SOCIAL NETWORK Actor Cast as Young Ra’s al Ghul in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES

Wow, those Lazarus Pits can do wonders for your skin.

The Hollywood Reporter has the scoop that The Social Network actor Josh Pence has been hired to play a young Ra’s al Ghul in flashback sequences in Christopher Nolan’s upcoming The Dark Knight Rises. Liam Neeson played an older Ra’s al Ghul in Batman Begins, and although the character has been known to de-age himself in comics from time to time Pence’s scenes will reportedly only be in flashbacks.

If you’re having trouble remembering Pence in The Social Network, it’s not your fault. The former model had a lot of screentime on the David Fincher film, but he did so in body alone — Pence played the other half of Armie Hammer’s Winklevoss twins, with Hammer’s face later superimposed over Pence’s.

Pence just wrapped filming of the 2012 summer movie Battleship in a role with more face-time, coincidentally with the older version of his DKR character, Liam Neeson. His most memorable role to date would be as the Cowboy in recent episodes of Parks & Recreation.


  1. Certainly looks like a young Liam Neeson. Interested to see how the flashbacks fit into the story.

  2. That’s a big cast. 3+ hours?

  3. Well I’m pretty drunk right now & I just decided to check iFanboy cause well…. I love this site, but this seems odd. The guy seems to have really little experience & whilst its highly probable that I’m misinterepriting this “with Hammer’s face later superimposed over Pence’s” does not sound good. I guess my mantra is going to be “trust in Nolan… trust in Nolan” for the next year or so. Just hopes this works out.

  4. If you get a chance to watch the Making of Social Network extras, you’d feel OK about it.

  5. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    Truth. Important to remember he’s not just a model and that he actually did act in Social Network. He’s not a stunt double. He’s not a butt double. He performed in scenes and wasn’t chosen simply because he looks like Hammer. He would’ve been the guy if Hammer hadn’t auditioned. 

  6. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    Also worth noting, we do see his face in Social Network in a small role as the guy who tries to get into the bar restroom while Mark and Eduardo guard the door for the groupies. 

  7. I’m okay with this. But then again I just let these new Batman films do what ever they want and I just enjoy it because if I didn’t I would exsplode.

  8. explode*

  9. nolan hasnt let me down yet, so no reason to start doubting him now.

  10. Well, this article will at least make me finally get around to watching the making of the Social Network.

  11. Very interesting.

    I think we’ll be hearing an actress play Talia soon enough. Maybe Talia hires Bane to kill Batman for revenge and Catwoman is set up to save the day?

  12. This actually looks like great casting- still, as the number of characters in this movie grows, the more worried I become about it being as good as the others. 

  13. @TNC: Methinks thou just made a screen-scribe (or two) say “D’ho“!

  14. He’s too much of a cupcake. I was expecting more of a sour cherry tart.

  15. Interesting news, in terms of the actor and the role. The plot thickens…

  16. @TheNextChampion  The rumor has been that Marion Cotillard might be the Talia role.

    This film better be Return of the King or Toy Story 3 level.

  17. @ghetto: She certainly isn’t a bad choice. Although, and I hate to be that guy especially since Jimski did a whole article on it, but with her looks I see her more as NYSSA Al Ghul, Ra’s illegitamite child. But hey, I’m sure she is perfect for whatever Nolan has in mind for her.

  18. @TheNextChampion  that’s exactly what i wanted out of this film. bring back al ghul(too bad is only in flashbacks)