New Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Debuts in ULTIMATE FALLOUT #4

Peter Parker is dead. Long live Spider-Man! Ultimately speaking! 

Marvel has released this promo image of Ultimate Fallout #4, due out next week. In it, we meet the new Spider-Man. Though not in his all-new costume, from the looks of things. 

Are those…kneepads? 


ON SALE 8/3/11
I think he's going to be a guy named Arthur McIntyre. This is based on nothing. It just came to me. He teaches ceramics classes at the local community center. 


And fights crime. 


  1. and instantly i’m reassured that I need to keep buying Ultimate Fallout!

  2. Ugh, I guess I have to buy this. i was staying away from this because i just can’t afford to buy another book, but this makes me intrested.

  3. I’m pretty sure he has elbow pads too. Maybe he left his bicycle around the corner, and he just decided to keep the protective gear on to cut a few seconds off his costume change time.

  4. I would read a comic featuring Arthur McIntyre, ceramic teacher and Spider-Man outfit wearer, fighting ‘Crocodile’ Dundee’s long-haired brother.

  5. Hmm well played Marvel, well played indeed.  They must have aticipated that everyone was dropping this mini series so they had to bust this promo out. 

    I wouldnt have even got this weeks issue if it hadnt already been pre ordered it at my local store guess im back in it lol

  6. I’m still out. I don’t care. I’ll wait until the new series for the new Spider-Man.

  7. @JeffR  agreed. it’s a great name

  8. @conor good for you i wish i had your willpower lol

  9. Screw it. After the last issue blew chunks, I just can’t waste my money especially on an “Ultimate” title.

  10. I don’t read the Ultimates line but presuming the identity of the new Spider-Man isn’t someone who already exists in the “regular” Marvel U would that suggest that this same person exists there but hasn’t appeared in anything yet?

    OR could the identity of the new Spider-Man be someone we know from the “regular” Marvel U but is a tertiary character.

    Either way, it’s an interesting concept.

  11. sorry… and could make for a nice mystery.

  12. Ultimate Manuel O’Hara

  13. * Miguel O’Hara

  14. anybody can put on a costume and be Spider-man there is only one Peter Parker.

  15. Collars for DC

    Kneepads for Marvel 

  16. “ultimate ben riley…this time it will work!”, Marvel VP name withheld

  17. The new Ultimate Spiderman is…. Harry Osborn? I could see that happen. Do we find out who is under the mask next week or will that be revealed in the new series?

  18. @supertrackmonkey…that would be awesome! I’d love to see Ultimate 2099!!!

  19. Kneepads are one of those things that would be absolutely essential to a particular super-hero; but its so basic we never think of it. Given Spider-Man’s style of travel; I know I’d want padding for all those time’s I’d be ending a swing by slapping into a wall or sidewalk.

  20. aaww, i knew this day would come though. Alright, im ready

  21. No way are the going to reveal the identity this early. I’m 100% sure we won’t find out who’s under the mask.

    Ultimate Comics just isn’t worth reading anymore.

  22. @supertrackmonkey  That’d be awesome.

  23. I still have this bizarre theory that Peter’s still alive, and it was all some elaborate staged death to protect his family.  I’ve no complicated reasoning for this other than the fact that it felt like Bendis had put several plot threads into motion without actually finishing them (primarily the whole Ultimates train Peter plot).

    I’ve no doubt I’m completely wrong on this…