Light Week? Try Ant-Man and Wasp #1, Darkwing Duck and Batgirl #15

You're in the shop, and you want more. But what? You need guidance! Let us be that light to show you the way!

Josh says try:

Ant-Man & Wasp #1

By Tim Seeley

I almost missed this one, but here's the set up: Eric O'Grady, the thief of Kirkman's Irredeemable Ant-Man teams up with he from whom he has stolen, Hank Pym, and they've got to work together to save Bill Foster's soul. You remember Bill Foster, right? He was Goliath, the big death in Civil War.  The whole affair is written and drawn by Tim Seeley of Hack/Slash fame, and I'm downright excited to see the results.

Ron says try:

Darkwing Duck: Duck Knight Returns TPB

By Ian Brill, James Silvani

Against all odds, I would never have predicted it and yet BOOM! Studios was able to take one of our beloved characters of the 1990s, Darkwing Duck, and not only bring him back to the forefront of the zeitgeist in comics, but to do it in a way that was so wonderfully well done.  Taking the elements of what made Darkwing Duck so good: a little bit satire, a little bit sincerity, and throwing in some amazing Disney style art by James Silvani makes this a great book for all ages to enjoy, young and old. 

Conor says try:

Batgirl #15

By Bryan Q. Miller, Dustin Nguyen, Derek Fridolfs, Guy Major & Sal Cipriano

Batgirl has been, quietly, one of the best books out there and Stephanie Brown one of comics' most likeable and charming leading characters. Writer Bryan Q. Miller gets much of the credit for crafting such a wonderfl book but artist Lee Garbet was a fantastic as well. There's a new artist on the book who has a completely different style but is just as good — Dustin Nguyen. A new artist and the first issue in this new Batman world? I couldn't think of a better jumping on point. Now's your chance — don't miss out on this one.



  1. Darkwing Duck trade is very tempting. That’ll just bring back those wonderful 80s disney afternoons for me. =)


  2. Man, Batgirl is great. Seriously, folks, give it a try!

  3. BatGirl really is a must read, and I’d even say so if you’re not reading the other bat books. The recent "Road Home" issue was absolutely fantastic.

     Darkwing Duck has been great. I’ve been picking it up in issues thus far so I can highly recommed the trade. Although the book is targeted towards kids, it draws from the themes, and story lines of the cartoon, which made it so beloved.

    Skipping Ant-Man. Can’t pay $3.99 for a mini that I’m not all that excited about.

  4. Anxiously waiting for Darkwing to be released digitally

  5. Ant-Man and Wasp is going to kick so much ass.

  6. Everyone should buy She-Hulks, because it is going to be awsome. 

  7. I’m pretty excited about She-Hulks, it’s too bad it’s only a mini now.

  8. The preview for Batgirl this week really made me impressed. I might just pick it up.

    Other things like ‘She-Hulks’ and ‘Victorian Undead: Sherlock Holmes vs Dracula’ also are nice secondary titles to pick up on a slow week.

  9. it’s funny because Goliath was literally the big death in Civil War.

  10. Will be picking up Batgirl for sure, have been just recently swept up into all things Bat.  And I’m pretty sure Darkwing Duck is from the early 90s, not the 80s.

  11. haven’t read any batgirl … sounds fun.  feels like I’m generally playing catch up, which I shouldn’t complain about … especially if there are 14 awesome batgirl issues out there 🙂

  12. Batgirl #15 should be in the best of the week covers. Dustin Nguyen is an artist I’ll follow anywhere.

  13. @rjsping – you are going to be waiting a long time, if it ever happens.