New Comics for 05.11.2011 has Superman on the brain

Get to pulling this Wednesday's books, and then let us know what you're looking forward to most, what you're dropping, what others should be buying and anything you're thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Tom, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Ali, Chris and Matt.

This week Josh has the Pick!

Bonus Question: If you woke up tomorrow and found yourself with all the powers and abilities of Superman, would you don a Superman costume and protect and save the planet, or would you use your new-found power to subjugate the human race? If it's the former, do you think Warner Bros. would try and sue you? If it's the latter, why are you a jerk?


  1. Heavy week for me with 8 pulls.  More than half of my Marvel pulls are released this week. One third of my DC pulls.  I just thought that was interesting.

    BQ: I want to say that I would be an honorable superhero, but, man, it’s going to be hard not to misuse the X-Ray vision. 

  2. Looking Forward to Flashpoint. 

    BQ: I’d protect and save the planet by subjugating the human race.

  3. Batman & Robin Volume 3
    Irredeemable Volume 6 (this always comes out sooner than I think)
    Birds of Prey Volume 1

    BQ: Just answering this question is too much responsibility for me.

  4. Chew, elephantmen and dynamo 5 tpb this week.
    Bq- I would save the planet. I don’t think WB would sue, but bill o’reilly might brand me a terrorist for not giving the USA priority #1.

  5. i’m excited about Amazing Spiderman and FF. I’m on the fence about Flashpoint. DC has really been underwhelming me lately. I don’t trust another event right now. I might hold off. 

    BQ. i’d embrace my human nature, and use the powers to own the entire planet. I’d take care of the bad guys, but i’d make humanity serve ME!!! Its not that i’m a jerk, i just don’t believe that any human being could remain uncorrupted by all that power. Its too much self control..too much fighting our nature. 

  6. As of this week I am done with Superman. I can’t continue to put myself through it anymore.

  7. Flash, REBELS (R.I.P.), Punisher MAX, Undying Love, and maybe Flashpoint.

    BQ: Why couldn’t I be both? A hero and occasional silver-age style menace. I demand a hat like this one!

  8. answer – i am a jerk because i have superman’s powers. 

    i would choose c: use my powers as superman to pretend to be spider man. 

  9. Excited for Chew #27! and of course Flashpoint, because why not!

    BQ: I’d become Superman. I’ll be the most powerful being in the world, i don’t think I’d have to worry about WB sueing me, if anything they should pay me. I could protray Superman in all their movies, do my own stunts, they’d save money on SFX, Plus i wouldn’t have to pass my physical.

    However, if the movie with me tanks, i will enslave them and force them to watch my films until my people like them.

  10. Flash/Point, JiM, Batgirl, Red Robin… but all of those are in service to the best book being released this week…


    Abe Lincoln, traveling through time with Einstein and Ben franklin, fighting a demonic Hitler and the nefarious Void Stalin. This issue… JFK joins the battle! HOW CAN YOU REFUSE?!

    BQ: I’d be as noble as I could be. I’d definitely work to fight evil and injustice, but I’m sure that every once in a while I’d be X-Rayin’.

  11. @RapidEyeMovement  what issues do volume 6 cover?

  12. BQ: I would force Toby Keith and Alan Jackson to make comedy albums together, on threat of being Mc’Murder Burgered.  We wouldn’t tell them they were making comedy albums of course, but we’d know.

  13. BQ: I’d go Superman, and then WB would sue. And so would Seigel’s (sp?) estate. So then I would just say I was a Plutonian.

  14. Chew & Vertigo week.  Jumping back into Northlanders.
    Love & Capes is always fun.
    Brimstone might give a hint to where Templesmith’s books have been.

    BQ: I would walk the country after taking extended leave from work without worrying about the consequences to career, family, consistency to my character, or sales of my book.  Maybe eat a hoagie.

  15. Punisher Max, FlashPoint and Starborn.

    BQ: I would totaly make the world bow to my awesome power. I would take what ever I wanted when ever I wanted. WB would be obliteratred by my awesomness. Why am I a jerk. Because absolute power corrupts absolutly.

  16. BQ: Step one: Take out the WB Legal Dept.  Step two: Figure out why my powerset doesn’t make any damned sense.

  17. Just Batman Inc and maybe Birds of Prey for me.

    BQ: Neither. I would dress up like Flex Mentallo then get sued by DC and Charles Atlas.

