Oni Editor Randal Jarrell Leaves for the Army

After so many people spend so much time trying to get into comics, it's a rare thing that someone who already broke in leaves to serve their country.  But Jarrell, an editor with Oni since 2003, and working on iFanboy favorites like Northwest Passage and The Damned, has heard the calling, not unlike Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, and Joe Simon before him.  He'll be enisting in the US Army Reserves and serving as a medic while also attenting nursing school.

“This was easily the hardest decision of my professional life,” stated Jarrell. “I love this company and the people I work with, and I am so incredibly proud of the work we’ve done over the last 6 years. I just feel I have a calling to serve not just this country, but the men and women in uniform who have already sacrificed so much.”

There will be some shuffling of positions and new faces at Oni to take over Jarrell's position, but he was instrumental in the growth of the small publisher over the last 6 years.  We've spoken with him at many a convention, and he will be missed. We wish Randal all our best, and hope to see him back at the conventions some day.


  1. All the best to Randal. Safe journey and safe mission. As someone with two cousins in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan, I’m extremely grateful for people like Randal who’ve made the decision to aid in their wellbeing. 

  2. Like Paul said, all the best. Being from a military family, the men and women who decide to serve have my eternal gratitude. Safe travels Randal!

  3. This isn’t the place for voicing your thoughts on the war.

  4. Takes a certain type of person to leave their life and choose to serve their country. Best of luck to Randal.

  5. @Josh there was absolutely nothing wrong or offensive about what I posted, so I’m not really sure why you removed my comment.  I was voicing my support, while also stating why I wouldn’t join.  To me, that’s relavent to the subject matter.  Sorry you disagree. 

  6. I have a very close friend in Afghanistan right now. I worry about him every day because it is (his words not mind) ‘the most dangerous area of the country’.

    Just like my friend, I wish Randal the best of luck and for his safety.

  7. @vadamaowens – We have a no politics/no religion rule.  As I said, not the place or time for that. There are lots of other places to discuss those things if you want. It’s a long standing rule here, while I realize that this post might invite those sorts of comments, we’re not going to keep them. House rules.

  8. @Josh While that totally makes sense, I was unaware of that rule.  I wasn’t attempting to be inflammatory.

  9. I kind of understand the iFanboy house policy on this stuff, though I’m usually one to really scrutinize situations heavily when certain types of comments "aren’t allowed". And I especially think it’s important to be able to express anti-war comments no matter what. Personally I think an article about someone joining the Army is OBVIOUSLY a very relevant place to discuss our feelings about the war (which isn’t really "politics"–it’s life and death). People actually had to fight to earn the right to express free speech about war, and I think exercising that right is ridiculously more important than "keeping things positive" no matter what. It’s entirely iFanboy’s right to delete anti-war comments (or my comment here), but on some level I have to say that the policy makes me respect the site a little less–no offense. I think the comment of "I don’t support war" should ALWAYS be allowed, EVERYWHERE. But because it’s your personal site, it’s your right to silence free speech in this way…and this right of control is also an important right…but I wish you wouldn’t exercise it on this particular issue.

    On the other hand, iFanboy’s pretty evenhanded and sageous about all of this stuff. I can understand the overriding concern of not wanting the forum to switch to a debate about social issues. On the internet those debates seem to turn disrespectful and nasty very quickly. As far as comic sites go, I’ve personally seen certain CBR boards become havens for political/ideological nastiness. I definitely wouldn’t want that to play out on this site.

    Just my 2 cents. You guys have probably thought all of that stuff through before anyway. But I’m just exercising my right to voice a degree of dissension. And I understand if you want to remove this comment as well. Lastly, for what it’s worth, best wishes to Randal Jarrell. I hope he helps some people.

  10. I really don’t want this thread to turn into a discussion of our policies.  Any more comments on the subject will be deleted.  I just wanted to say thank you and good luck to Randal.  That’s what this is for.

  11. wow. what a dude

  12. Good man, I could always count on him as a managing editor so I’m sure the army will be able to count on him as well.

  13. I wish him well on his decision.



  14. Wow, this is a nice story, this guys is way braver than I am.  I hope he returns home safe.  Best wishes to him.

  15. I’ve had the pleasure of talking with Randal a few times at SDCC, always found him to be a good guy. I wish him luck! 

  16. Godspeed and all the best to you, Mr. Jarrell!