The Best of the Week in Covers – 01/12/2011

In the olden days, there were no covers. But then there were also no books. People simply read rocks and pieces of lambswool. And you know what happened to those people? They DIED. 

Some covers:

Amazing Spider-Man #651

Cover by Humberto Ramos

Just a tremendous little action shot. Every now and then it's nice to see a cover image that looks as if it could be a panel from the interior. I also like that Spidey himself is almost an afterthought in this scene. BIG TIME!



Unwritten #21

Cover by Yuko Shimizu 

Avast!  I want this one hanging over my fireplace. There's nothing about this image that isn't fantastic. A stirring portrait of our hero, windswept and angry. The complicated rigging of the ship against a tawny sky. The gem-like tone of that patch of blue-green ocean in the background. 



B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth: Gods #1

Covers by Guy Davis, Ryan Sook         

No one knows monster quite so well as Guy Davis, and I think it's safe to say, too, that no one's drawn Abe Sapien nearly so often. Not even Mike Mignola himself. So who better than Davis to toss the fish-man down on the slab and annotate all his inner workings? My favorite bit would have to be that bracket labeling the neck frills. 

To the right, a wonderful portrait from one of our greatest living comic artists, Ryan Sook, who was actually the first to pencil a full BPRD story ("The Hollow Earth") all those years ago. This is our introduction to the mysterious girl known as Fenix, the unlikely leader of a growing troop of vagrants. I love Sook's Mignola homage, using an almost abstract torrent of flame in the background. That's really become a Mignola signature of late. The other interesting touch is the outline of Texas–the story's setting–serving as the source of that flame. 



Daredevil Reborn #1

Cover by Jock

I'm smitten with this idea of the billy club cable as a crime scene's chalk outline. It's a clever concept executed exceptionally well. I love the idea that this is the kind of fall from grace that affects an entire setting, with this echo of Matt Murdock and the Daredevil spread out across the rooftops of Hell's Kitchen. 


  1. What?  Not one of the hundreds of Spawn #200 covers made it?  Seriously though, that Abe Sapien cover is pretty sweet.  I’d get a print of that.

  2. That jock cover gives me an itch, in a good way!

  3. Unwritten’s covers are consistently great. Has Yuko Shimizu done any interiors?

  4. loved the ASM cover

  5. Great picks. One of the best weeks on a while. 

    @lifesend: I’ve seen most (but not all) of the Spawn 200 covers and I gotta say they all seem pretty typical for the series. Is there one you think stands out?

  6. I know no one reads Deadpool anymore (except for me), but I gotta give a nod for Dave Johnson’s cover in Deadpool #31. Instead of pouches, hundreds of wooden stakes are the new thing for Deadpool.

  7. I agonized over which of those BPRD covers to pick up. Ended up going with the Guy Davis, but man what a decision. 🙂

  8. Did you guys see the cover for DD: Reborn #2.  Wow!  That’s a great Jock cover.

  9. That DD Reborn cover got me to pick up the book after being pretty disinterested in Shadowland.  So glad I did, too.  It was my favorite Diggle issue thus far.

  10. I used to not like Humberto Ramos’s work all that much.  I don’t know if he’s changed or if I’ve changed but as far as I’m concerned everything he does now is fried gold.  That’s a fine cover.

  11. @TheNextChampion  I liked the Deadpool cover as well. I’m still reading it but seeing as how the book hasn’t been fun in months I’m giving it one more issue to impress me. It doesn’t then it gets dropped.
    For the record, this was going to be my final issue but that cheap shot at Twilight gave it a stay of execution.