What Are Your Favorite All Ages Comics?

I believe it was Whitney Houston who once said in a speech to Congress: "I believe that children are from the future." And while, Whitney Houston has done a lot of drugs, I think she's onto something. Not so much that children are from the future, but that they will be instrumental in its foundation. Not that we're going to build anything out of children like they're Lincoln Logs. That's awful. No, it'd be the children who would be doing the building. Not in a slavey way. Just. Let's try and focus here. The children would eventually be adults, who would be architects and manual laborers, yes, but this is getting a little too literal. 

Children will one day have the opportunity to buy comic books or not buy comic books. Books in general really. And if we have any kind of desire for these books to stick around, or for these kids to be fun to talk to, it would probably be in our best interest to share books with them. Books that don't talk down to them because they hate that nonsense. But books that answer their questions. Some questions they may not know they have. And, more importantly, books that raise new questions which they may spend their whole lives endeavoring to answer. 

One of my very favorite all ages books was cancelled this week. And I don't think enough people knew about it. And not that we're going to save all these books by talking about them, but it's the least we can do. 

I'd like to explore some of these books and share some of the newer or more obscure ones with the community. That's what I woke up all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning thinking about. This opportunity to talk more and talk louder about some of the books that matter the most. The books that could be read by everybody, but often aren't. 

Tell me about your favorite all ages books. Let's get some stocking stuffer ideas. Let's have a conversation. 


  1. Gman is awesome, one of the funniest books I’ve read. 

  2. Doug Ten Napel’s OGN’s are usually kid appropriate and good for everyone. I’ve let my littlest brother read Tommysaurus Rex and Iron West, and he pretty much loved ’em.

    His OGN Earthboy Jacobus is pretty great, and would be all ages if not for a pretty graphic birth at the end (unless of course you’re needing a good segue into "The Talk.").

  3. Pretty much all the Marvel adventures books are excellent examples of the characters and oftern better reads than the "grown up" version

    One possible reason- whether we fully admit it or not we are tired of long multi plotted- mega crossover stories.

    These books are one and done and there is nothing wrong with a self contained story. 

    It’s kind of nice sometimes actually.

  4. Bone. Hands-down, I haven’t read anything that good that could be considered “all-ages” ever (except for maybe TMA, but what can you do about that?)

  5. Tiny Titans by a huge margin.  Aw yeah!

  6. Bone.  Everything about it is consistently beautiful, and complex but not complicated. Any kid could read it and become enthralled, as could any adult. I’d compare it too Avartar: The Last Air Bender in it’s story telling and weaving a compelling magical story that balances drama and violence with wimsy and fun.

  7. Billy Batson and the Magic of SHAZAM! Easily. It started out rough and felt like pre-school work but it turned into something special.

  8. I’m a huge fan of the Tiny Titans and the Pet Avengers.

  9. If you can, tell me WHY these books work for you. 

  10. I bought the first volume HC of Marvel Adventures Spiderman for my nephew’s b-day. I’ve been reading through it before i give it to him. Its surprisingly good. 

    Tiny Titans, and Batman Brave and the Bold are always good.  

  11. Jeff Smith’s Shazam and the Monster Society of Evil is a great introduction to the character and very relatable to kids, as it’s one of the few told from a kid’s POV.  Beautiful art and it leads into the very good Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam series.

    Jake Bell’s The Amazing Advntures of Nate Banks books, while not strictly comics (eah is a chapter book with a comic insert illustrated by Chris Giarusso of G-Man & Mini Marvels) is ddeply rooted in a love of comics.  Heck, the town it takes place in is Kahniger Falls.

    The Marvel Adventures: The Avengers digest are quite simply the most consistently well-done Avengers books that have been coming out of Marvel for years now.  With stories by Jeff Parker, Paul Tobin and others, they really define what fun, ridiculous comics are. You can’t help but smile when reading them and they make the huge concepts rolled out in the MarvelUniverse very kidsfriendly and entertaining.

  12. Bone and Shazam for me. Great books.

  13. Oh, also: I know some of you have kids running around. Do they gravitate towards these books? Are they any more or less interested in comics than with traditional prose books? 

  14. Tiny Titans is all win for me. I love it because it’s fun. I mean, when else are you going to get a Geoff Johns story that sparks an "Aw yeah" movement? It is truly an all ages book in that the humor works on so many levels. Adults get the references to things going on in the DCU, and kids can laugh at the silly humor.

