New Comics for 04/01/09 fooled you

Get to pulling this Wednesday’s books, and then let us know what you’re looking forward to most, what you’re dropping, what others should be buying and anything you’re thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check it out here: Conor, Ron, Josh, and Gordon the Intern. And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, and Sonia.

Some great books to look forward to this week! The Flash: Rebirth #1! Destroyer #1 (Kirkman and Walker!)! Captain America Comics 70th Anniversary Special! Superman/Batman #57 (Abnett & Lanning!)! Scalped #27! And after reading the last issue, I think I’m going to jump back on Savage Dragon after like ten years off the book.

This week Josh has the Pick of the Week!

Bonus Question: Have you ever pulled an April Fool’s Day prank? Have you ever been the victim?



  1. Good by Noble Causes we barely knew you.

    Good by Race

    Good by Doc

    Good by Rusty

    So long you will be missed.


    scuse me while I cry a little

    SNIFF SNiff Sniff sniff 

  2. BQ – A group of my college buddies and I all chased my best friend across campus with plastic bats and swords after class. Prank…maybe not. But fun.

  3. Stoked: Flas: Rebirth

    Kinda: Invincible Iron Man

    Suspect: Destoryer (Haven’t been TOO satisfied w/ Kirkman’s Marvel work)

    B.Q. Yes & Yes

  4. Yes, finally Rebirth


    BQ A few years ago me and my girlfriend at the time convinced all our friends that i was having an affair with my friend ashley and they had a huge fight at my house when my girlfriend "found out." it got so uncomforable that out of 13 people that were there 10 of them left the house and had to be tracked down so i could tell them it was a prank. Took us 4 months to pull it off

  5. Big crazy week for me.  Flash: Rebirth and G-Mo’s Seaguy should be good stuff.

    And if you don’t buy Destroyer #1, Robert Kirkman will come to your house and punch your face off.

    BQ: Last year we had my wife’s co-workers believing she was pregnant.  Good stuff.  Tony Moore got me pretty good last year when he teased that he was returning to do an arc on The Walking Dead.  That bastard 😛

  6. I’m giving ‘Flash Rebirth’ a shot.  I think I’m off both War of Kings and JSA.  Looking forward to Fantastic Four Dark Reign and Iron Man quite a bit — the last issue of each was my pick of the week.  And X-men First Class finals and Agents of Atlas, a Jeff Parker double feature, should be a blast.

    BQ: Umm, Marketplace did a fake story about tax stimulus checks last year that I totally believed for 2/3 through.

  7. Good by Zepher

    Good by Frost

    Good by Celeste

    SNIF SNIff SNiff Sniff sniff 

  8. Man, four of my books this week are 3.99. At least the DC/Veritgo ones have a bigger page count.

    I am so stoked to see Marcos Martin drawing WWII Cap.

    BQ: None stick out in my mind. They all have just been little things.

  9. Wow, the new SeaGuy is out already? That really snuck up on me, so did Flash Rebirth. Then again, April itself snuck up on me. SeaGuy should be fun. And I’m not a diehard Geoff Johns fan (sacrilege for all good little fanboys in this mini-era, I know), or a Flash fan at all really, but I’ll give Rebirth a shot.

  10. Phew. Just Amazing Spider-Man for me. I need that after spending $50 last week.
    I might give that Cap one-shot a chance, though. And I’d like to try Sea-Guy, but I’d like to read the original first.

  11. Looking forward to Seaguy and Flash: Rebirth. 🙂

    Years ago, I was victim to a April’s Fools Prank. I have not spoken to the person ever since. 

  12. Whoa!  I downloaded the audiobook of Pride and Prejudice not more than ten minutes ago in preparation to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.  Looks like I’ll be picking up this adaptation as well.

  13. FLASH!!!

    BQ: I had a little Fiat Spider in college and a friend was able to fit it under the bleachers of the baseball field.  I reported it to the police as stolen and everything.  Annoying at the time, but looking back it was pretty funny.

  14. Looking forward to Amazing Spider-Man and Irredeemable. Hopefully Iron Man will be good, if not, off the list it goes.

    BQ: Y’know, I’ve never actually pulled a prank on anyone, or had one pulled on me. Don’t really know why…

  15. Most excited for Flash Rebirth (ooooh!), Amazing Spider-Man and JSA.

    BQ: None. I hate practical jokes. 

