You Decide Which Deadpool Series Gets Canceled… Wait, What?

This is, apparently, real.

Over on there is a poll that lets you, the lowly reader, get in on the decision to cancel one of Deadpool's comics. (Sadly, there is no choice for "all of them.") Here's what they say:

Deadpool has finally done it! The Merc With a Mouth is now in more monthly comics than the human mind can handle! To rectify that, we went straight to Mr. Wade Wilson himself and told him he has to choose one of his ongoing series for cancelation, either DEADPOOL CORPS or DEADPOOL TEAM-UP.

Alas, Deadpool can't make this decision alone: He needs your help!

Using the most advanced science Deadpool understands–online fan polls–we're going to decide which comic to keep and which to kill.

This is certainly one of the more bizarre things I've seen in a long time in an industry full of bizarre things. If you want to particpate in the poll, click on the above link and it'll take you there.

Can you imagine being one of the people working on this book? Sure, you are (hopefully) well aware of your book's status before its fate is placed in the hands of the masses, but still… that's got to be awkward. This whole thing is just… weird and uncomfortable.

Is this is the unofficial beginning of Marvel's "cut down the number of books we publish" strategy that they've been saying was on the way?


  1. i don’t read any deadpool. sucks for the creative team working on the book that gets the most votes.

  2. Where’s the "all of the above" choice?

  3. I agree that there are way too many Deadpool books but that’s really shitty to the people working on them.

  4. I know fans like to bitch about there being too many comics, but being a Spider-Man fan, if there were lots of SM comics, I’d be fine with that.  More good stuff to go around, wouldn’t have to buy them all anyway.  I Don’t get the hate for "Too many comics."

  5. Good grief. This is utterly ridiculous. I don’t like the character but they could at least treat his readers will a bit of respect.

  6. Does anyone read these? Which is the better book? Inform us!

  7. What if the book with the better sales gets cancelled? They both must be doing pretty bad I guess but still…

    MAYBE this doesn’t suck for the creative teams, maybe both books already got canned, but Marvel is giving one team a little longer on the shelf and letting the books fans decide what stays and what goes?!

  8. Did they offer vaseline to the people working on each book before throwing this idea out?

  9. They should do a 1-900-kill-your-partner hotline instead.

  10. Marvel Team Up is a rotating team each month, and Deadpool Corps is written by Gischler who also writes the Xmen book that is selling pretty damn well.

    I’m sure they already have something lined up for Michaels to work on. There are plenty of Cap and Thor books that need to be pumped out.

  11. One series (Corps) has Rob Liefeld covers, the other (Team-Up) has Humberto Ramos covers.  

    One series is written in Deadpool-based story arcs (Corps) while the other features a new story, setting, and non-Deadpool character each month (Team-Up).  

    One series has mostly been produced by one team, Gischler and Liefeld (Corps), while the other has been handled by a rotating cast of creators, including some very good ones like David Lapham, Jeff Parker, Steven Sanders, and Tom Fowler (Team-Up).

    I think the choice is clear. 

  12. I’d really like to hear what the creative teams for each book think. I dropped both books already myself so it really doesnt matter to me. Looks like I’m selling my vote to the highest bidder.

  13. Marvel finally topped their "Hey shop owners! Rip up your DC books and we’ll send you a variant no one wants" plan.

  14. Hear mrlogical. He has broken it down…logically…

  15. I would imagine the sales on these two picks are pretty similar. I think pretty much anyone who buys one buys the other. This sounds even dumber than that thing they did with Ultimate adventures owlboy or whatever it was vs Captain marvel. 

  16. This is really kind of tacky because jobs are risk because of this. This isn’t some silly kill Jason Todd stunt, this seems classless. Alas, it’s not the worst thing in the world.

    @slockhart Ha! Well played, sir. 

  17. How about this, you cancel both Deadpool books and give us back Nova and Gaurdians of the Galaxy?

  18. HAHA.  this is great.  I voted for Deadpool Corps.  the reasons mrlogical laid out occurred to me innately.

  19. and for those talking about the jobs at stake, the jobs of all these people depends on the readers anyway.  in this case, it’s just playing out differently.

  20. I voted to kill Deadpool Corps as well. I read them both, but I enjoy Team-Up a lot more.

  21. This is hilarious and disturbing at the same time. I’m not sure what Marvel is doing here but they should’ve thought about the creators on each series before deciding on this….

    You know what? I don’t pick up either series (Daniel Way’s Deadpool all the way baby!) but I’m gonna keep ‘Team Up’ alive. It seems like it has been on a roll of giving either lesser known artists/writers or independant creators to get a shot at the mainstream.

    I think Rob Liefeld and Victor Gischler needs to be brought down.

  22. Deadpool Corps needs to go,  At least with Deadpool team up we get comic relief from around the Marvel U.

  23. Seems like the wisest thing to do would be to cancel the book with the lowest sales.

  24. Actively taking food out of the mouths of creators on a book I haven’t read is distasteful.

    If they had to do this kind of thing it’d be better to leave it up to fans actually reading both books rather than to general public who may vote purely out of spite. 