    I also echo the love for Bone. It’s such a fantastic story, and Smith’s art is beautiful.

     Mini Marvels is right up there, too. Giarusso’s art is adorable, and I have to say my favorite part of my husband buying Hulk comics is getting to read the mini Hulk stories on the back page.

  15. Carrie mentioned this on Twitter but the Marvel min-series HER-OES was actually an all-ages book. an all-ages book FOR GIRLS. and it was GOOD. It was the Wasp, She-Hulk, and Namorita dealing with high school and discovering their superpowers. it was always intended to me a four-issue mini, but it was smart and funny, and I really wished they made it an on-going.

  16. I don’t have kids yet, but i have a niece and two elementary school aged nephews. They really like Spiderman in comics, cartoons and games but think comics are "just ok" to sometimes even boring. I hope its just an age thing, but i kinda wonder if sitting down and turning pages to read something is lost on this young generation with so much instant media at their disposal. 

  17. 5-yr old goddaughter is able to read now. now hoping the huge stack of all-ages comics i’ve bought her through the years will capture her interest. i take her to the comic shop a lot. and, when i happen to work there she hangs out for hours while i’m working.

  18. The Muppet Show:  You really feel like you’re getting your money’s worth with this book.  It captures the show perfectly and is almost more geared toward adults than kids.

    Sonic The Hedgehog:  I started to pick this book up because I heard that the world is fairly large and complex with lots of interesting interaction between characters.  No suprise considering the book is up to 220 issues.

  19. @paul you posted an article that stated the Watchmen, unlike other books that you read, gave you no joy.  I then stated that I liked the dark, hopeless feel of Watchmen because it strikes several chords for me.  Books like Bone and TMA give me tremendous joy and feed the optimistic side of my personality.  They’re just absolute fun from cover to cover.

  20. What Ali said!  Though I’ll add that ‘for girls’ doesn’t mean guys should stay away.  If you enjoy Batgirl, for instance (or Veronica Mars or Buffy) you’ll recognize things about these characters.

    I haven’t read it myself yet, but my brother tells me that the BOOM! Incredibles title is a favorite both for him and his four-year-old.   Apparently very suited for people who liked the movies.

  21. Look on ebay for Dan Slott’s Ren & Stimpy, great fun. Outside of that the best thing you can do is just give a kid a comic, any comic.

  22. It’s long since defunct, but I was a huge fan of Leave it to Chance.  Maybe not ideal for the really young readers, but certainly good for kids reading Harry Potter on their own.

  23. I haven’t read it, but I’ve heard lots of good things about Darkwing Duck. Also, Franklin Richards when it comes out is amazing.  It’s funny and accessible for everyone no matter what the age.

    Is Fractured Fables from Image all ages? I read the Free Comic Book Day issue and thought it was a total gas.

    A lot of kids around my parts love the manga, reading Naruto, DragonBall, One Piece., etc. You know, if someone were to tap into those types of series and make them Scholastic friendly, they’d make a butt load of money.

  24. Ultimate Spider-Man.

  25. Kinda surprising that no one has mentioned Archie. It’s not a superhero comic, but it tells a good lighthearted story. If and when I ever have kids, I’ll be shoving Calvin and Hobbes down their throats until they hate me for it. I loved that series as a kid, and it’s part of how I got into comics in the first place.

  26. Darkwing Duck, its a great continuation of the show, captures the feel of a good kids cartoon on the page

  27. For me: Mini Marvels, North World (not really all ages but close enough), Possessions, Salt Water Taffy, Thor: TMA, Oz, Muppet Show, Darkwing Duck, Beasts of Burden (all ages?), New Brighton Archaeological Society, Copper, and G-Man (haven’t read it yet, but I imagine I’ll love it as much as I loved Mini Marvels).

    For my 8 year old nephew: Ben 10, Marvel Adv. Avengers, Marvel Adv. Spider-man, Oz, Thor: TMA, Star Wars: Clone Wars, and he’s an absolute sucker for the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.

  28. The Scottie Young Oz books made for great reading with my 5 year old niece.  She really enjoyed the pictures and it helped that she knew the story a little from the movie.

    The Boom! studios Incredibles and Wall-E books were also a big hit because they’re easy to ready and both my niece and nephew were big fans of the movies.

