Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%


Zeppo09/10/09NoRead Review
akamuu09/10/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
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  1. ok thats a great solicit and an awesome cover

  2. I thought Black Cat was still a few weeks away?

     I do like the cover though, wonder if there’s any change of getting Leinil Yu on for a short story arc in the future. You listening Steve Wacker…though I hear Yu is doing the 2nd arc on Ultimate Comics Avengers.


  3. I love this book. A lot of people complain about Brand New Day. But it gave us these new Spidey books, so I’m happy with it.

  4. New Spidey books?  As opposed to what?  They’re all new! 🙂

    The recent issues have all read as stand alone stories.  Nice.

  5. I disagree.

  6. I’ll flip through this at the shop before I decide to get it.  I just haven’t been enjoying this arc as much as I wanted to.

  7. What a peculiar solicitation.

  8. I’m sold.  ASM has been nearly perfect since 24/7 …

  9. Yes! I got a mention in the solicits, bout time. I started reading spidey at the start of BND so I’m nervous about stretch of arcs due to the bringing back old characters and clones that i have no history with, but this book has been consistently good so fingers crossed.

  10. @robbydzwonar- I agree it’s been great, but American Son was one of the worst runs on Amazing in recent memory.  The art was all over the place.  True that rarely happens.  Though since issue #600, admittedly it’s been great and doesn’t look to stop for at least several months minimum.

  11. @KickAss: American Son ended terribly, but it was alright building up.  I just can’t believe that Harry wasn’t really looking at Peter Parker at the end.  That’s bullshit.  Harry knows and has known longer than Commisioner Gordon has probably known Bruce Wayne was the original Batman.  Shit, I bet Perry White knows Clark Kent is Superman too.  I mean if you had Superman AND his wife under your employ, would you really want to reveal his identity and have him risk leaving for the competitor?

  12. wow…i want Yu to do an arc!

  13. @KickAss & robbydzwonar
    I disagree, I thought ‘American Son’ was awesome.

    The solicitation being wrong made it stand out as being even more ridiculous sounding than it already did.

  14. This arc has been solid, and this issue was no different. 3/5.

  15. I think this was the first issue that didn’t disappoint me since about #597.  Just when it gets put on the chopping block, it bumps up the quality.

  16. I loved this entire thing. this felt like old school spidey mixed with the new status quo and mixed well. loved the stuff with MJ and surprise relationship peter is now in

  17. The ending with Pete and Michelle was classic.  This book has been hitting it out of the park for me

  18. Fantastic issue!  I’ve been loving this title for a long time and this issue was classic Spidey.  I love how no matter how bad things get for Spider-Man it’s good to know it’ll always be worse for Peter!  Seriously, how crazy is that chick?  Looks like good stuff ahead.

  19. Wait…was Black Cat in this?

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