Article Archive

Disney’s Secret Plan To Destroy Comics And This Article

What is the Mouse hiding? What isn’t it hiding? If you read only one gift shop-related article this year, this one should be in the running!


Sometimes, even Superman needs his mother.

Comic Book Casting: SAGA Live-Action Movie

Romance … with ray guns!

Kneel Before MTV Movie Awards Teasers for ‘Iron Man 3’ & ‘Man of Steel’

Have you seen my lost Kryptonian?

‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ – S02E10 – “The Man Wolf”

Bang! Zoom!

The Best of the Week in Panels – 04.10.2013

They come from Thor: God of Thunder #7, The Rocketeer: Hollywood Horror #3, Uncanny Avengers #6, Batman: Li’l Gotham #1, Hawkeye #9, Saga #12, Avengers Arena #7, Star Wars #4, Batman #19, & Uncanny X-Men #4!

Ryan Kelly Joins Brian Wood For Next Arc of STAR WARS

The Force is strong in this one.

Kids and Comics: Passing Down a Family Tradition

So you want your kid to like comics as much as you do? There’s hope. With the right bait, you just might hook ’em.

Weekly Sketch Up – 04.12.2013

I wonder where a guy, an everyday Joe like myself, can find a little *art*!

The Best of the Week in Covers – 04.10.2013

And Titus laughed to see such sport…