  16. Battle For The Cowl: Man Bat #01
    Flash: Rebirth #01
    JSA #25
    Scalped #27
    Teen Titans #69
    Teen Titans 2009 Annual #01
    Astounding Wolf-Man #14
    Savage Dragon #146
    ASM #590
    Captain America Comics 70th Anniversary Special #01
    Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #02
    Franklin Richards April Fools #01
    New Avengers The Reunion #02
    Secret Warriors #03
    X-Men First Class Finals #03
    Boys #29
    Cars: Rookie #01
    Irredeemable #01
    Destroyer #01


    One of the biggest weeks in a loooooong time for me. Some good stuff though, in Flash: Rebirth, as well as the end of the Isis/Black Adam story in JSA #25, last months issue of Teen Titans gets me more excited than usual for Teen Titans #69 & Teen Titans Annual 2009. My second issue ever of Savage Dragon will hopefully be good. I’m always looking forward to a new Franklin Richards book. I’m giving Mark Waid’s book a new chance in Irredeemable #01, and my favorite active writer right now is writing Destroyer #01 so there’s no way I would miss that. All in all, a pretty heavy week, but there seems to be quite a bit of stuff to get excited for.

    BQ: I’ve never been a victim, but I’m quite the prankster, preparing for what I’m going to do on Wednesday right now, actually.

  17. Most excited for Flash Rebirth and War of the Kings, the first issue of which was one of the best comics I’ve read in a long time, up there with Fables #81 and Green Lantern #25.

    BQ: Never had one pulled on me, but I have replaced someone’s desktop with a wallpaper of their desktop, with icons, and hid the real icons.

  18. Let’s see there is this Geoff Johns title coming out this week…..God I wish DC hypedi t more. Not like they had annoying splash page ads for this in all of their comics….It’s about Aquaman right?

    Seriously getting:

    Flash Rebirth #1

    Deadpool #9 (plus it’s distant cousin, Deadpool Classics vol.2)

    JSA #25

    BQ: I’ve tried doing jokes but they always fall flat. But being the butt of April Fool jokes? Oh there’s hundreds of stories I could tell you…

  19. A ton of stellar looking #1s this week.  I’m reading the first Seaguy mini tonight in order to be ready for Wednesday.

    Destroyer #1 (OF 5)

    Flash Rebirth #1 (OF 5)

    Gi Joe #4

    Irredeemable #1

    Mighty #3

    Scalped #27

    Seaguy The Slaves Of Mickey Eye #1 (OF 3)

    BQ: Maybe when I was 8.

  20. Flash: Rebirth all the way!

     BQ: No and No. I do have a friend who’s b-day is on April 1st.

  21. Only three things this week and that is with adding Flash: Rebirth a little bit ago.  I might add Destroyer to the list but that will be a gametime decision.  Also, Wolf-man is on the chopping block, I haven’t got into this series and I am not sure it will start now.


    BQ:Nope on both counts.

  22. This is a big week for me. And while I have been looking forward to Flash:Rebirth for a LONG time now, amazingly enough, it’s NOT the book I am most excited for. that honor goes to Irredeemable. I am super excited for that one!


    BQ: nope and Nope. 

  23. Looking forward to Rebirth and a Kirkman/Walker reunion, but it’s the Marcos Martin drawn Cap that has me all hot and bothered this week.

    BQ: At some point, I’m sure I have fallen prey to a prank, but I’ve buried those memories far, far away. 

  24. Huge week for me after not picking up anything last week.

    BQ: I pull pranks on other days. 

  25. Just Cyblade, Scalped and Seaguy(!) for me. And maybe that Assistant Editor thing from Marvel, but only if this is the issue with the Adam Warren story in it.


    BQ: The only thing I can think of would be 4/1/98, 11 years ago now. That was the date when the Flex Mentallo TPB was solicited to be released before it was abruptly pulled from the schedule. At the time, being the huge comic book nerd that I am, I figured it must have been some prank by The Hoaxer and there was never meant to be a TPB. Little did I know at the time that I had a hand in it myself. I wouldn’t find that out until years later.

  26. Scalped, War of Kings, Buffy, Flash Rebirth, and Seaguy. What a f’n fantastic week for comics.

  27. Amazing Spider-Man #590

    Not much of a Fantastic Four Fan but I grab Spidey every week regardless.  At the moment anyway…

    Batman Battle For The Cowl Man Bat #1

    Looks cool.  The real Battle For The Cowl series is looking to get a lot better with #2 though.  I can’t wait for that shit, wish it was coming this week!!

    Irredeemable #1

    Very much worth a shot.

