New Comics for 07.27.2011 Are Getting Over Con Excitement

Get to pulling this Wednesday's books, and then let us know what you're looking forward to most, what you're dropping, what others should be buying and anything you're thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Tom, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Ali, Chris and Matt.

This week Ron has the Pick!

Bonus Question: What is the best thing you either saw, or wish you had seen at a comic book convention?


  1. Monster week for me. Uncanny X-Force, Xombi, Deadpool MAX, Detective Comics among the books I’m most looking forward to…

  2. Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine and the Justice hardcovers for me!

  3. Just the Streets of Gotham trade for me.

    BQ: At the London Kapow! Comic Con I saw a wall of people dressed as DC superheroes taking pictures of a wall of people dressed as DC supervillains, who were in turn taking pictures of them. I only regret not taking a picture myself of the entire situation.

  4. BQ: Some of the cosplayers this year looked very professional. Yaya Han as Sif was one of my favorites.



  5. BQ:  I’d love to meet some of my favorite creators.  Damn, I need to plan a trip to a bigger convention next year.

  6. BQ: At HeroesCon ’10, Storm Shadow tried to pick a fight with my dad.

  7. Avatar photo Jeff Reid (@JeffRReid) says:

    BQ: This.

  8. BQ: Had I been there, I would have really liked to see the Locke and Key pilot and also meet Jimmy Palmiotti.

  9. BQ: As a huge Star Wars fan, it was awesome to meet Carrie Fisher last year at C2E2

  10. 14 books for me this week! Gonna have to shave some off me thinks.

    Hey I thought Super Dinosaur was coming out this week?

  11. Wow. Too many books for me this week. Some of these Flashpoint tie-ins are goin right from my pull bin to the shelf. I can’t do it anymore.

    BQ: When I worked at Midtown Comics, we got all kinda free passes to just about everything. When Geoff Johns had just started GL, he had a signing at the end of the day during that year’s NYCC. We were last in line and he had the help close the doors and we ended up talking comics with him for about 30 minutes. He was so excited for what was comin down the pike for GL, that he just kept droppin spoiler after spoiler. It really impressed me. He was just a little star on a big rise but he was and remains one of the most down-to-earth creators it’s ever been my pleasure to meet. The more success you have, the more critical people tend to be. But I’ve talked to him several times since that day, and he’s managed to hold on to that humility. Which is something truly special.

  12. lots of books. Pretty eXcited over the return of Uncanny X Force. All my years of Catholic School is really making me scared to bring that issue of Amazing Spiderman into my house. haha

    BQ. Sadly, i’ve never had the opportunity to go to a major con. Someday… 
    could be fun to see a  youtube of a major flashmob do some sort of sycnronized thing at a con…like Thriller from that Indian Prison…. 

  13. action comics, search for swamp thing, and undying love. I’m finally dropping Godzilla just out of the huge financial burden that September is going to mean. LOL

    BQ: wish I had seen Flanagan at WonderCon… or even Conor and Ron together… spooky…..

  14. Small week, but packed with a lot of talent! Also, the orgy of comic books will start next week!

    Detective Comics, FF, and Xombi 

  15. Big, big week. Schism, Detective, Samnee’s Cap, Xombi, LOEG and a ton more.  I hope Fallout improves from the kinda pointless second issue.

    BQ:  Never actually been…must do something about that someday.

  16. This is definitely the lightest week I have had in what seems like forever.

    Detective Comics #880 – Self explanatory
    Gotham City Sirens #25 – I’m going to miss this title
    Amazing Spider-Man #666 – Mostly excited about the variant
    American Vampire #17 – Self explanatory
    Bomb Queen: All Girl Special #1 – For my girlfriend

  17. @player1  I am so confused as to what is going on with her boobs in that picture.  It looks as if she only has one.  A quick Google search shows me that this is not the case….and that I must Google more.  Yes.  I will be Googling all night.

    Oh! Hey! Yeah…um.  *mumble mumble*  Eight books this week…or something.  Comics.  Yeah….those.


    BQ: I haven’t been to too many cons.  Dragoncon is kind of a pop culture clusterfuck with not much in the way of comics, and Atlanta Comics Expo sadly went belly up.  I did meet David Mack there, and that was cool.  Nice guy.  I got a signed Daredevil print that I got nicely framed.  Really thinking about doing the Dragoncon thing this year because Stan Lee and Christopher Lloyd are going to be there.  Just…ugh.  It takes Stan Lee to get me to even consider it.

  18. 4 books for me this week. Here’s hoping FF actually has some members of the FF in it this issue, as last issues 22 pages of boring exposition killed the momentum of a book I had been loving up to that point.

    BQ: i saw a gigantic Batman made out of Legos at NYCC a few years ago. 

  19. Big week..should probably cutback. Week’s like this make me poor.

    BQ: My first con was Emerald City in march.. I was getting off the elevator and Tron was getting on. It was all I could do to not geek out. Meeting Eric Canete was awesome too.

  20. Holy mother is there a lot of books this week!  I’m looking forward to that League of Extraordinary Gentlemen installment.  Hope my shop ordered some.  All in all, I’m pretty stoked for what’s hitting the racks.

    BQ: The one con I’ve been to was a smaller regional show, and I was so busy digging through cheap comics I didn’t notice much.  My goal this year is to pay more attention.

  21. Instead of best thing I ever saw, I’ll just describe the most memorable. 40 year old overweight guy dressed as the a member of Team Rocket from Pokemon. Here’s the kicker, he was the female Team Rocket character. Makeup, wig, everything. Even doing “anime girl” poses and flashing peace signs.

  22. Big week, i really have to lose some books but i dont wanna.

    BQ: Michael Winslow at supernova sydney last year. That guys ridiculous.

  23. Funny seeing the “light week” versus the “big week” posts. Just shows the variety of tastes. As mentioned I have 14 books this week. But I gotta say, I’m loving Flashoint, but my wallet will shout for joy when these mini-series wrap up!

  24. I’m getting action comics 903 project superman 2 hal jordan 2 green arrow 14 brightest day aftermath 2