TEASER: What Will Become of These Black Amorphous Blobs in AGE of X: UNIVERSE?

Marvel has released this image from Age of X: Universe, depicting some shadowy figures whose fates will be revealed in a March two-parter. These are always fun, and this one in particular reminds me of those thick cardboard puzzles I did at the children's library, the ones with pieces so large you'd have to have been dropped on your head and then struck with a croquet mallet as a toddler to be befuddled by them. But in this case we don't have the pieces to look at, just the amorphous black spaces where they're supposed to fit. 

While Age of X is a filthy mutant event, it also affects the rest of the heroes in that alternate reality. Writer Simon Spurrier and artist Koi Pham explore the ramifications of a world without X-Men as it pertains to, well, everybody else. 

So. Who are we looking at? 


  1. Obviously one of them is Spider-Woman

  2. Captain America, The HUlk, Spider-woman, Iron Man and The Invisible Woman

  3. The one on the right is Hulk.

  4. @Heroville  I dunno about that, Bendis isn’t writing it. 

  5. @g0ofgnewt  I think you nailed it.

  6. from the top: Iron Man, Spider-Woman, Hulk, Black Widow(?), and Cap smashing a Nazi to bits.

  7. Storm on the upper right.

  8. I saw this and almost didn’t click on it because I was afraid it was the return of that awful Alex Ross thing.

  9. The Spider-Woman looks like JRJR’s “I am an Avenger” teaser, and the Captain America looks like Ed Mcguinness’ cover, so either this is some classic Land tracing, or Marvel is bull shitting us.

  10. @nick0606  Nice work!

  11. Nice! Good, I hate secret hype.

  12. Oh, Photoshop!

  13. So this alternate universe features Headless Captain America? I’m sold.

    Seriously, though, that was a questionable silhouette choice.

  14. @nick0606  yeah, nice finds!

    For perspective, folks, this isn’t the first teaser that was assembled from disparate images. Here’s the first one they pieced together over on Bleeding Cool: http://www.bleedingcool.com/2010/10/20/where-did-that-age-of-x-alpha-cover-come-from-anyway/

  15. Either we are all really smart or this was really lazy photoshop by Marvel.

  16. ahhh remember a few months ago when they did this with the secret avengers, yeah that sucked huh.

  17. You never know, that might not be Captain America. It could be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

  18. @g0ofgnewt Spot on!

  19. @TheNextChampion  BOTH!

  20. So the fully revealed poster is by Greg Land?
