New Comics for 12/02/2010 are– it’s December ALREADY??

Get to pulling this THURSDAY's books, and then let us know what you're looking forward to most, what you're dropping, what others should be buying and anything you're thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Tom, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Ali, and Matt.

This week Josh has the Pick of the Week!

Bonus Question: Where did the year go?


  1. Action comics annual #13 is what I’ll be grippin on, and Goldschlager is what I’ll be sippin on!


  2. Why is it Thursday this week?

  3. @Avistann Comics are late in the states because of Thanksgiving…

  4. BQ: Justin Bieber took our year, along with the dog crap in my yard!

  5. Heroes for Hire #1 is highly likely to be incredible. DnA proved with Guardians of the Galaxy that they can write the heck out of a team book. I can’t wait to see how they make the HFH’s motley crew work but I have full confidence that it will be an awesome title that will be among the best books on the stands. Also, it will be cancelled after 6 issues.

  6. small week with only 7 books. I’m excited for the END of Shadowland. Can someone please redeem Daredevil? The book has sunk to a new low.


  7. NO books this week?!?  How does that happen?  And how come it’s Thursday this week?  Questions, questions…

  8. small week, which meansw a chance to grab some trades.

    BQ: i don’t know where the year went, but whereve he/she/it is, I hope he/she/it is happy.

  9. Looking forward to Buffy, Generation Hope and Irredeemable.

  10. Brightest day and Action Comics annual.
    And fucked if I know. I lost track after September

  11. Heroes For Hire #1 is, without a doubt, the most anticipated release of the week. It looks to be very fun and well written, which is what most comics should aspire to be.

    I’m also curious about Wolverine Kills Shit #1, which I don’t really expect to be good, but a…well…interesting entry into comic history.

    BQ: This year went straight into the garbage for me, starting in February. It seriously can’t end soon enough.

  12. Glad Shadowland is wrapping up. Gonna get DD and Shadowland #5, that and Sweet Tooth, Vertigo Resurrected, and gonna order Planetary Vol. 4 off amazon one of these days before Christmas break.

  13. Lightest week I have had in quite a while, but last week was a monster, so I guess it evens out. Not buying trades this close to Christmas. Can’t read what I got already.

  14. Batman: Dead to Rights and Brightest Day. Very excited about the BD trade.

    BQ: Some portions of this year were retconned out of existence, that’s why it seems so short.

  15. Looks like one of my slowest weeks ever. Only Irredeemable and Sweet Tooth. *sigh*

  16. BQ: The same place my money went.

  17. Baltimore Plague Ships and Maybe Action Annual. Baltimore has been a really fun ride…sad to see it end.

    BQ: It was a tough year for me and lots of other people. Glad to see its over, and raises a glass to new things!

  18. Just Brightest Day for me… not that it really matters since I get stuff from DCBS, so I’ve got a lot of stuff coming my way on Wednesday

    BQ: Damned if I know, but I don’t much mind that it’s gone, it’s been rough

  19. Brightest Day

    BQ: I spent the whole Summer in Turkey.

  20. For anyone who cares, Marvel Digital is offering a 30% discount on any new subscriptions through DEC 1st…

  21. Action Comics Annual #13. That’s the only thing. Good thing too because I still have two weeks of books to read.

    BQ: The year was taken out to the backyard and put down.

  22. light week, but high quality.  irdeemable, sweet tooth, brightest day…few others.

    the year got swallowed up by moving from one house to another.

  23. Oh them darn Turkeys! Ehh, I got a light week but sadly I won’t have any money to purchase most of them until christmas 🙁

  24. A very light week for me. Definitely can’t wait to see what you guys have to offer on the ‘Light Week’ article. Although Action Comics Annual and/or Wolverine: Best There Is are on my mind to pick up.

    As it is I’m only getting: Sweet Tooth and Vertigo Resurrected Winter’s Edge.

    BQ: It went to the Fifth Dimension… the Twilight Zone.

  25. Wow, what a light week. Brightest Day is my only title. Luckily I get my books through DCBS, because Brightest Day isn’t worth a trip to the shop. 

  26. Only two books this week and I am really excited; Sweet Tooth, and RASL, oh yeah.

  27. very light week for me. I usually get around 12 books, this week it’s only 6. I should buy some trades online and hunker down for winter. blah

  28. An okay week from me just Baltimore:The Plague Ship, Brightest Day, Generation Hope, Heroes For Hire, Wolverine, and American Vampire.


  29. I think this is the defination of a light week: Irredeemable.

    That is all.

  30. The year walked right past me and forgot about me. Or maybe that’s vice versa.

  31. Five books for me. can’t wait for Heroes For Hire #1!

    BQ: When you have a baby for the first time, the year VANISHES. I’m sure Josh will back me up on this one.

  32. The most depressing time of the year……

    (for me)

    Oh yeah that’s also September and January, and June, I’m seeing a pattern….

  33. Post Thanksgiving quiet week for me as well.  Of note would be American Vampire and Heroes for Hire (old favourite characters and decent writing team).  Supergod finally ends and so does Bullet In The Head (great art but somewhat convoluted story).  A pick could be tough though…

    BQ:  Bloody good question

  34. I’ll probably be picking up Asterous Polyp (sp?) so im probably not the person to answer the bonus question because Im a year behind everyone else

  35. American Vampire, Heroes for Hire, Ozma of Oz, Wolverine: Best There Is

    BQ: Over there.

  36. Very light week, which is good because I’ve still got to pick up last week’s books. Most looking forward to Action annual, The Boys (it’s improved a lot – give it a try), the Shadowland wrap-up, Irredeemable, Risso on Hex, Ryp drawing Wolverine and blood and guts, and Pinocchio Vampire Slayer. Very light, but very solid week.

    BQ: I know, right? I didn’t have it nearly as bad as some people I know (heck, dropping weight even made it almost worthwhile), but still it’s been very, very strange. Just hope things pick up all around for everyone next year.

  37. Most excited for:

    American Vampire
    Baltimore Plague Ships
    Chaos War God Squad

    BQ:  holy crap I have no idea, I still got shit to do! 

  38. It wasn’t on Diamond’s list but according to the Image website the new “27” book is coming out this week. Anyone know?

  39. @s1lentslayer  Image’s website is not reliable at all. It’s the least reliable of all the major compay websites.