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Happy Thanksgiving from iFanboy (and Our Favorite Comic Creators)

To celebrate Thanksgiving, iFanboy asked some of our favorite comic creators what they’re thankful for, including Ben Templesmith, Mark Waid, Matt Fraction, Jimmy Palmiotti, and many more.

Interview with Laura Allred

The colorist Laura Allred talks to Sonia about her diverse inspirations and many collaborations.

Simple Comics as Objects of Desire

Comics are the perfect antidote to debilitating illness. The ideal entertainment, all wrapped up in a handy package, built for reading in bed.

Top Ten Biggest Bad-Ass Moments for Women in Comics

The scariest, bravest, most intense, and outright craziest female comic characters at their worst/best.

Horror Comics are more fun than Horror Movies

Sonia loves comics about all sorts of disgusting things, but show her a scary movie and she’ll be hiding behind the couch.

Wild and horrible trips that I’ll never have to go on

Four great comics take Sonia to places she never imagined wanting to visit. From Palomar, to Edo period Japan, to the Amazon, and finally; Pyongyang.

Superhero Movies as an Excuse to Objectify Men

If only there were a job that a man could do which would FORCE him to look stunningly perfect, and STILL retain all of his brutish charm…

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra

The shared language of popular comics creates a secret language of metaphor, a verbal shorthand with which to easily express complex ideas.

Always judge a book by it’s cover, that’s what the cover’s for… right?

Judging books by their covers is a dodgy game of russian roulette. Luckily, there’s this place called iFanboy where people share their reviews.

Elektra: Assassin – This should be your favorite comic

When it came out, the art and story in this book was captivating, and it made Sonia want to instill fear and  battle evil… or maybe just kill people randomly.