VIDEO: New CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER Footage from Entertainment Tonight

Entertainment Tonight premiered a minute of new Captain America: The First Avenger footage tonight, and we've got the video courtesy of The Daily Blam

Of note: Shield-throwing! Those first moments of glee as young Steve Rogers tests out his new super soldier muscles, racing through the streets! And high speed smooching in vintage cars! 



Want a little more? How about a few seconds of pre-serum Steve getting whooped by a Street Tough, excerpted from the upcoming theatrical trailer? 

Get ready to stand up and salute Captain America: The First Avenger on July 22nd. 


  1. Sweet!!  Can not wait for this!!!!!

  2. Pretty fun!

  3. Shield throwing! Neato. Can’t wait.

    Is there anything more annoying than the ET/Access Hollywood style of announcing? It’s as if they go out of their way to sound extra toolish.

  4. I dint think any of this wasn’t shown in the trailer. Not to seem like your typical Internet d bag but this isn’t much of an exclusive ET

  5. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    @ato220  In fairness, it’s about twice as long as the Superbowl TV spot and does have some new audio. Apparently the full theatrical trailer is coming soon. 

  6. There’s tons of footage in there that isn’t in the trailer. Looks surprisingly stylish.

  7. I………….I……….I just peed a little.

  8. I can’t wait for the full trailer.

  9. I’m impressed

  10. Looks great!

  11. Still think they’re selling this all wrong… but I’m excited for it. 

  12. The theater where I work just got a trailer for this clocking in at 2m30s. I’d place good money that it could show up as early as this weekend on Sucker Punch.

  13. The trashcan lid as a shield? Awesome.

  14. that looks so bad…

  15. HELL YES SHIELD SLINGING! I think I am more excited about this than Green Lantern. And I’m a HUGE GL fan. But this movie looks like it will be better. Plus I love WWII stuff.

  16. it looks exactly like it should. campy retro 40s action.

    also I think ET is 50% of why everyone hates america

  17. Not a whole lot to go on, if I’m honest, but I’m still excited for this never the less.

  18. The upcoming comic movie that i’m least excited for, and this footage doesn’t do much to sway me. Looks a bit cheap and tacky, too camp and a bit ‘made for tv’.

  19. You think this looks more tacky than Green Lantern?

  20. It was cool, except for the annoying ET reporters “voice-over” throughout the preview. I WANT A REAL PREVIEW FOR THIS GOD DAMN MOVIE!!!! There are like 4 different previews for Thor and X-Men: First Class. Why can’t I get one for this!!!!

  21. I don’t know, of this summer’s 4 comic blockbusters I am most confident in X-Men.

  22. WOW! I think it looks great.


  24. Wow I can’t believe people are saying this looks bad. This looks AMAZING. I love GL as a series but imo this looks so much better than GL does at this point.

    This summer is going to be epic in terms of movie revenue. 

  25. @kidCharlemagne  I am curious as to what you think looks bad.  The origin and impetus for Cap’s creation is the same as in the comics.  And the only other things that I see are costume choices and action sequences.

    I do not want to come off as some defensive fan of the movie.  For the record, trailers do not lead me to think that a movie will be good or bad, as the personnel who create trailers are not the same personnel who create movies.  You just gave an interesting statement and I was curious for more elaboration.

  26. Love it.