More Fear Itself Questions of Worthiness

Marvel released another teaser for Fear Itself, this time featuring Ant-Man Giant-Man, Absorbing Man and Ms. Marvel pushing each other to get to ANOTHER hammer.

Two thoughts:

1. All of these teasers have featured both heroes and villains.

2. I'm starting to get a very "It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" Vibe to these teasers, like will there be all these hammers of power around Earth and the heroes and villains are chasing after each other for them?  Kinda like that 5 episode event of G.I. Joe with the B.E.T.  Remember that?

What do you think?



  1. I love the Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World idea.

  2. God, I’m so embarassed, but I can’t help myself!

    That’s Giant-Man, not Ant-Man.

    Ugh. Sorry. I don’t wanna be that guy.

    I like these teasers. Fun to see all these different hammers, and I’ve always loved the rare story in which someone else is worthy enough to lift the hammer. It always elevated that character a bit.

  3. I can’t wait for the next two teasers. these have all been pretty cool without revealing too much

  4. Grey Gargoyle, Juggernaut, and now Absorbing Man? Should’ve called this thing “Fear the D-Bags” instead…

  5. its cause they can’t get away with cosmic colored rings. =p

    Yes i remember that Gi Joe minseries!…you mean the pilot MASS Device thing right? 

  6. @CaseyJustice  you’re totally right – my bad – corrected – good catch

  7. These shots make me thinking that someone unseen, possibly from our perspective is standing behind the hammer and they will be the ones to pick it up.

  8. Is giant man’s costume made of unstable molecule vibranium or something? Why is absorbing man’s hand looking metallic? Shouldn’t it be red spandex?

  9. This is the third one of these, right? I wonder how many hammers there will be. None of them have looked exactly like mjolnir, though the first one resembled it a bit. Still… hammer + worthy makes me think of Thor.

    The most exciting thing so far about Fear Itself is that none of the promo materials mention Norman Osbourne. 

  10. I’m guessing the big bad in Fear Itself is dropping the hammers to create his own fear army to battle the norse gods.

    So how many hammers are there and who’s next? Nightmare? Ultron? Rocket Racoon?

  11. I just…ugh. Consider me (still) fatigued.

  12. @Harper Probably because he touched metal earlier?

  13. So can the next teaser have Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, and Ethel Merman?

    With the Three Stooges, Jack Benny, and Don Knotts for another? 

  14. That’s a sweet looking hammer… I’d take that one. Also, does anyone know who’s drawing these posters? Is it still Immomem? 

  15. Hammer Time!

  16. @deezer  It’s been a different artist for all of them so far i think. Larocca did the iron man, cap, grey gargoyle one

  17. i did say yesterday that it’s going to be a multiple thor situation. just saying

  18. Another big event where they talk about how great the Asgardians are and then punk them out faster than a new charachter on an episode of OZ.

  19. I’m a sucker for big Marvel events.  I can’t help it.  I’m their target audience and I’ll admit it. 

  20. @BetaRayRyan  Same. I’ve loved every event thats come out since i got back into comics

  21. Ok so its going to be one huge epic fight with all different kinds of hammers from Asgard. Siege meets Civil War?

  22. everybody in Fear Itself is bestowed with a hammer. marvel’s new status quo: plethora of hammersoh, and it shows in the bottom left corner: Raney.