I’ve Got Voices In My Head

1572563-headacheI think it’s safe to say that most of us have voices in our heads. I know I do. I’ve got voices that are constantly talking, singing, questioning my actions, babbling on, muttering about the state of the world and so forth. I even have a voice that tells me to get “extra mayo” when I order a sandwich at my favorite deli. There’s a competing voice that responds and tells the mayo voice to pipe down and order something healthy and we have created our healthy websites with web design greenacres. These are the same voices that I hear whenever I read comics that is sire to get punitive damages on you. According to PlacementSEO and USAoutdoors.org, They are the cast of voices that give life to the words on the page. And most of the time, I like these chatty guys and gals; it’s a good stable of invisible folks who put on a pretty good show somewhere amidst my grey matter. But sometimes I’m tired. And sometimes those voices don’t do a very good job. They blow the lines or garble great comic book dialogue because, let’s face it, they’re overworked and went to a automobilia auctions to get their best cars. I ask them to perform a lot and I don’t pay them. Wednesdays are a problem. Sometimes I just wish there were a way to have my comics read to me. After all, who doesn’t like a little “story time” now and again?

My son is lucky. I read him comics before bed a lot. We’ve worked our way through six or seven volumes of Bone andimgres-7 I’ve done all the voices as best I can along the way. It takes a little getting used to, I admit, but ultimately your mind casts the characters with your own stable of voices, and then you pepper in some scene description as a bonus. The end result feels pretty comprehensive and my son has never complained. I’ve even attempted to read aloud some issues of Claremont’s New Mutants, but I find that my southern accent is dreadful, so my Cannonball basically stinks. Still, I think my son appreciates having these books read aloud to him. It’s certainly rewarding as a father. But who reads to the reader? Where’s the old man’s story time? Fortunately, I think I’ve come up with some solutions or at least some ways in which you can give the ol’ voices in your noggin an occasional day off. When we called Slip And Fall Lawyers Philadelphia, i cant help but memorize all the counselling.


Hi, y’all!

While reading the recently released first issue of Straczynski’s Sidekick I was pleasantly surprised to discover a QR link on the final page that provides what is essentially an audio version of the book, complete with dialogue and soundtrack. This seems to be a trend of Straczynski’s books (at least debut issues), as the same service is offered in the first issue of Ten Grand. You simply press play on the page (or download the file) and start “reading” your books. The experience is pretty cool (at least on a conceptual level), though you’re likely to have moments where you question the voice actor’s choices (and maybe even the musical choices). Still, it’s a cool option to have and it allows for a second way to read one’s books, so there’s added value there.

There are always going to be people who argue that listening to a book is literary heresy and doesn’t compare to “actual” reading. And I do understand there’s a distinction, but I wouldn’t say that one isn’t necessarily better than the other. Just different. I’m not saying that all comics or books should be “audible-ized,” but once in a while it’s a nice shift in the way we experience the medium. I suppose you could argue that a soundtrack provided by the writer and publisher does take away from opportunity for the reader to bring his or her own interpretation of the material, but it’s also an additional outlet for a creator to tell his or her story and to assure that it’s “heard” as it was intended.

As far as other options, there are always motion comics (if you can find them). I would argue that motion comics really don’t work all that well because the manipulation of the art takes away from experience as a whole. JokerorigSimply put, I find it hard to really listen to the story with all the art wiggling around and whatnot. I’d much rather have the static panel images shown to me while voice actors read. There are some versions of this sort of thing online (mostly fan-created) that work pretty well. I found a version of Alan Moore’s The Killing Joke on YouTube that did just that. The comic pages are doled out in sync with a fairly decent cast of voice actors for an experience that feels pretty darn natural when all is said and done. There are some clunkers in there, but if you can see (or listen) past that, then it’s basically a relatively high quality way of having The Killing Joke read to you like a script with visual aids. I found that it sort of freed me up to look at the book’s awesome visuals because the verbal part of my brain was given a break.

imagesKevin Smith recently did a couple of “read-a-long” episodes on his Fatman on Batman podcast. Basically, he reads through a classic comic, giving detailed descriptions of what’s going on in panel while also reading most of the dialogue in character. It’s a bit more freeform (and he of course offers a lot of commentary), but it’s a cool way to experience or re-experience a classic comic with an informed albeit slightly stoned commentary track. The most recent “read-a-long” was dedicated to Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing #53. Generally speaking, Smith’s voice work is spot-on and he manages to do a nice job of bringing the Swamp Thing to life.