    I know my in introduction to comics was the old Marvel GI Joe, not really a kids-book, but definitely much more kid friendly than the modern take on GI Joe, plus there was the TV series and toys to help push my interest.

    Now that I think of it, it’s not just having the all-ages comic, but also the cross marketing that really helps to get younger readers interested.  If you really want to see younger readers to want a book it should be connected to something they already have some affinity to.  Maybe Marvel should advertise the Marvel Adventures comics line during Super Hero Squad, seems like a no-brainer now that I think of it.

  29. Anything by Mike Kunkel.  Also, the new "Fraggle Rock" comics are goregous.  

  30. Tiny Titans works best for me because it is humorous, colorful, cute, and my daughters love it.  They selected it from a list of magazines that my 6-year-old was selling for a school fundraiser.  I wasn’t even home when they picked it out, so I think I can say they gravitate towards books of this type.  They also love The Simpsons and Futurama when we are able to find those in book stores.

    They were a little scared of the new Oz books, but were willing to let me read it to them (they wouldn’t open it when I wasn’t around, though).

    My wife and I bought them all the Owly books when we were at NYCC last month and we will give them those for Christmas.  I’m sure they’ll like them.

  31. G-Man makes me happy.  It made me laugh, and I think it would entertain kids just as much. 

    The Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane digests by Sean McKeever were really great reads that reminded me of the young adult books I loved and how much I looked forward to high school and dating when I was a little girl. 

    If I had a kid, I’d also give them Ultimate Spider-Man and Runaways without reservation.  They’re funny, deep, and guaranteed to hook anyone on comics for life.

  32. Darkwing Duck. The book uses classic Disney characters, but is able to create a story that is complex, and intricate.

  33. I hate kids and anything made for kids so I avoid all ages books like the plague.

  34. I love that Tiny Titans is getting so much love 🙂  Art and Franco also have a book called Patrick the Wolf Boy that’s all-ages and has a very similar tone.

    I also think that Ultimate Spider-Man is really good for "middle-readers," so I think you could make an arguement for it being all ages – at least on the same level and My Boyfriend Thor.

  35. Ok, I never really thought about reading Bone, but then a guy from my Comic-reading-monthly club chose "Bone" as his book everybody had to read for the monthly discussion.

    Boy, was THAT a ride! It starts as Micky Mouse, then from color volume #4 on it’s good Fantasy with a nice thrill and the last 2-4 out of the 9 volumes it get’s Lord of the Rings epic… all that, just with a an ending rivaling "Star Wars: Return of the jedi"in epic- and awesomeness.

     Everybody, READ Bone, I’m not kidding! If you start, be sure to only start judging after Vol. 4 because it’s all ONE story. Had I judged the LotR books after the first 100 pages, the garbageman would have them now.

    Trust me, Bone is awesome, it’s even in my Top5 best ever comics, I just tend to forget to count it, because it has no Marvel, DC, Darkhorse or Image sign on it.

  36. Two overlooked gems – Eric Craddock’s Stone Rabbit books and Zoey Zeta and the Sixsters of Power bu Robert Somon and Tomomi Sarafov.  Of course, Bone, Batman Brave and the Bold and Tiny Titans are all amazing.

  37. Tellos by Todd Dezago and ‘Ringo

    Bone by Jeff Smith

    I’d say that whole run of Impulse and Young Justice respectively were both fantastic All Ages Comics. I say because I started reading both when I was five and never felt like it was innapropriate for me to read.

    Ultimate Spiderman by Bendis, Bagley, Immonen, and Lafuente


  38. Jellaby by keen soo is great for those who haven’t read it. It’s a very cute story about a girl who befriends a dragon and tries to get him home e.t style. Lovely artwork and just very likeable in general. 2 volumes out for anyone willing to give it a shot- I believe Disney put out the 2nd one and bought the rights to the first.

  39. Boom has a great kids line, and they seem to be the publisher that truly gets it. Oni Press is sneaky with their all ages line. The more digging you do, the more you realize how many of their books fall into this category.

  40. Mini-Marvels:

    "Eventually, her birthday comes up… now what do you get her for her birthday?"
    "Hmm… a pair of shoes?"
    "You just destroyed the universe! THERE ARE NO SHOES!"

