The Best of the Week in Panels – 06.22.2011

Panels! And a pin-up!


The Rocketeer Adventures #2

By Geof Darrow

It may be a pin-up but it's the most wonderful image that I saw in a comic book this week.




Captain America #619

By Ed Brubaker, Chris Samnee, Bettie Breitweiser, & Joe Caramagna

More Mod Nick Fury, please!




Flashpoint: Reverse Flash #1

By Scott Kolins, Joel Gomez, Brian Buccelato, & Sal Cipriano

When artist Joel Gomez wasn't trying to ape Scott Kolins, his art was wonderful. Too bad that was only a small part of the book.




Wolverine #11

By Jason Aaron, Renato Guedes, Jose Wilson Magalhaes, Watthew WIlson, & Cory Petit

It's got to be disconterting to walk into a museum dedicated to you that you had no idea even existed.




Zatanna #14

By Adam Beechen, Jamal Igle, Jon Sibal, Richard amd Tanya Horie, & Pat Brosseau

You know what? Given the choice between this and picking up an STD at the club from some random I think I might go with the STD.




Ultimate Spider-Man #160

By Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Bagley, Andy Lanning, Andrew Hennessy, Justin Ponsor, & Cory Petit

When all else fails, beat the Green Goblin to death with a truck.


  1. Captain America, I almost mistook for Cooke.
    Need more Geoff Darrow.  When was the last time he did interiors in a comic?  Hard Boiled?  Whatever, it’s been too long.

  2. Shaolin Cowboy, check it out. It’s really hard to find though.

  3. YES!!!!!! the truck!!!!!  #ohmygodthatwasamazing

  4. Also: I wish Wolverine’s mask still had whiskers. That mask is so badass.

  5. Darrow is so awesome. A friend got to work with him during the Speed Racer pre-production and I’m quite certain she counts it among one of the highlights of her career.

  6. Another vote for whiskers!!! All the comic shops in the Detroit area said Rocketeer #2 got pushed back but still had #1 so I grabbed that, am digging the collection of short pulp stories w good talent on board and the cool as hell pin ups in between tales that I want to have blown up, framed versions of.

  7. I blew up that Darrow pic and stared at it for a good 3 minutes. #kickmynutsfortradewaiting

  8. And STAY DOWN Green Goblin! Damn Conor, I’ve been up writing responses on that other comment section and I totally forgot about my finals tomorrow! I guess nerd rage beats exam jitters. Cu around. 😉

  9. I do not pick up Wolverine, but I hope that the person who said that to Wolvie got gutted promptly after making that statement.

  10. That Zatanna panel has ruined the integrity of my sleep. Thank you.

    The Captain america panel by Chris Smanee looks a LOT like Matt Wagner. Which is a good thing for me, as I love me some Matt Wagner art.

  11. Samnee is amazing. I want him doing a Nick Fury 60s spy book written by Rucka.

  12. @rafterman That’s the best idea I’ve heard all year.

  13. I want to marry Geof Darrow.

    I don’t think I had a ‘best’ or ‘favorite’ panel this week. All my books were solid 3 stars or higher, but nothing really stood out this week for me. 

  14. The art in Reverse Flash was embarassing for a book that you would think is central to understanding what ‘Flashpoint’ is.  Some of the pages looked like something you’d see sketched on a folder by a bored kid in high school.  Not to be a pure hater the story was fine and all but the art was all over the place, an incomplete looking mess.

  15. @ResurrectionFlan  Whiskers and badass in the same sentence? Ok. It was two sentences, but still…  🙂