Light Week? Try Axe Cop: Bad Guy Earth #3, Image Firsts: Phonogram #1, and Irredeemable / Incorruptible BOOM! Blast #1

Last week was a doozy. Maybe you didn't find what you were looking for. Make up for that this Wednesday.

Josh says try:

Axe Cop: Bad Guy Earth #3

By Ethan Nicolle and Malachai Nicolle

So you're thinking that you missed out on the last couple of issues, but you were curious? Get on it! Take that OCD part of your nature and throw it out the window. Take control and be your own man (unless you're a lady), and just buy #3. See what happens. I can tell you that you're going to be able to follow along just as well as any of the rest of us with this demented madness that doesn't make all that much sense anyway. It isn't supposed to. It's pure comic book id on a page, and it is glorious. Why would you want to miss that. He's a cop. He's got an axe. His best friend is a dinosaur. There's a planet full of bad guys. Go.

Ron says try:


Image Firsts: Phonogram #1

By Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie

Let's go back to where it all began and for just one dollar.  Back to 2006 and the first issue of the first series of Phonogram, the comic book that mixed music and magic and pretty much introduced the world to the talents of Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie.  Gillen now writes Uncanny X-Men and Journey Into Mystery for Marvel, and McKelvie has been ensconced in steady work from Marvel as well, they've come a long way since this black and white love letter to brit-pop of the 1990s.  If you missed out the first time, and truly have a light week this week (like I do), put on some Blur and relive the magic that was Phonogram. Did I mention it's just ONE DOLLAR? You have no excuse.  

Conor says try:

Irredeemable / Incorruptible BOOM! Blast Edition #1

By Mark Waid, Peter Krause & Jean Diaz

We've talked a lot about Irredeemable, it's one of our favorite books being published. We haven't talked a lot about Incorruptible, but it's a very solid companion book. Curious about either? You're in luck. In conjunction with Free Comic Book Day, BOOM! Studios is releasing a few BOOM! Blast Editions which they hope you'll use to check out some of their higher profile books. I say you should check out this one. Not only because Irredeemble is excellent, and not only because Incorruptible is really solid, but because it'll only cost you $1 to find out.



  1. 1.00 for two stories…..epic

  2. I foresee multiple copies of Phonogram #1 in my future, to be given to people who needed that book like I did.

  3. I love how Chrome messes up the images here for some reason.  Instead of the Incoruptible issue I’m seeing Claremont’s X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills book.  Bastard automaton google bullshit.

  4. Is that the first issue of Rue Britannica? Or something different?

  5. @flakbait  As Ron said in his description, it’s the first issue of the first mini-series.

  6. Elastica!

  7. @conor  Sure. Which, now that I’m looking at Wikipedia for my information, I see is collected as Rue Britannica. I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t another series maybe before that one.

  8. Be smart, try Green Wake…

  9. Try Nightly News #1 from Jonathan Hickman.  If you haven’t read his Image work, this is a good start to a great mini-series (and rather timely considering the focus on media this week).  And it’s only $1!

    Or find Herc #1 and pick up #2 this week.  Not the lighthearted tone of Incredible Hercules, but still just as fun.  And it has the new Hobgoblin, so if you like him from Amazing Spider-Man you get a fix here (if you don’t like him though, don’t use it as an excuse not to read it; it’s still fun).  Imagine Conan the Barbarian filling in for Daredevil and you sort of start to see where this is going.

  10. Great time to pick up Axe Cop, DH has the first volume on their digital app for pretty cheap as well

  11. Amazon currently has the first trade of Irredeemable in its bargain section for only four bucks. I just got it and am really looking forward to reading it this week!