PREVIEW: THE MIGHTY THOR #1 by Matt Fraction and Olivier Coipel

We're running a check on Olivier Coipel's birth records, because I don't think he's from here. Dude's from outer space. It's the only explanation. 

Marvel released this advance preview of next month's The Mighty Thor #1, written by Matt Fraction and spun from cosmic elements into comics by Coipel. Here's a glimpse, in which Norrin Radd truly lives up to his name. 

Also including those Walt Simonson and Travis Charest variant covers, because I can. 

Get your mitts on The Mighty Thor #1 April 27th. 


  1. *slow clap*

    Coipel is pretty grand, I gotta say. 

  2. Is that John McCain?

  3. *sigh*

    If only this was JMS and not Matt Fraction. 

  4. Damn you Coipel, damn you to hell. I haven’t like what Fraction is doing on Thor and have only been sticking around because of Ferry’s art. Now i might have to pick this up and just look at Copiel’s art. grr.

  5. I wish Coipel was doing the art for Journey Into Mystery instead of the Thor book I won’t be reading.

  6. Why don’t you save the money by not buying comics you don’t enjoy and buy one piece of original art?

    I’m all over this book.

    Love Invincible Iron Man. Hoping to love this book (even though I haven’t checked his current Thor run).

  7. Finally! A Thor story I am excited to read!

  8. Coipel is another one of those artists, like Marcus To and Ivan Reis, who I just get excited to see draw my favorite characters. His style is so dynamic and iconic that characters just look correct under his hand. Oh, Jim Cheung, too.

    Have not been into Fraction’s Thor, but Coipel will warrent picking up the entire arc. Story be damned, this is gonna look good.

  9. I’m definitely picking this up, but DAMN! ANOTHER REBOOT? why? Coipel & JMS’s  reboot run was solid, they went back to the original numbering, and now another reboot?

    oh, wait there is that movie coming out……(smacks forehead)

  10. I’m not one for continuity, but I hope Fraction at least acknowldges what is going on in the current Silver Surfer mini series, with the Surfer being depowered.

  11. @Malecema  I fully agree! I’m just choking my way through the Fraction/Ferry run which is some of the WORST stuff I’ve seen in a while

  12. “If the movie sucks.. just … don’t … go.” I read the first two issues of Fraction’s thor. I like some of the art but knew I was dropping it really after the first hundred talking heads in the interview part. Garbagio.