Weekly Sketch Up – 3/12/10

There are plenty of great comics artists on the web, and so many of them are posting their artwork that we thought we'd gather up some of our favorites from the past week, and post them here. 

But that's not where it ends! There are an absurd amount of artists on the web, and we can't possibly keep up with all of them.  We need your help!  Throughout the week, as you see great sketches, send us the links via Twitter to @iFanboy.  We'll link your Twitter account, and the blog of the artist.

Let's get this started with some of my favorites from the last week (or so).



Dazzler by Chris Samnee.



G.I. Robot by Tom Fowler (via Twart and also from a couple weeks back, but it's SO good!).



Jonah Hex by Jeff Lemire.


  1. Lemire <3

  2. Kelly Tindall made guy versions of some female characters yeterday, included Medudesa and Larry Deathstrike


  3. I love the Lemire sketch.

  4. I like this weekly column!


    the Tiki 

  5. Avatar photo JFernandes (@jdfernandes) says:

    Chris Samnee’s sketches are always amazing.  Love his stuff.

  6. I will buy a Jeff Lemire penciled Johah Hex book RIGHT NOW!

  7. Lemire also did a brilliant Punisher sketch.

  8. wow lemire needs to draw for some good books instead of the stuff he writes.

    proceed with stoning. 

  9. If Lemire did Hex full time then I’d read it. Plus how can you go wrong with a G.I. Robot?

    Great new idea guys.

  10. G.I. Robot is an awesome piece of art.  Also, I’m looking forward to the Vertigo Crime book that Samnee has coming out next month.  His work is great.

  11. I propose that we keep Lemire’s art in B & W from now on.

  12. Hex one-shot written/drawn by Lemire = $ in the bank for DC.

  13. Lemire. Easily the best

  14. Why have I never heard of G.I. Robot until now!?!?! Damn you, DC, for keeping your most awesome characters hidden!

  15. what a great idea for a weekly feature! keep it up!


    Not sure if the world is ready for Jonah Hex playing hockey though

  17. Can someone link the Lemire Punisher sketch?  That Jonah Hex one is awesome.  He did a great Constantine sketch for me that I have framed and on my wall, plus a cool-looking Dr. Strange in my sketchbook.

  18. Lemire’s Hex is awesome!!!

  19. By the way the ComicTwart blog is mindblowing. Go and check it out. I WANT COMICS TO BE LIKE THAT BLOG!

  20. Josh:

    Could we also email you scans of sketches we personally own, or they need to be on the website/blog of the artist?

  21. I’d prefer not. That could get my inbox super crowded.  Maybe we’ll do something special after Con season, and see what everyone got.  But I’ll probably have you upload it somewhere, and just send links.

    Like I said, please use Twitter, but if you must email, use contact@ifanboy.com.  

    Thanks guys!

  22. This has tied for my favorite reoccuring feature now. Uhm. Provided this is reoccuring.

  23. @SunnyvaleTrash

    Jeff Lemire’s Punisher:

    The Punisher

  24. This is without a doubt going to be a favorite feature of mine! I have a RSS reader full of artist’s blogs and I follow almost 200 artists on DeviantArt.

     Pasqual Ferry just posted a great sketch of Savage Dragon this morning – http://is.gd/aoQz5

    I know it’s not truly a sketch since it’s being used as a cover, but I have to give some love to LaFuente’s inked cover for Young Allies –  http://is.gd/aoTR1


  25. Good grief are all of those good. Crimeny. 

  26. I want Jeff Lemire drawing a full jonah hex story so bably right now. I know he’s doing sweet tooth but damn thats some Hex goodnes that should be spread over 32 pages

  27. Hey Josh – what you didn’t know?  In the Lemire universe, Jonah Hex is an ex-hockey player, who had a close shave with battlin’ Billy Smith.  Yup, it’s his touchstone. 

    I love the Punisher sketch too AmirCat. 

  28. Awesome Hex sketch.

  29. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    Damn, I love that Fowler piece. I think Lemire ended up buying it from him. 

    Love this new feature.  

  30. I feel bad for the robot….cause it looks like it is taking heavy damage.

  31. Oh, I didn’t mention that I love this new feature too.  Plus, not too many words are needed, so, that’s a bonus, right guys?  😉 

  32. Of these three, I like the Hex sketch, but Samnee’s personal site is a gold mine for fantastic sketches, so I hope to see more from him.

  33. I, uh… may currently be in possession of one of these pages.