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DoctorColossus12/25/08NoRead Review
akamuu12/24/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.7
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  1. Its brilliant how both parts of this crossover will be out on the same day. I’m jumping on with this issue, after having read the first trade and having read Invincible for several months now, so this should be a lot of good fun.

  2. I was ready to drop Astounding until last issue, which was great…here’s hoping the best for the crossover!

  3. i may drop it. I think this series reads beter in trades than single issues. The singles are slow moving

  4. Ohh I hope my store gets this, for Invincible I have to put it on my pull list because they run out so heres me hoping there is atleast one issue left for me or I have to take a trip into the city. (Not of christmas eve of course)

  5. i guess i can pick this up for an issue..too bad itll be a week or two until i can read it

  6. Normally I would steer clear of crossovers. It seems more often than not that different creative teams on different books are never exactly on the same page, so the resulting story is rarely a cohesive whole. But since Kirkman is writing both books, my fears are assuaged.

  7. I have been on the fence with this book – i would hold out a little longer because it is Kirkman

  8. Still not sure if I’m actually gonna pick this up. Never read Wolf-Man.  I would just feel stupid only having part 1 of a story.  Kirkman boosting the sales on one of his lesser selling titles is fairly clever though.  It’s a very Marvel and DC move.  I thought he was anti-Marvel and DC.  Guess not anti enough to not use their business tactics.

  9. I liked the way this cross over worked. It was cool getting two parts of a story on the same week, and both issues seemed easy enough to understand for those who weren’t familiar with one or the other of the books.

  10. I am not crazy about the cover art on this issue, Wolf-man looks too cat like and invincible’s proportions seems off.  I am hoping it is just a blip though since I have really like the covers and art in general up until now.

  11. @Anson17 – He’s not anti-Marvel and DC and he never said he was.

  12. I liked this.  This crossover was very much a Wolf-Man story…but it was probably the best Wolf-Man story I have read to date.  I’m finally getting sold on Wolf-Man as a character.  Good times.

  13. Yeah I gotta say I was not impressed.  I love both the books but would rather have had a AWM story.  I have been thinking about dropping this book and this issue didnt do anything to stop me… we’ll see

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