Young Justice Preview is Something to be Thankful For

I know I ended a sentence with a preposition. I'm excited.

The one hour premiere of DC Animation's Young Justice is just one week away, and we can now enjoy a six minute preview courtesy of In those six minutes, we learn quite a bit. We meet several members of the very-large Justice League, including Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Arrow, and a Brawny paper towel man Aquaman, as well as a few members of Young Justice. Tons of action too, with an action sequence involving Mr. Freeze and a host of other frosty foes (SNART!).

And it looks GREAT!  

Young Justice premieres next Friday at 7pm EST on Cartoon Network. 


  1. That. Looks. Fan. Tastic.

  2. All right! This looks pretty cool. I’m glad to see DC finally putting Kon-El into other media.

  3. Verrrrrrrrrrry impressive.

  4. Looks very good

  5. Niiiiiiiice.

  6. Holy Fuck! A whole week…I dont know if I’ll make it. I’m shaking.

  7. there sure are a lot of ice themed villians in the DCU, but hey, any time I get to see Captain Cold is a win for me! Can’t wait to see this!

  8. Wow.  Looks great.  It’s nice to see Aqualad is going to be a badass as opposed to a lame-o.  Seems like they’re using the visual style from Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths.

  9. My gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh, I am amazed.

  10. wow. That actually looks pretty damn cool. And Guardian and Dubbilex in Cadmus with Superboy! Bad. Ass.

  11. Looks good.

    Never realized their was that many ice-centric villains in the DCU until now.

  12. It looks pretty sick can’t wait to see this. I hope this is as good as the Teen Titans show Cartoon Network use to have on.

  13. Looks BAD ASS! Cool seeing Dubbilex animated. 

  14. I hope this show has a long and happy life.  When shows like these get a lot of seasons the creators can start to venture into completely unexpected and utterly cool territory and this one just as so much potential.

  15. Wow that ending cuaght me by surprise, should be interesting.

  16. I love the fluid animation and liking all the character work. Can’t wait.

  17. This looks freakin SWEEEEET, so much better than I as expecting

  18. No love for Wondergirl?

  19. @jackietam – Just like in the comic the girls are going to join later.

  20. @jackietam

    She appears later in the season but won’t be joining the cast until Season 2.  From NYCC, the producers made it clear that there are no character embargos on this show, however, with respect to the Wonder Family, they didn’t confirm it until after the creative process had already taken shape.  Nonetheless, you will see Wonder Woman in the League and Wonder Girl eventually. 

  21. This looks very promising. Got it set to recored.

  22. overall this looks badass.

    The acrhitecture and tech drawing and design is really- really good.


    I just hope the ice villian "theme" makes more sense in the full episode.

  23. This looks absolutely sick.  Animation seems more crisp, even more so than JLU.  My Friday night is set.

  24. Hell to the yeah!

  25. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

  26. Oh my god. That looks so cool. I can’t wait.

  27. Wait, aqualad has electrical powers?

  28. I’m psyched for this… but I don’t want to watch the clip because I want to go in fresh next week.

    Still… between this and AVENGERS it’s a good time to be a comic book animation fan!

  29. psyched… glad to see hal jordan in there i never got why most of the animated stuff stuck with John

  30. @ed209AF

    Maybe they thought they should have at least one non-white character in the show…?

  31. I HOPE we’re not doing quota for quota’s sake. I think they just want to sell a new character.

     I haven’t read the new Aqualad in Brightest day (yet) but it looks like he has quite the powerset.

     I wonder if all the ice-based villains all banded together, it’s just a BIG coincidence, or something sinister. 

    What else am I gonna say. Oh, it LOOKS GREAT, really going out on a limb there! 

  32. Anime-inspired.  Looks great.  I want to see the Peter David "Secret" episode so badly…

  33. That looks amazing! Is this Timm -verse?


  34. @Glass – New continuity. 

  35. My 3.5 year old son saw a preview commercial for this during Batman: The Brave and the Bold from last night and instantly started telling me he wanted to see it.  He wasn’t the only one in the house who wanted to see it.

  36. After hearing Weisman and Viette talk about this at NYCC, I’m really excited for this show. It’s a brand-new universe for new fans to join in on, but it’s also set on Earth-16 for fans of continuity and the multiverse. Also, the practical approach to everything that they’re taking (Justice League being too popular, needing a team of sidekicks to work under the radar, villains starting to join forces (Weisman said that there being all ice villains in that opening is "very important.")) really excites me as both a fan of DC and a fan of good stories.

    And as good as Avengers is (and it’s GREAT), I bet Marvel’s still kicking themselves at canning Spectacular Spider-Man and letting Weisman go to the competition…

  37. The animation-style has put me off Avengers completely. Really looking forward to this though.

  38. God yes. My favorite series of all time given the cartoon treatment (even if in name only), totally killer animation, awesome premise and characters… is it friday yet?

  39. So… no girls on the team? At all? That’s weird. Guess we’ll have to wait for Wonder Girl.

  40. @Anson17: Miss Martian will be joining the team.

  41. @Anson17: And Artemis.

  42. i don’t get why they even mention Speedy.  It look like he is not on the team (and why would a team need two archors if he is). A he was never on the team ( yes i know that aqualad or miss martian was never on the team either) and if we have Artemis as their archor/grean arrow sidekick then why.  look i like Roy and all.  oh well we’ll wait and see

  43. @DTBrown72, without giving you spoilers, definitely wait and see… you will be pleased.