    One of the best exchanges ever in comics.

  41. The following are not MY favorites, they are the favorites of my kids: 


    Beasts of Burden


    Tiny Titans

    Marvel Adventures


    Franklin Richards, Lab Brat


    Angel’s Wing / Wing of Angels


    Disney Princess manga adaptations. 

  42. The Batman Adventures books from the 90s were simple, timeless Batman stories that never seemed dumbed down for kids.  Just like the TV show, to be exact.  Mad Love in particular is quite possibly my favorite Batman story ever, and I think it measures up with any classic Bat stories. 

  43. Tiny Titans and Life With Archie: The Married Life

  44. In addition to a bunch of stuff people have already mentioned, I’m a huge fan of Carl Barks and Don Rosa’s respective work for Disney.

  45. I really liked Wolverine: First Class

  46. down nostalgia lane….Roswell Little Green Man, Leave it to Chance.

    Presently really enjoying Darkwing Duck and Bongo continues to entertain. 

  47. Am I wrong is saying Booster Gold has been all ages appropriate for the entire current run?

    Also Darkwing duck is of course the best one. 

  48. Amelia Rules!!!

  49. PaulMontgomery said:
    "If you can, tell me WHY these books work for you."

    I know everyone has already said this, but I will too nonetheless — Tiny Titans is probably the one I look forward to the most in this category; my daughter loves this too.  Tiny Titans parodies DC characters and event history in a elementary school setting.  I agree with StaceyRad‘s comment that this has multiple levels to it. My daughter doesn’t know any of the DC history, so she just enjoys the pure excitement and fun of the characters and situations; while I laugh at all the "inside jokes" which comes from being aware of the DC past. (Hey, doesn’t get any better than Lunch Lady Darkseid!)

    And everything I’ve said about Tiny Titans can also be said of Franklin Richards: Son of a Genius. Again, humorous situations, winks and nods to Marvel/FF history.

    The Pet Avengers are great. This is the closest she’s gotten to actual Marvel continuity.  In this book, the characters are the selling piece. My daughter has described the characters quite well when recounting what she’s read, but I don’t recall if I’ve ever heard her talk about story/plot. Personally, any book with Frog-Thor is a winner!

    The DC Superfriends was actually a fun book, and she was really taken with it.   It doesn’t have the same multiple levels as the prvious books (its pretty much just for kids), but I still enjoyed many of the issues. (I probably chiefly liked it because it brought back happy memories of watching the Super-Friends on Saturday mornings, and then playing as them with my neighborhood friends.) In fact, I repeatedly tell people that my favorite comic of 2009 was DC Superfriends #18 (see my review – https://ifanboy.com/reviews/powerdad/dc_comics/super_friends/18). Unfortunately this was just cancelled.

    We also liked the Silver Age Showcases of Shazam and The Flash (thank/blame Tom Katers for getting me started on this), which are very age friendly. I’m certain I’ll be bringing home the first Showcase Aquaman any day now. (DAMN YOU KATERS!!)

    And the Shazam Showcases played into us reading the Billy Batson And The Magic Of Shazam series, which was a great fun comic.  She was extremely bummed when it was cancelled/"put on hiatus" recently.  Kids with superpowers, talking Tigers, old wise dudes, and funny moments when a kid can pass as an adult. I chiefly remember Billy changing into Captain Marvel form, and then going to talk to the school principle about "himself"/little Billy. Funny stuff. (Side note: Does anyone out there remember a short lived television show from the mid-70s call "Big John/Little John"? Some of these child-in-adult-form story pieces rekindled the very old memory of that t.v. show from when I was a very, very young viewer.)

    I also buy her The Muppet Show comics (and the recent Muppet Sherlock Holmes adaptation), and even though she likes them, she’s also indicated they don’t resonate in the same way as other comics.  

    My daughter loves Bone, but I still haven’t found the time to start it; so I have no opinions.
    My daughter just brought home Amulet the other day from her school library.  She likes it a lot so far (again, I haven’t read it).
    And she started Disney Comics on her own, and really likes them. I had always ignored them when I was picking comics for her. She pointed them out, and expressed a desire to get them, and has emphasized how much she likes them.  (I don’t recall at this moment what points she made.)

    And she’s asked for Loony Toons, but I always forget to pick them up.