  25. we’re talking about a line where the issue numbers on one book are counting backwards from #900. let’s say the sales of the book that gets canceled skyrocket over the next few months (and with the Feb. solicits out tomorrow, that book will go at least until then), Marvel doesn’t have to do anything.  there are no actual rules here.  they could just cancel both, because both books are probably already at that point.

  26. No option for all of them.  Deadpool is the new Wolverine in terms of new series.



  27. "Using the most advanced science Deadpool understands"

    I admit, I LOL’d. 

  28. I’d agree with all buy the Max line that I’ve heard good things about…. but I don’t read any of Deadpool as it is…

  29. I’ll let the real Deadpool fans decide which book dies. I’m going to predict that Deadpool Corps goes down.

  30. Get rid of both of them and make Deadpool MAX and Deadpool Pulp ongoing.

  31. @TNC: I’m sure they did consult with the creators.

  32. Maybe this is some sort of bluff to get people talking about both titles.

    I mean, that’s almost certainly not the case. But maybe…

  33. @spoons You damn right!

  34. Quit yer bitchin’ and vote for Deadpool Corps.

  35. Can we get them to reinstate a title that was choked out by Deadpool? Cuz that would be awesome.

  36. I read neither of these books, so I refuse to vote one way or the other.  And even if I did, I would still refuse because I’m not one to play with people’s livelihoods. 

  37. Is anyone getting flashbacks from the early 2000’s when they did that VOTE WHICH BOOK WILL GO ON thing and Marville was aroudn and boy that was bad.

  38. Can I choose all of them? Because that’s what I’m voting for. Who’s with me?! bah humbug unfun people is what you are. *grunts*

  39. Re: taking away peoples jobs

    Team-up has a rotating team, Gischler is writing X-men and Liefeld apparently has a movie deal for Youngblood in the works so he’ll be fine. So the taking away a job thing doesnt seem like that big of an issue

  40. Deadpool Corps is awful.  The story is awful and the art is awful.  I dropped it a while ago but I doubt it has picked up since then.


    Team-Up is actually a set of fairly fun one-shots. 

  41. Seriously, did everyone’s mothers make them read Deadpool comics while eating their broccoli? I can understand not enjoying a character but for so many people that don’t even read those books to call for all of them to be cancelled is a little overboard. I’m not reading any of them right now and honestly I could care less which one gets cancelled. Why? Because I don’t read any of them and it makes no difference to me one way or the other.

  42. I say  that any title that has more then two off shoots should get this treatment, there should be no more then 2 for each title , two spiderman, 2 Avengers, 2 Xmen, and so forth and so on. lets have a vote off yahooo, multiple titles of the same characters ruines them , over sturation is never good, ask anyone who has kidsafter a while they always begin to stink, lol

  43. @spoons – Ah, if only they’d sold anywhere near DP’s numbers, perhaps they’d still be alive. I mourn them as well, but is ol’ Wade truly to blame? I think not, True Believer.

    Also, @mikeandzod – I LOVE the imagery of Deadpool literally choking Abigail Brand to death, resulting in her cancelled book! Can we commission Rob Liefeld to draw a cover with Wade simultaneously killing her, Brother Voodoo, Captain Britain, Nomad and the Agents of Atlas? I would tear up ALL my DC books to see that!

  44. negativity is cool when its a fashionable meme?  Listen we get it, some of you think you are too superior to read something as "lowly" as Deadpool….BUT a lot of people enjoy it, as proved evident by his sales numbers and the fact that he’s always around. Why is it your business to tell people what they’re not allowed to enjoy? Why call for the cancellation of books that you can’t even be bothered to try? How is that constructive or helpful?

    One man’s Deadpool is another’s Hellboy or Scalped. 

  45. Quick thought on this whole thing… Dont we ALWAYS decide what books get cancelled anyways?

  46. I voted Corps. I dropped it 2 issues in because of the ‘art’

    I also recently decided to go the trade route for Team-Up, but I might get the Thor issue…that cover is priceless!

  47. @Unoob- yes


  49. Cancel the new wolverine series instead. That’s the real disaster!

  50. Does anyone really think that the creative team on either book isn’t going to immediately be put on something else? Or do y’all just think they’re gonna throw the poor bastards into the streets and told to go fuck themselves?



  51. On, Tom Brevoort and Axel Alonso answered what is going on with this.

    In a nutshell, they say that it is all a stunt. But, BOTH titles are going to be cancelled regardless of the vote. So CORPS and TEAM-UP are going to be over in February. So the only Deadpool ongoings will be the main book by Daniel Way and the MAX series, with a few mini’s/ongoings throughout.

    ….Man Marvel are being A-holes lately aren’t they? Let’s make fun of the fact that people are losing jobs (again I am fine with Liefeld losing a job though..) by doing a mock vote. But don’t worry; we’ll screw the fans too by saying their vote doesn’t matter. Can Marvel do anything right PR wise or do they have to keep digging a hole every day now?