 

  38. I enjoyed the writing, loved the art, I don’t see the big twist reveal as being a big twist reveal, it was just interesting though.



    The twist is kids can be good, or the can be evil. Shocking.

  39. Hm, too bad not everyone loved it as much as I did. Of all the new Avengers titles this is the one that grabbed me the most. Interesting characters, clear concept, I’m sold.

  40. @Zeppo: I think that is where this book will lead.  Eventually half of the characters will go bad and the other will stop them and elevate themselves. Anyone want to take bets now on who will be good/bad.  I say that Stryker and Finesse will go bad and Veil and Mettle will be heroes. Hazmat and Reptile I see as "on the fence". I would think Reptile will stay a hero and maybe Hazmat go the villain route.

    I really like this so far. It was a pretty good set up issue but I think too much of the focus was on Veil. I hope other characters get more focus throughout the book. I expect to see Taskmaster make a guest appearance as an instructor at some point because His powers are similar to Finesse’s.

  41. Totally Taskmaster Jr.

    This was good but not as good of a first issue as I was hoping it would be.

    I like the foundation that has been put down and expect this series to only get better and better.

  42. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this issue.

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