The Best of the Week in Covers – 03.07.2012

Covers. You take the good. You take the bad. And there you have…no wait, just the good. Only dealing with the good today. The bad can go screw.

The Manhattan Projects #1

By Jonathan Hickman

The gemini sigil of the Oppenheimer clan. Bold. Crisp. Even stately. As clean as Paul McCartney’s fake grandfather.

Fairest #1

By Adam Hughes

The sleeper has awakened. Adam Hughes presents something of an event here with a kind of reverse slumber party, cast with a dizzying array of beautiful fantasy heroines. The rich composition sings whether looking at the full wraparound image or limiting the scope to just the exquisitely framed main event. The gilded canopy bed serves as a perfect frame for the central characters.

iZombie #23

By Mike Allred

I read in an article somewhere that Uma Thurman often eats in the nude, the better to fully appreciate what effects food and consumption have on the body so as not to indulge. This cover makes me think of that. It makes me not want a burger so much also.

X-Club #4

By Rodin Esquejo

This one’s as clean as McCartney’s fake grandfather too. Seems there’s a steep application process for the X-Club. Either way, someone’s paying their dues.


  1. I like ’em all bar the Hickman. The main image is sharp, but add all the central words and it looks like a very dull ad.

  2. Really like all of these, although the thought of Uma Thurman naked made me gag a little.

    Also, I don’t get the “clean as Paul McCartney’s grandfather” thing 🙁

  3. Is that a variant of the Fairest cover or just an unfinished version they posted online? My cover is full color across the entire wrap around.

  4. I’m surprised that Swamp Thing didn’t make the cut. I thought that was a Cover of the Week contender for sure.

  5. Forgot to say! I loved the Swamp Thing #6 cover, it has a lovely fin de siecle quality to the composition and finish.

  6. That Manhattan Project cover is almost too cool.

    I wasn’t actually going to pick up Fairest, but that cover roped me in.

  7. Man, I wish I was into iZombie. To have Allred art on the regular would’ve been great.

  8. The Fairest cover is my favorite this week, all their personalitles shine through.

  9. *personalities*

  10. Each cover is outstanding but what I love is the sheer breadth of styles – good stuff.

  11. No love for Rachel Rising #6?

  12. The X-Club cover reminds me of Team Fortress 2. Especially with the more recent ‘Meet the Medic’ trailer….Am I the only one to think that? (I seem to be the only one to think of Portal 2 for the Manhattan Projects)

    Speaking of which; Hickman needs to do more covers. We see Marvel do all of these gimmicky variant months….why not have Hickman do a variant for each comic someday?

  13. That cover for Fairest #1 is simply perfection. I know it’s kind of early to call it, but it may well be my pick for the cover of the year. Absolutely beautiful stuff by Adam Hughes.

  14. I’d have to go with izombie.
    I’m not even sure what the books about though.
    Any izombie readers around?