No. No, you can’t… STOP. Please don’t go away. Please? No one’s ever stuck with me for so long before. And if you leave… if you leave… I just, I remember things better with you. I do, look. P. Sherman, forty-two… forty-two… I remember it, I do. It’s there, I know it is, because when I look at you, I can feel it. And-and I look at you, and I… and I’m home. Please… I don’t want that to go away. I don’t want to forget comics.

Josh Flanagan says try…

Nemo_Heart of Ice_HC

Nemo: Heart of Ice HC

By Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill

Don’t get too excited, because this is not about the fish with the withered fin and Albert Brooks as a father. Nope, we’re going back to League of Extraordinary Gentlemen land, but this time, it’s 1925 and we’re with Nemo’s daughter, Janni Dakkar. She’s a tough cookie, just like her dad. And she’s headed to Antarctica. It’s new Alan Moore!

Conor Kilpatrick says try…

Batman_The Black Mirror_TP

Batman: The Black Mirror TP

By Scott Snyder, Jock, & Francesco Francavilla

Did you miss Scott Snyder’s original (Dick Grayson) Batman epic the first time around? Or maybe you read it in issues but wanted a handy collected volume to keep on your shelf for easy access? Or something to lend to your friends? No matter what the reason you should not miss the story that really put Scott Snyder on the map and kicked of a sustained run of Batexcellence that continues to this day.


Paul Montgomery says try…



The Rocketeer: Hollywood Horror #1


By Roger Langridge & J. Bone

Last year I had the pleasure of staying at an art deco hotel for a few nights, and the aesthetic transported me to another time and sensibility. Did I imagine fencing Timothy Dalton in the lobby? Did I imagine courting Jennifer Connelly as I strolled down the hall to fill the ice bucket? Well, when don’t I? There’s a tangible old Hollywood magic to the world of the Rocketeer, a tone and atmosphere I’m always eager to embrace. I’m particularly enthusiastic about this new mini-series given its pitch perfect creative team. Roger Langridge consistently delivers and J. Bone revels in the glamour of this bygone era. Here’s hoping for some pencil-thin mustaches, cigarette holders, and some backlot skullduggery.


  1. The Black Mirror is so good, I would buy it again if I had to choose between these three.

  2. Hopefully Nemo is better than the last two LOEGs

    • You really didn’t like the last two century books?? Have you read the rest of LOEG including the Black Dossier? I thought they were great.

  3. I have all the Black Mirror issues. Would like to have it on my shelf though. Havent read any of the IDW Rocketeer stuff. It all looks great.

  4. Jock killed it BIG TIME in Black Mirror. Instant iconic work of art.

  5. Rocketeer is gonna be my number 1 pull this week. I cannot wait to read it 🙂 I just got my HC of Rocketeer Adventures 2 (completing my collection finally) and man does Bone know how to draw. Based on the preview, this is gonna be just like a ’40s cartoon. I cannot wait! I wonder if this will pick up where Mark Waid/Chris Samnee left off or if they will do their own thing and Mark/Chris will complete their arc later.

  6. Is this just the paperback version of Black Mirror?

  7. Looking forward to Langridge on Rocketeer. Let’s imagine a “Thor the Mighty Avenger” reunion with him and Samnee on some future Rocketeer mini.