  50. Oh, and how could I forget about the comic versions of the Oz books.  She/we’ve read the first 19 books in the 49 _book_ series, so we approached the comic book versions with some hesitation and trepidation. We love the Oz books (see my Murmur.com article on Kid Books for Adults http://www.murmur.com/literature/books_made_for_a_kid_but_good_enough_for_an_adult_.html ), and do not take adaptations lightly.  My daughter can go into great depth critiquing the Wonderful Wizard of Oz movie with Judy Garland (she saw the movie well after we had consumed 10+ Oz books), so she’s no shrinking violet on expressing her opinion on Oz interpretations.

    So I’m happy to report, she loves the Oz comics.  She praises the fact that they are very truthful to the original stories. And even though the art is vastly different from what you would find in the original books, she loves it. In fact that’s the main thing she talks about when telling others about them.

  51. Are the owly comics any good?

  52. It’s not quite an all-ages book as it plays best to late elementary and middle school readers, but I love Raina Telgemeier’s SMILE. It’s an autobiographical story about Raina’s ‘tween’ years. Her friends, her school and her family life are all shown but the thing that helps hang the story is during this time period, Raina fell flat on her face into concrete and knocked her two front adult teeth out. From there, it’s a series of dental visits and awkward friendship examinations as she attempts to stay normal while her teeth get set right.

    Telgemeier’s storytelling is fantastic. Her art style is very cartoony, with a lot of facial expressions doing most of the acting.

    Whenever this book is in the library, I put it on display in the teen section. The cover is just a smiley face with braces on its teeth. Within 24 hours, that book will be checked out, its story being shared with other awkward, struggling teenage girls. Even as a late-20s dude, the story touched me. Highly recommended.

    @DeadlyFoe: Yes. OWLY is also great. 

  53. Days Like This from Oni Press. It’s an amazing all ages story about early 60’s pop music. Think "That Thing You Do" with a teen girl group. One of my all time fave GN"s.

  54. And of course Tin Tin.

  55. Just got GMan from Chris G. at Mid Ohio. It’s great. I’m gettin more. It’s funny and slyly subversive at the same time.

    Owly is Awesome with a capital A. Words fail me. Which is fine, cause there’s no words in the book, either.

    Anything Art and Franco do. Just ditto what’s been said above.

    And the Marvel Adventures books, across the board, just work for me. They’re fun, accessible, and distill everything great about superhero comics into a neat, easy to rad pakage. There can be tension and consequences, but no angst. You read any MA book and you feel good afterwards, And as a rule, each one is self contained, so any one book at random works.

    Muppet Show and Fraggle Rock: It’s like Henson and Oz are back at it with the felt and foam and funny voices. Top notch entertainment. 


  56. (I know I’ve talked a lot, but here’s a bit more)

    Just talked with the daughter, and she mentioned a couple things.

    1) She finished Amulet, and says its great. Really loved it a lot.

    2) She reminded me that Astro Boy is a lot of fun, and I have to agree. She started reading them after we saw the semi-recent movie version.

    3) And she stressed to me again, that Walt Disneys Comics & Stories are fantastic.

  57. @DeadlyFoe, I agree with JeffR, OWLY is great.  The Owly stories are simple, pure joy captured in a comic.  I especially like them because it feels like a silent movie in comic book form, since there are so few/no words.  And I should stress, they are simple, but not simple minded.

  58. This is kind of a bizarre idea to me. I started reading comics when I was about 9 – I just picked up whatever my uncle had when I was visiting – my favorites were probably Elfquest, Teen Titans, and X-Men – and none of those were necessarily aimed at "kids".

    We did, recently, buy our 5 year old nephew a Tiny Titans. He absolutely loved it. He made my husband read to him over and over again  – and then he’d want to go outside and play being a Tiny Titan. I think the appeal was they looked like superheroes (which are everywhere) but his size. Plus, bright, clear illustrations with not a lot of words and quick stories. Just a guess, though, it’s not like he articulated what he specifically like abut the book. 

  59. I started on the hannah barbara comics dc used to put out, it was dc yeah? @jeffr @powerdad, thanks for the confirmation about OWLY, my store doesn’t stock it so I’ll order in. give your daughter JELLABY by keen soo… It’s AWESOME!