    Cable #13

    Well I already read part one…

    Superman Batman #57

    I’ll give this arc a try, I guess? Super-Bat was awesome except for a sucky ending.

    Mighty #3

    I like this so much for some reason.


  28. excited for flash and some of the others listed above and man what a week!!

  29. The comics I’m most excited for are: JSA, Flash Rebirth(Johns and EVS together again), Agents of Atlas, Batman BFTC: Man-Bat, Wolf-Man, Shazam(about damn time), Savage Dragon, Captain America Comics Special(James Robinson and Marcos Martin makes me giddy) and Seaguy: The Slaves of Mickey Eye(Yay new Seaguy!)

    BQ: No and no.

  30. Fun week me! Three books I’m excited about! Iron Man, Flash and The Mighty. Plus, probably Pride and Prejudice which’ll likely be fun to read!

    Hey, I get to say it: "Heavy week for me! FOUR books!" Heh heh.

  31. Flash Rebirth! Even though I’m not too amped that DC are putting (or have already put) Wally West on the shelf, like an old toy, I’m sure Johns & Van Sciver will make this awesome! Scalped! Consistantly the best book on the racks (IMO)! Killer Of Demons! First issue was funny, entertaining & had some nice art! Exclamation marks make me sound super-excited!

    BQ – Soooooo many pranks over the years, but funnily enough I don’t think any fell on April 1st!

  32. Forget about Flash Rebirth, bring on Seaguy, baby! this is what makes Morrison great

     also universal war one and iredeemable seem very interesting.

    BQ: Once when i was a kid i made my older brother drink some vingear on march 31. My 10 year old self yell out, "ha ha April Fools!" he turned around and said "you’re a march fucking idoit" I had to give him that one, it was pretty bloody stupid.

  33. @BigE  "  I downloaded the audiobook of Pride and Prejudice not more than ten minutes ago in preparation to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"

    I. . .have so many questions about this, I don’t even know where to start.

  34. Amazing Spider-Man #590

    Astounding Wolf-Man #14

    Avengers Invaders #9 (OF 12)

    Batman Battle For The Cowl Man Bat #1

    Black Panther 2 #3

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer #24

    Cable #13

    Captain America Comics 70th Anniv Special #1

    Dark Reign Fantastic Four #2 (OF 5)

    Deadpool #9

    Flash Rebirth #1 (OF 5)

    Franklin Richards April Fools

    Gi Joe #4

    Invincible Iron Man #12

    Justice Society Of America #25

    New Avengers Reunion #2 (OF 4)

    Secret Warriors #3

    Teen Titans #69

    Trinity #44


    Good God, the comic book gods have done it…19 books this week.


    Last issue of Teen Titans for me.  I don’t feel like following the crossover that it is about to embark on.


    Most excited about Flash: Rebirth and Capt America.

  35. NeDeadpool and Flash

    BQ I punked someone out on April Fools Day. We were at this kids belated birthday party and  he kept on picking on this small "somewhat annoying kid". So when he started throwing pretzles at this kid, I took a piece of cake and pie  faced him. I stood there and waited for him to do something and he did nonthing. That wouldnt be the first time or last time  i called him out. last time I saw him hetried to give a swirlly to my friends younger brother in an un flushed toilet. I almost got his underwear over his head. the guy was a bully all the kids he picked on were smaller than him

  36. While there are a lot – like a LOT – of promising books – James Robinson on Cap America, The Boys, Destroyer by Kirkman, JSA, Scalped, tons more – it’s all about Flash Rebirth this week. CAN NOT WAIT for this one.

    BQ: Once played a prank with my girlfriend on two of my co-workers involving passionate name utterances,  "Three’s Company" type misguidance and misunderstandings and closed-door conference room meetings. Probably the best prank I’ve ever be a party to, on either end.

  37. It’s all about Iron Man and War of Kings, though I am excited about Secret Warriors, as well.


    BQ: Sort of. A couple that I was friends with convinced ALL of us that they were getting married. Sent out invitations and everything. It was pretty awesome. 🙂


  38. One book. Flash: Rebirth.

    @conor – any idea when the second half of Gaiman’s Batman story is set to be released?

  39. @FACE: No idea.  There is a Kubert drawing it so it could be like six months.

  40. @cyberauron

    I dunno if that counts as being April Fool’s related. Unless afterwards, you gave a badass, action movie type line, perhaps referring to him as an April fool, or just saying, "April Fool’s… bitch". Then, it’s still not a prank, but it’s even more awesome!