Things to Look Out For In X-Men: First Class

I have to admit, when the hype starts to build around these comic book movies, even I get excited by the little drips and drabs that we get in the trailers.  A good trailer does it job when it gets you excited about the movie and yet you still have some mystery around what the movie contains.  If you ask me, the trailers for X-Men: First Class totally delivered in that regard.  No one was talking about this movie until the trailers started to hit, and then since then, we've been all a flutter about this curious period piece.  I've been watching the trailers over and over again, looking for every little moment I can glean and I wanted to share with you the top things you should look out for when you go see the movie!


The "First" X-Men Team 

I remember when the first X-Men movie came out, the endless conversations about how the X-Men's yellow and blue spandex costumes could never work in movies.  Hell, there was even a joke in the movie about it.  Well, if X-Men: First Class is remembered for anything, I think it's going to be the costume department and how they were able to make the classic X-Men uniform work on the film.  By making them flight suits, they become plausible and the color scheme just works, just like Jack Kirby designed 'em.

Furthermore, seeing Banshee and Havok here was enough to get this X-Men fan giddy.  When we see Banshee flying in the trailer, we see that hidden in his costume are the trademark Banshee striped "wings."  And on Havok, we see here the concentric circles so often used to illustrate his plasma blast powers.  Sure Havok and Banshee may not have been on the original team in the comics, but in the movie they are and they've made the right adjustments to make it work in the movie and keep this continunity nerd happy, which is no easy feat.


The SR-71 Blackbird


Now, I know the X-Men had a plane that was very Blackbird-esque in the first movies, but it was updated and made modern enough to fit within the context of the movie, which was fine.  But given the time period X-Men: First Class was set in, I was delighted to see the choice made by the fimmakers to give the X-Men a classic SR-71 Blackbird plane, just like they had in the comics.  That was one of the little touches of reality that I always appreciated about the X-Men.  As a kid, I was a flight nerd too – and I loved that they had a real plane that existed in the real world.  To see it in flight in the trailer and X-Men coming out of it was awesome. I can't wait to see more of it in the film.


Magneto & the Russian Sub!


Probably the moment that got me the most excited during the trailer for X-Men: First Class was the moment where Magneto pulls a submarine out of the water. I was yelling, "RUSSIAN SUB! RUSSIAN SUB!"  Now since seeing this, I've spoken to folks who have seen the movie and I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but I got the full story about this moment in the film.  While it's not exactly related to the moment from the comics, it's close enough!  What moment am I speaking of? For the uninitatied X-Men fans, way back in Uncanny X-Men #149 and #150, Magneto sunk a Russian Sub, filled with Soviet soldiers and it was this one act that was referred to for years thereafter.  In fact, when Magneto was brought to trial in Uncanny X-Men #200, it was for the act of sinking the Russian sub and thus murdering the crew onboard.  It was this very public act of terrorism that painted Magneto as the villain he was for the majority of the 1980s and is a decisive moment in the characters history.  To see a moment even echoing that as a reference in the film is something I never thought I'd ever see.


It's clear that the crew of X-Men: First Class has got some people who have done their homework and read alot of the X-Men comics.  Any worry I had about this movie were alleviated once I saw the trailer for that very reason.  I mean, come on, look at Magneto's helmet and tell me that they didn't get this right?!?  

Any other moments from the trailer that you spotted that you're going to keep your eye out for? Or any other easter eggs you may have heard about?  Share them below in the comments!



  1. Looking forward to Hank’s transformation the most. from what i hear, it’s a new take on the werewolf transformation.

  2. Before the trailers, I had little interest in this movie, but was looking forward to Green Lantern, and was curious/hopeful about Cap. After seeing trailers, this movie now interests me the most, and it’s Green Lantern that I have the most reservations about.

  3. the SR-71 Blackbird is one of the greatest designed objects ever created by man. What a beautiful thing

  4. Was an awesome movie, can’t wait for iFanboy’s podcast on it 🙂

  5. Spoilers wil be deleted until the film comes out in the USA.

  6. @WeaklyRoll  Same here. Very excited about his character in the movie.

    I love how much I DON’T know about the actual plot of this movie. How do Shaw, Frost and Azazel enter into the whole Cuban missle crisis scenario? It seems like that aspect is getting the most attention in the trailers. The actual plot developements should be interesting to watch unfold, and should be far far less predictable than Thor. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Thor, but it was a pretty by-the-numbers plot.

  7. I’m trying to go media blackout in case I decide to go see this. I’m still not sure if I’m interested in it.  There is a helluva lot in some of those clips online. 

  8. I like this ‘what to look for’ better than the Thor one because it doesn’t lead me to believe that the guys have seen the movie and we haven’t!  *note: I then get insanely jealous.

  9. I can’t get over the sheer intensity James McAvoy pours out in every glance, every motion.  From the trailer alone, I am looking forward to his performance most of all.

  10. so many writers
    not a good sign 

  11. I’m a huge X-Men fan and up until about 2 months a go I had no interest in this movie.  Now I can’t wait!  Sometimes the internet can be used for good….who knew?

  12. i saw the movie today. no spoilers but…i came. right in the cinema. i loved it

  13. @SuperPhil  Stay after the credits as per usual with MARVEL movies?

  14. @KreiderDesigns  im afraid not. although something i couldnt help thinking was that this film is the opposite of adam west batman in what it represents for comics in my opinion. i.e. old batman was all campy and stamped a crappy stigma onto comic fans but first class is just a really good science fiction film. dont know why i felt it necessary to say that but now its out there

  15. Just saw the movie thanks to some advance screening tickets from my awesome LCS.

    No spoilers. This movie was awesome. There’s some occasionally chesesy dialogue, but on the whole there’s a lot of great “real world” explanations for some of the traditional elements, and I loved the way the movie works the time period. I’m still riding high from the experience, but I watched the X-Men, X2 and X3 over the weekend, and I think First Class is now the best of the bunch (supplanting X2 in case you weren’t sure).

    I’ll definitely pay to see it again.

  16. @KreiderDesigns  The after credits sequence is a Marvel Studios thing.

  17. i stayed after the credits and there is no extra scene. so dont bother.

  18. I can’t wait to see Magneto in his real helmet. at the end of the trailer you see a flash of his back with his more iconic red cape and red helm. I guess that comes at the end once him and xavier have their split