  60. I’d tell why Amelia Rules rules! But I’m tired man…

  61. Paul, as you can see, this is a topic near and dear to my heart; that’s why I won’t shut up. Hahaha!  🙂

    One more comic we both really enjoyed came up last night — Teen Titans Year One.  It’s a retelling of the original Teen Titan characters coming together – Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Wonder Girl; and I recall Speedy (Green Arrow’s sidekick) shows up as well. 

    If Tiny Titan’s is a kids-comic sitcom, then Teen Titans Year One is a kids-comic teen/pre-teen action-drama.  The kids are actually barely teens at best, probably around the age of 11 or so.  It’s filled with young awkwardness, youthful rivalries, desires for attention, and the realization of just how hard being a hero can be without the safety net of a "parent"-hero.  There are real stakes in the story, with Silver Age like violence, so it could be a bit much for very young readers.  (In contrast, Teen Titans GO! is a series of light hearted adventure stories in which the kid-heroes are more like little adults who have no need for grown-ups, as well as no restrictions from parental guardianship. Teen Titans Year One is more like the first Harry Potter books, or the Runaways comics in which kids are expected to deal with very adult issues without an adult safety net. I don’t want to make too much of this, these are kid comics, just probably not stories for very little ones.)

    I found the initial premise which forces the kids together clever, and again brings a spotlight on the child-parent relationship of the kid-heroes and the adult-heroes.

    There is just the single trade paper-back collecting the six issue mini-series. I bring up this comic because my daughter routinely brings this up. She’ll repeatedly voice her enjoyment of it, and it’s always a "bummer" moment when I have to explain there won’t be any more coming out (such as a Teen Titans Year Two).

    Oh, and the art in the comic is fantastic.

    Check out preview pages from the original issue one and issue two.

    Issue one, just art, no dialog:

    Issue two, art and dialog:

  62. @DeadlyFoe, thanks for the JELLABY suggestion! After looking this up online, it appears my local library has a couple different Keen Soo comics, so we’ll check them out soon.

  63. I LOVE the Power Pack minis that have been coming out the last few years. The art (by Gurihiru) is amazingly beautiful cartooning, and the characters and stories (usually teaming up PP with other Marvel heroes and teams) are simple yet resonant. The most recent series (Thor and the Warriors Four) actually got me choked up at points.

    I taught at a preschool for a year and all of the kids in the center were in love with these books.

  64. Can anyone suggest a good all ages Batgirl, Wonder Woman or JLA atory for my 7 year old neice? She’s obsessed with Batman and has dressed as Batgirl the last two Halloweens.

  65. Darkwing Duck is very good.

  66. I have kids and my oldest (a 7 year old boy) LOVES comics. He reads just about anything he can get his hands on. The one series he and I share the most love for is Matthew Roux’s Salt Water Taffy.

  67. Whoops. Loux, not Roux.

  68. Davetron3k asked:
    "Can anyone suggest a good all ages Batgirl, Wonder Woman or JLA atory for my 7 year old neice? She’s obsessed with Batman and has dressed as Batgirl the last two Halloweens."

    Here are my recommendations, and at the risk of sounding like a broken record, the top two are the DC Super Friends and Tiny Titans.

    The DC Super Friends are basically the JLA.  They have Superman, _Batman_, Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman, and….Wonder Woman.  

    The series was cancelled just recently at issue 29, but there are several trades out collecting these stories.


    As for Batgirl, she appears as a regular cast member in Tiny Titans.  Of course, this is a very stylized Batgirl, where she attends school with Robin and other heroes and villians; but it’s loads of fun. She rides a bat-tricycle! (Wonder Girl rides an invisible-tricycle, which everyone is always tripping over.)

    There are many trades covering past issues, and it is on-going if you want to get your neice new issues as they come out.



    Not that I’ve read it, but there is an All-Ages version of the Brave and Bold with Batman in trade form (based on the cartoon show); and just starting this last week there is the All New Batman The Brave And The Bold which looks cool and might fit the Batman bill.

    Here are a few links:

  69. @powerdad Thanks for the suggestions! I’me definitly getting her one of the Cartoon Netork style Brave and the Bold trades (she loves the show). I’ll probably try Superfriends as well. She has some Tiny Titans already.

  70. After reading a book like scalped and crossed I look forward to reading all age comics. I didn’t see usagi yojimbo or Scott morse’s books, I just started rereading soul wind and it’s still a fun epic adventure.