Michael Lark Goes to the Dark Tower

It must be assumed that the Marvel adaptations of Stephen King's Dark Tower comics are doing well enough to attract top tier artists. Michael Lark is joining the likes of Jae Lee, Sean Phillips, and Mike Perkins, and providing pencils for Dark Tower: The Gunslinger – The Battle of Tull #1, a 5 issue series continuing the giant story adapted from the best selling novels, scripted by Peter David and Robin Furth.

Lark is one of my favorites, but I feel like the story is so far along now that I'm hesitant to jump in, especially since I wasn't too hooked by the initial mini-series. All that said, there's no doubt that a pro like Michael Lark (Gotham Central, Captain America, Daredevil) will make it look better than it would without him. The cover below is a pretty good example of that.

Look for it in June.


  1. I’ve sort of lost track on the Dark Tower mini’s myself. (Same goes for The Stand mini’s as well) But the series always gets fantastic artists to do the interiors.

    Shame that means we won’t be seeing Lark for a couple years now.

  2. @TheNextChampion  Not necessarily, Sean Phillips did 5 or 6 issues last year, and then was right back to work with Ed Brubaker on new Incognito stories. I’m just sad that for the past 6 months, I can’t really recall any new Lark work on the stands.

  3. is it best to read the novels 1st? I’m thinking that’s gonna take some time though

  4. @markfg It all depends. The comics seem to be going chornologically, that being from when Roland was young and all the stages from there, where the books starts at the end of the story, kinda. I read the books first and enjoyed the first book The Gunslinger more than I did the first Comic Gunslinger born, which is the 4th book. This comic here takes place during the first book, which is actually a flashback sequence. yes it all sounds very confusing, but it aligns itself with the theme of the story.

    I took me over two years to read all the books, and i took my time. for time reference.  

  5. Well, I’m afraid that’s a real shame as a big fan of the man. I can’t justify jumping on a $3.95 book like this at this point for a story I’m not interested in, even for art as awesome as I’m sure this will be.  Still, it may bring his excellence to the masses, and make him some dough at the same time, so that’s the upside.

  6. Give it a shot. You don’t need to know anything that came before. Believe me, Tull is not one you’ll want to miss.

  7. @Markfg:  If you’ve read the first novel I’d say you’d get more out of it.

  8. I have read the first two novels in the Dark Tower series.   Isnt the Battle of Tull in the half way point of The Gunslinger ?

  9. @xiseerht Around that point. Its at a point where Roland stops to talk to Brown and his crow, can’t remember his name, and tells him the story of tull.