One Chart, Every Spider-Man Publication Ever

Self-proclaimed non superfan Matt over on the Modern Ideas blog has created a spectacular chart of the entire publication history of Spider-Man. He has a cool post accompanying the graphic explaining how he put it together, including the decisions that went into displaying some fo the early stories with less publication data that were contained in anthologies of other stories. The post is worth a read but I'll let you click through for it, here I will simply present the image itself in all it's informative glory.

Click to embiggenate.


  1. it seems this was a time-consuming endeavor, however it would be very interesting to see some for other characters/series

  2. This is positively chartacular. 

  3. Simply amazing!   And I like the word embiggenate.  May need to start using it.

    I never realized Perter Parker Spider-man was a name change to the McFarlane Spider-man series, becasue I had stopped reading comics around the clone saga and returned in the early 2000s.  I may have to go back and reorganize my Spider-man collection.

    A handy tool for collectors with a little OCD. 

    Now if I only had one of these for the X-books and the Batman books.

  4. This just makes me feel old.  I still think of the Black Costume as more recent development because I remember when it debuted, but it’s now been around for more than half of Spidey’s near 50 year history.  And Gwen Stacey has been dead almost as long as I’ve been alive, but she’s still a big part of the Spider-man mythos.
    And Spidey’s almost 50! Hopefully he has a big birthday bash next year. 

  5. Very neat stuff, I LOVE Infographics (aka data porn 🙂 ), so this is right up my alley.

  6. Mmmmmmm charts. This makes me so happy.

  7. Wow, this is pretty sweet….this will be helpful to me as a Spider-man collecter.

  8. Nice chart…this NEEDS to be turned into a fancy, super designed infographic…

  9. What is it with charts this month giving me a mix of education and a splitting headache?

  10. When you say “every publication” does it not include minis?   I ask because it has the current “Astonishing Spider-Man” and Wolverine mini, but seems to be missing minis from the past like:

    Spider-Man & Mysterio (Jan-Mar 2001)
    Spider-Man: Quality of Life (July-Oct 2002)
    Spider-Man: House of M (Aug-Dec 2005)
    Spider-Man & the Fantastic Four (June-Sept 2007)
    Spider-Man: Siege (one-shot June 2010)

    Those are a couple off the top of my head, there are a LOT of other Spider-Man minis, one-shots, cross-company teamups (who can forget Superman/Spider-Man?  I can understand forgetting Spider-Man/Badrock……)

    Anyway… can do a whole separate chart of Spidey minis…….

  11. Much more complex than the power vs responsibility chart

  12. I miss Tangled Web…

  13. @ato220  But this wouldn’t fit quite so neatly on a t-shirt (unfortunately).

  14. Spider-Ham????

  15. @ResurrectionFlan – Let’s not go crazy.

  16. Come on, SOMEONE on these boards has to have all of these books packed away somewhere.  @Conor, I’m looking in your direction (at least from 1985 on)…

  17. I like this. Would love to see someone try a Batman or X-Men one. If either are humanly possible.

  18. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    There is now a scroll bar on the image pop-up so you can view the entire image without downloading. 

  19. Shucks, all this time I thought Sensational Spider-Man was added as the 5th regular title in 1996 and here I find it replaced Web of Spider-Man! This is life shifting information, this is!

  20. I’m curious that there were so many titles post 1990.  I wonder if that’s due to a big shift in how the industry markets books or just because it was too hard to find the data pre 1990.

  21. Good job. Thumbs up!

  22. Nice to see that Marvel hasn’t run out of adjectives to describe Spider-Man.