Article Archive

REVIEW: Batman #7

Your whole understanding of Gotham is about to change. Watch the birdie.

REVIEW: The Zen Of Steve Jobs

Read different.


On the fourth day, the Stranger killed another.

MOVIE REVIEW: ‘John Carter’

Before Star Wars. Before the moon landing. Before Superman. Edgar Rice Burroughs took us to Mars.

REVIEW: The Manhattan Projects #1

The science of sibling rivalry

ADVANCE REVIEW: SAGA #1 (Spoiler Free)

IN STORES NEXT WEEK! Celebrating the return of BKV to comics with one of the most anticipated series of 2012.

DVD Review: ‘Justice League: Doom’

Batman almost gets everyone killed again, and still comes out looking like the smartest man in the room.

MOVIE REVIEW: ‘Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance’

If you’re revved up for tongue-in-cheek absurdity, expect trauma, not Troma. Maybe a few Red Hot moments, but not a single red jellybean to be had.

Review: BATMAN #6

You know who loves observing Batman’s murder in a subterranean operating theater? …RICH PEOPLE!

REVIEW: Fantastic Four: Season One

The first adventure of the Fantastic Four! Again!