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Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.5%
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elcapitanqwerty | 11/05/08 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.5
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For a part 3 of a big event, this certainly doesnt sound nessicary to pick up.
After last week’s debacle of Superman, no way am I picking up two straight issues penned by Robinson. This is skippable in my eyes.
This is technically skippable, but I thought the Jimmy Olsen Special kicked all kinds of ass, and this picks up on those story lines, so I’m really excited about it.
The Jimmy Olsen issue was great. No reason to think this won’t be just as good.
Not sure if I’m getting this or not. I really didn’t like the last Superman issue too much, and if this isn’t essential I probably won’t pick it up.
It may not be essential, but I’m still picking it up.
@Ruo21 The Jimmy Olsen special was a lot different than that superman issue. I’m guessing this will be too.
The Jimmy Olsen one shot was spectacular. I expect more of the same from this. Besides, the latest Superman wasn’t all that bad and this New Krypton story arc is really fun. I’m pulling it!
i’m excited about this. From the little of the guardian that we saw in the olson speacial, he was pretty awesome.
i do enjoy the guardian.
and numbered order in a crossover, the return of the side cast at the daily planet, now the guradian…all we need are bibbo and gangbuster, and it really is a full-fledged return of the late 80s/early 90s superman of my childhood!
@tehdave: gangbuster returned in the first act of trinity.
Ah, what the hell. It’s a light week so I guess I’ll pick up this as well and see if the Jimmy Olsen Special is still around too.
I think I’ll skip this unless the iFanbase makes it sound unskippable (new word?). I don’t like how DC is releasing these specials that contain major story. First the Jimmy Olsen Special gave us answers to Atlas (so they say, I didn’t read it) that should have been answered in the main Superman book & now New Krypton is not only "forcing" us to buy Supergirl, but this book too? It’s already crossing over into three books, I dunno why they need to release a "special" … oh wait, yes I do … Cha-ching! $$$
I am extremely concerned that this is going to suck and/or blow. I have not read the "classic" Robinson stuff (and was pretty turned off by the way he treated Josh). I may never read it if his recent supes work is even remotely representative of his skill set. Johns’s Action Comics stuff absolutely obliterates (in my opinion) what Robinson is doing.
Not my cup of tea. Then again I don’t know anything about this character. Thats what I get for getting a tie-in special though, I should have known!
I would have grabbed this one if I got paid this week just because I like to have complete story arc so it’s easier to unload them on Ebay when I’m done reading it as many times as I need to and feel as if I sketched everything that was fun. Unfortunately, I only get a unemployment check every OTHER week so I doubt that this will still be on my In Demand List next week.
I never was a big Guardian fan, not even in the 1990s when he was protecting Metropolis before Superman came back to life with long hair. That’s the same guy, right? Yeah, I’m more of a Batman fan anyway but I still consider Superman to be my second favorite so it wouldn’t surprise anybody if I bought some of his magazines from time to time…
End word: New Krypton seems like a fun arc but I think that this has as much to do with New Krypton as Heart of Hush has to do with the other RIP stories…
@Stuclach — You said — " I have not read the "classic" Robinson stuff. I may never read it if his recent supes work is even remotely representative of his skill set. Johns’s Action Comics stuff absolutely obliterates (in my opinion) what Robinson is doing." — It’s like you’re reading my mind, man. How did he treat Josh, though? I musta missed that one …
@WadeWilson – There is a video episode where Josh interviews him and he will not maintain eye contact with Josh. He seems like he is trying to escape the entire time. It is very odd and offputting (He keeps staring at the damn wall). Josh is (it appears) a very big fan of his work, so Robinson treating him like that felt (to me at least) like a slap to the face of the entire comic fanbase. It may be that he is simply an odd bird that treats everyone like that, but I seem to recall seeing him give other interviews and behaving in a more traditional fashion (I am sorry, but I can’t recall where I saw the other interview(s).
Here is the interview:
If I misinterpreted his behavior then I apologize, I am simply giving my impression. Hopefully, that behavior isn’t coloring my opinion of his current work (including this issue), but I am sure it is on a subconscious level.
I don’t know if anybody noticed this, but thing the Guardian sees in a jar in the beginning is a Legionnaire. Curiouser and curiouser.
This was awesome.
The appearance of one of my favorite Legionnaires, TELLUS, was cause for me to gasp. Totally unexpected and so f-ing awesome!