SDCC 2011: PREVIEW: Zeb Wells and Joe Madureira’s AVENGING SPIDER-MAN

During this afternoon's Amazing Spider-Man and His Avenging Friends panel in San Diego, Marvel unveiled a preview of the highly anticipated Avenging Spider-Man by Zeb Wells and Joe Mad! 

Have a look at Spidey and his "pal" Red Hulk: 


  1. so someone’s getting their spidey sense back?

    and good bye amazing hello avenging?

  2. @WeaklyRoll  It’s out of continuity like The Brave and the Bold  / Marvel 2 in 1 methinks.

  3. Love the art!

  4. Hopefully it turns out really good, even if I’m not a huge fan of the Red Hulk.

  5. Joe Mad!  Yes sir, I’ll be picking this up.  I think an out of continuity Spidey title would be loads more fun than the regular book.  Here’s hoping I’m right.

  6. @ResurrectionFlan  –wow a Brave and the Bold style Spidey book. Yup i’m all over that. These pages do look really fun. 

  7. Oh good, his art isn’t colored in a brown shit palette.

  8. This looks brilliant!

  9. Joe Mad art always great.
    Joe Mad art being on time,never.

  10. Why not just call it marvel team up? I mean that’s what it is and and I don’t think it needs to have spideys name in the title to sell well because I think Mad on anything would probably sell like gangbusters

  11. Red Hulk finally got sick of seagulls hanging around when he is eating hot chips

  12. Thios looks pretty good, but somehow, to me, it does not look “OMG JOE MAD IS BACK AND HE IS DRAWING SPIDEY”-good.

  13. @newtype1089  –If it has Spiderman or Avengers in its name, it sells. 

  14. Can’t stand Madureira art.  Never have.

  15. @WeaklyRoll  thought the same thing about the spidey sense. wonder if he’s going to have reed richards to thank.

  16. Did i just see the Red Hulk kill a flock of seagulls?

  17. I was hoping for / expecting traditional inking instead of colors over pencils.  Though, this might not be a finished product… any announcement on a release date?  I assume they have to give Joe Mad plenty of lead time.

  18. @ctrosejr  –i like the no inks, color over pencils look. Gives it some warmth and feels less generic and rigid. 

  19. Hey he’s  got the Spider-sense back!

  20. Love spiderman so im all in

  21. If this is at all like Marvel Team-Up or Marvel Two-in-One, I am so on board. That plus Joe Mad is just super bonus.

  22. wow, i really like the spiderman panels