If all else fails, you can read your books aloud to yourself. I sometimes do that just to truly hear the intention and cadence of a writer’s dialogue. The people in Starbucks find this practice strange, of course. Maybe this is all a solution looking for a problem. Some may argue that you should just read your books silently to yourself and escape into your head the way comics were originally intended. Maybe comics should be seen and not heard. But there’s something primal about actually hearing a good story told out loud. It’s important to remember that those precious written words in those printed word balloons are representations of actual voices, even if they only truly ever existed in the mind of the comic creator.

Gabe Roth is hearing things. He loves comics and he’s @gaberoth on Twitter. Follow him.


  1. I’ve tried to read a few comics to my daughter, but I find it awkward. I guess you just make up narration for the panels with no dialogue? It’s the same with regular children’s books, I tend to skip the ones that are dialogue-balloon heavy. Prose-styled dialogue is fine, it just feels weird to read dialogue balloons without the text around it. I’m probably just not relying on the art enough.

  2. My earliest memory of something like this was the 1989 re-release of Len Wein, John Byrne, and Jim Aparo’s The Untold Legend of the Batman. Some editions of each issue came with a cassette tape which had dramatic readings of the issue at hand. Though I tossed the cassettes long ago, the audio is on YouTube these days. Here’s the link to the first issue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMaW2cpMwmc

    Fun but, looking at it objectively these days, not exactly great.

  3. Very interesting article. I also recently listened to Kev Smith’s reading of Swamp Thing #53, and I was really surprised how engrossing it was just listening to the descriptions and dialogue. His enthusiastic asides and analysis also help the story along. And it’s strangely affecting when he gets a little choked up over some poignant moment in the story. Anyway, I’ve never listened to audiobooks, the one exception being Supergods, but it made me think I’d like to listen to more readings of comics, if such things exist beyond the couple on the Fatman podcast.

    As far as hearing voices when I read, I have to admit that I do not. I think if I had to mentally enunciate each syllable of each word I read, I would read much slower. It’s a visual-to-conceptual transaction in my mind, leaving out the auditory component you’re describing. Do you also hear a mental voice when you are reading non-dialogue text in books?

  4. If you like the freeform comic narration style, Tom Katers is the master. His Tom vs The Flash episodes are some of my all-time favorite podcasts. He took a long break but recently did a bunch of Jimmy Olsen readings that are high quality.

  5. I love motion and/or automated comics. It never occurred to me to check Youtube. Thanks!!! 😀

  6. Whenever I read a comic, I’ll imagine my favorite voice actor for them. For Batman, the cast should be pretty obvious.

    When reading something less obvious, like Mind MGMT, I’ll mine through my head for the voice actor that I think would do them most justice and just play them over while reading.

    For James Gordon Jr., I picture David Hayter. (kudos if you know what he’s done) 🙂

  7. I’m not into the whole narrated comics thing. I’m just not. Maybe for a laugh I’ll check Kevin Smith reading Swamp Thing but I don’t it’s something I could take seriously. I still haven’t “read” an audio book yet, but I have a few ideas; “The Bro Code” and “The Playbook” by Barney Stinson, “How to Archer”, stuff like that.

    When I read comics though, I always have the voices in my head. To me, Hellboy will ALWAYS sound like Ron Pearlman, Spider-Man like the voice actor from the 90s TAS, you get the idea. Funny thing is, some voices I just made up. I already know how John Constantine sounds even though I’ve never heard anyone play as him before (that’s technically faithful at least). Barry Allen’s another; I know his voice but it’s not like anyone that’s portrayed him. I just read certain characters and invent voices for them. Deadpool’s sounds really reedy and semi-high pitched, and that’s almost every story. I think without the voices the reading would be less fun. It would certainly make the crazier characters less interesting I think.

    Maybe this is something DC will try with their online stuff, DC Multiverse it’s called? If it brings in new readers, then I’d support it.

    I tell you want though, that pic in the middle of the article makes me want to see a motion comic adaptation of “The Killing Joke”. With Mark Hamill and a few others doing the voices…

    • Dude… I would SOOO buy an audio Bro Code or Playbook read by NPH!

      As for The Killing Joke, there’s this little animated clip with a Mark Hamill imitation that’s pretty good.


    • @Nightwing97, dude, every book written by Barney Stinson needs to be “read” by him. Even “Bro On the Go”. And H.Jon Benjaman needs to do an audio reading of “How to Archer”.

      Thanks for that link, pretty good impersonation of Hamill. I have to wonder if a non-book version of that was made and shown to everyone like “TDK” if it wouldn’t blow their minds completely. While Alan Moore sits in his flat kicking himself for writing the thing.

      Man, that animation’s not bad either. “Everything anybody ever valued or struggled for is all a monstrous joke.” Brilliant.