Top 5: Justice League Headquarters


5. Secret Sanctuary in Happy Harbor, Rhode Island

Pros:  Stays cool in the summer. Beach front property. 

Cons: Have you ever driven in Rhode Island? There is no merging or directionals.  Batman got road rage. Snapper Carr had keys to the place.


4. Justice League Compound in Detroit

Pros: Both popping and locking are cool. Coney Dogs at Lafayette. 

Cons: Vibe. Vibe's dancing. Vibe talking. Season tickets to Lions.



3. Watchtower on the Moon

Pros: Nice view. Lots of parking

Cons: Poor mail service. Villains still pop in uninvited.


2. Justice League Embassy – New York

Pros: Located in the city that never sleeps. Good public transit.

Cons: Alternate side parking restrictions. Urine smell in summer.


1. Justice League Satellite

Pros: Roomy yet intimate. Lots of history and character

Cons: There is an imprisoned alien creature in the heart of this satellite. (Justice League of America #130). The whole satellite only operates because of the unconscious prisoner slumbering in this floating metal prison. No HD tvs.


  1. i think its time for a top villain hideout edition.

    Had no idea about most of these.

  2. I have no idea what issue it was, but there was an annual or something that was written from the POV of the sentient mountain in which the JLA had their first HQ.  The mountain was reminiscing about having company and wallowing in its current loneliness.  It started out each story with ghosts running though the halls.

    It creeped me out then and it creeps me out even more now.

  3. The rhode island headquarters is genius- no villian would ever look or go to RI.

    Plus it stylish for real.


    The moon base is bad as- no jokes.

    But I think the Watchtower from Justice League Unlimeted deserves a mention here.

  4. The worst part about the Justice League compound in Detroit? It’s in Detroit. Even Buffalo would be less depressing.

  5. Come on the Hall of Justice didn’t even make the list?

  6. Cartoons are for children. This is a serious adult discussion.

  7. @mdan hey, living in buffalo is pretty goddamn depressing, trust me, I live there.
    And of course this is a Tom Katers’ article. Fantastic.

  8. Some would argue that the coneys at American are better then at Laffayette. 

  9. @Tom-Thanks, gonna laugh all day at that one!

    ‘Modernistically’?  That sounds like it was invented for that panel

    The sleeping alien sounds like it is ripe for a re-visit soon.

  10. Tom, what was the deal with the JLI headquarters?  If I remember correctly, they started in a mountain (possibly in RI) and then moved to the embassy in New York but they never addressed it.  Is that right???

  11. Love that RI headquarters.  The vintage styling is beautiful.  Can we get a Darwyn Cooke drawn JLA flashback issue that takes place in that headquarters?  I’d buy it just to see his interpretation of it.

  12. These are great panels. The writers loved exclamation point back then, didn’t they?

  13. Didn’t the Doom Patrol move in to one of the League’s old HQs?

  14. love the idea of a Rhode Island HQ…i mean most people can’t even find RI on a map so its totally secure. =)

  15. Maybe I’ve watched "Mad Men" too much, but I was really poring over the Rhode Island panel looking for the liquor cabinet.  And they really need ashtrays for the conference table.

  16. "Diana, be a doll and freshen up our drinks"

  17. I’m pretty sure that Rhode Island is the greatest place ever.

  18. Never knew that the original HQ was in Rhode Island. What a bizarre choice for a location…

  19. Obviously, the Watchtower was the best headquarters. it was part of the best run 

  20. The Hall of Justice is in the comics now. Where was it? It is awesome!