  18. Big week for me, which is exciting.

    Batman INC #6, Chew #27, FF #3, Hellboy: Being Human, Journey Into Mystery #623, and Punisher MAX #13 (might be my last issue)

    BQ: Evil. Cause Mark Waid showed how awesome it is to be an evil Superman with Irredeemable. 

  19. I could list all the books I’m getting this week and why I’m looking forward to them…however, only one of those books has the re-return Nate Grey, so that’s the only one worth mentioning.

    BQ: I would indeed use my powers for good, but I’d don a Batman costume just to mess with people. And I’d figure a way to countersue WB. Because I’m Super-Batman. 

  20. BQ:  Create international political incidents in geo-political hotspots around the world just for the hell of it.

  21. Not the biggest week again mind.  Still there’s Flashpoint, FF, Bat Inc and the next Punishermax HC, so plenty of fun to be had.

  22. It looks like I’ve only got two pulls this week. Which is weird because last week was one.  Not a terrible thing, mind you, just different from the 4-6 to which I’m accustomed.

  23. BQ: You Will All KNEEL!

  24. I’m going to start asking more weird questions if they keep resulting in fantastic answers like these. Good work, people!

  25. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    Oh, thank cripes. A light week for me. 

    BQ: I would do nothing differently.  

  26. Irredeemable trade for me. BQ I’d probably go batshit along with the rest of the people who realized my existence meant the universe was fictional.

  27. BQ: I’d renounce my citizenship, then go on a walkabout.

  28. Batman Incorporated #6

    Hellboy Being Human One Shot

    Moriarty #1

    Nonplayer Var Cvr 2nd Ptg #1 (OF 6)

    Superman #711

    Undying Love #2


    BQ: I’d probably do a little of both 😉

  29. un written hellboy or batman? which will it be for Josh? Daredevil astonishing x menor crossed for me which will it be?

  30. good week! Also starting point for FlashPoint. I shall prepare my wallet for the flashpoint side storys.

  31. subjugate! Since I know better then you.

  32. BQ: I’d don a costume but would consider wearing my underwear on the inside!

  33. BQ: Assuming I had the body to go with the powers, I’d dress in J’onn J’onzz’s costume, cuz I’m an exhibitionist.

  34. FF#3, Punisher Max(thanks to Ron) and that cover for ASM#660 looks too good to miss!
    BQ: Cure world hunger, destroy all WMD’s, and go Khadafy hunting @ midnite!!
    ohh yeah, play for the NY Yankees as their new up and coming SS sensation!

  35. Got 5 books this week, most looking forward to FF#3. Totally loving that book!

    BQ: I would take over thew world, no doubt. Because I could fix pretty much all of the problems plaguing mankind, but I need to be ridiculously super-powered to do so, as many decision that are right are also vastly unpopular, making me a target for assassination.

    Then, because Superman can go back in time (according to the movies at least!), I would go back in time to 1926 and use my amazing abilities to seduce Louise Brooks and have wild, wild sex with her for months on end, then bring her back with me to the future to be queen of my new empire. 

  36. @PaulMontgomery  not even solve the national debt crisis? cure cancer? create an alternate source of fuel? free rides to the moon?  

  37. BQ: i would pose as a jedi…..nough said.

  38. @conor  there’s nothing better than letting the iFanbase loose on wacky questions. Keep them coming!

  39. Pretty light week for me. Only 5 pulls.

    BQ: I think I’d take a nice stroll across the US

  40. 8 Pulls for me! Really looking forward to Flashpoint. Others that I’m excited about are Batman INC., Titans, and Spawn(which has been surprisingly good).

    BQ: ARE YOU KIDDING?! The chance to fulfill my childhood dream of being the earth’s greatest hero. I would totally don the cape and tights, fighting for truth and justice!

  41. BQ: subjugate like the taliban just after they’ve been sold weapons from the CIA

  42. Flash, Flashpoint, Hellboy, and FF are what I’m looking forward to most.

    BQ: I’d totally be a hero, but dress like Doctor Doom just to confuse people.

  43. I can’t wait for the newest FF and to see how Flashpoint kicks off.

    BQ: I’ve learned from Smallville, always stay in the shadows. This means no cape for me. I would save people when ever I could. However, I would be selfish with my powers from time to time.

  44. A mercifully light week after last week killed my wallet:

    Batman Arkham City #1 (OF 5)
    Batman Incorporated #6
    Ff #3
    Flash #12
    Flashpoint #1
    Punisher Max #13

    Q: If I had Superman’s powers, I’d figure out a way to get rich off them. But I’d still do good.

  45. BQ: I give Dick Cheney a golden shower

  46. *I’d