More FLASHPOINT! Four Wacky One-Shots Revealed!

Just when we thought Flashpoint Friday had come to an end with eight new Flashpoint minis, DC announced four one-shots! And they're wacky


Kneel before…GRODD!  "Africa belongs to him!" He's discovered the secret to RISK!


Cover: Francis Manapul
Writer: Sean Ryan
Art: Ig Guara



"He's more powerful than ever!"  Looks like Reverse Flash is speeding through the DCU pantsing everybody!


Cover: Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes
Writer: Scott Kolins
Art: Joel Gomez



"He makes money from war!" In the world of Flashpoint, Oliver Queen is a dick. 


Cover: Viktor Kalvachev
Writer: Pornsak Pichetshote
Art: Mark Castiello



"His power is his curse!"




Cover: Rags Morales
Writer: Mike Carlin
Art: Rags Morales


How is the Canterbury Cricket not an ongoing?


  1. Should one know who the Canterbury Cricket is?

  2. Canterbury Cricket….sounds like a Dr. Who villain. 

  3. @misterckent

    My gut told me it was going to be the FLashpoint version of Ambush Bug, then I saw the cover… No idea now.

  4. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    As far as I can tell there’s a cricket team IN canterbury…

  5. Has Grodd taken over Africa or Endor?

  6. Grodd of War is the most brilliant thing I’ve heard of all year. Sold. Fucking sold.

  7. Thank God DC is “holding the line” because I am actually looking forward to just about all of the Flashpoint-related books.  If the actual stories are as awesome as these covers/titles/ideas then I’m going to be in one hell of a ride this year.  Stoked.

  8. Yow… these do not interest me at all. Admittedly curious about the Canterbury Cricket (who??? Any relation to Ambush Bug?), but Carlin’s not a writing draw for me. Actually, none of these are. I do like this kind of event though, where i can seemingly just get whatever interests me — which is following solidly along “writer” lines.

  9. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    @daccampo  hates EVERYTHING. 

    Not even Grodd of War?

    And remember…every writer has to start somewhere.  

  10. I will read the Cricket ook solely for Rags.

  11. The regular Oliver Queen always struck me as a dick, too.

  12. I love elsesworld/alternate timeline (loving Age of X for example) stories but remain blah lately on Johns. Still, I’d have to have a heart of stone to not at least appreciate titles as glouriously nutty as Grod of War *groan*. Anybody else getting a Spider-man vibe from the Cricket between his tagline, the fact people are shooting at him, and that he is leaping in a vaguly classic Spidey like pose? Plus crickets=bugs and spiders=bugs to a lot of people (I know they are different, I’m just saying).

  13. Grodd and Oliver Queen both look interesting.

    Ever since @daccampo’s avatar put on that scarf he’s been no fun.

  14. Avatar photo captamerica101 (@Autobot_Hunter) says:

    i will buy grodd of war based on the title alone. that is fact.

  15. I’m actually thinking about getting all of these.  They sound fun!  I’ve been dropping books for months now that I was enjoying, so I have room to add this whole event.

  16. Grodd of War and The Canterberry Cricket are the kind of books I will try to pick up, even though I’ve fallen off monthly issues for the most part.  Big wacky ideas that make me smile

  17. Sold on all of these. Also, Grodd apparently controls Africa… AND the forest moon of Endor!

  18. Canterbury Cricket is going to be the break out character of the year. I can tell already.

  19. We talk about great or weird comic book names all the time on here. But there should be no contest that: “Pornsak Pichetshote” is the worst name ever in history. (Not just in comics)

    Also, did I miss something here? What the hell is the Canterbury Cricket? 

  20. ollie has a shotgun i’m sold

  21. I love the premises of every damn thing for Flashpoint so far. Sure the writing talent is mostly new, but I’m ready to give them a shot.

  22. Will Grodd’s combat spoon feature? (I hope to Grodd so)

    Also, that Green Arrow cover is amazing.

  23. Grodd seems Wookie-ish on that cover…which I’m cool with.

  24. Damn this Flashpoint. Its going to be a great read but there are going to be so many sides I’ll want to read with it! I’m a Grodd fan so of course Grodd with be one of my choices. Reverse Flash seems very interesting just by the cover! 

  25. What is a good storyline in trade format that I can read that prominently features Grodd?  I’d like to read more about that character.

  26. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    @TexasZombie99  He pops up every now and then in Geoff Johns’ original Flash run (not the current one). There’s an omnibus of that coming out this year. I’d also recommend the JLU animated series, where he makes some terrific cameos. 

  27. @TexasZombie99  Grodd also shows up a lot in the Batman Brave and Bold cartoon.

  28. I don’t know why but Gorilla Grodd is my favorite villain of all time. I have no rationale just an inexplicable love of the character. I’m excited for his book.

  29. Yeah I might pick up Green Arrow based on that cover alone.

  30. @PaulMontgomery  @ctrosejr  Thanks for the heads-up.  I already had the Flash omnibus sitting in my Amazon wishlist but I’ll definitely check out the cartoons too.

  31. Canterbery Cricket is a must for me. Not sure about some of these titles though, I really wish they would stop giving writing assignments to kollins. His Magog writing was pretty good but Johns should really be incharge of the rogues.

  32. I wonder if Cantebury Cricket is somehow related to Blue Beetle.

  33. Maybe they will use this to bring Ted Kord back just like Marvel used House of M to bring Hawkeye back, may the praying begin

  34. Ready here’s my pitch DC: Here’s your new Wally West book- Reverse Reverse Flash.

  35. Good times!

  36. Wonder if the Cantebury Cricket is related to Pick Axe Pete or K.C.Munchkin???

  37. awright, awright, so Paul’s teasing me (and on Twitter, too, sonuva–!), and there’s no real way to counter that without looking even MORE like I don’t like fun, but here’s my overly serious defense anyway…

    I like Grodd, but aside from the cute title, there’s nothing to get excited about yet. I’ve read great Grodd stories, and really average ones. An unknown writer just leave as big question mark.

    Canterbury Cricket — I’ve read stuff by Carlin before and was underwhelmed. And then it’s a buggy guy with the tag “his power is his curse.” That’s kinda been done to death in comics, no? There’s nothing in here that really excites me.

    Now that doesn’t mean that the books themselves won’t be awesome, but just as we harp on people who bash something that’s not out yet, I think it’s okay NOT to just automatically get excited about a gorilla title with a pun in it, ya know? Just sayin’…

    Keep in mind, I’m not bashing the event or the publication of these books– just noting that there’s not a lot here that makes me say, “wow!”