It’s a great day for New Comics for 04/08/09… let’s play two!

Get to pulling this Wednesday’s books, and then let us know what you’re looking forward to most, what you’re dropping, what others should be buying and anything you’re thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check it out here – Conor, Ron, Josh and Gordon the Intern.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike and Sonia.

It’s a supe light week this week, but there are still some comics to be excited about.  Jason Aaron and Ron Garney are back with Wolverine: Weapon X, the second chapters each of Superman: World of New Krypton and Batman: Battle For the Cowl, and more fantastic Dracula action in Captain Britain and MI13!

This week I have the Pick of the Week!

Bonus Question: Hey, baseball fans – What are you most excited about this season? What are you least excited about


  1. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    So many cool books coming out this week.  Interested in Daredevil Noir #1, Jason Aaron on Wolverine Weapon X, Seagle and Sale’s Amazon #2, the new Warlord series…

    My obscure gem of the week is Hellboy: Fire Wolves, a new prose novel by Tim Lebbon.  

  2. Battle of the Cowl, GL, Daredevil Noir, Cap Britain, and not much else for me this week. Yay light weeks!

    BQ: I’m very excited about the Red Sox finally picking a fifth starter, and hoping it’s actually a decent one. Also, first Yankees/Red Sox game of the season. Least excited about? Probably the never-ending talk about the "Big Three" in the AL East again (I’m sick of hearin’ about it already!) 

  3. This actually seems to be the mythical light week for me.  Getting ‘Echo’ and trying out ‘Exiles’ — seems like a great fit for Jeff Parker — plus the next issue of Swierczynski’s Punisher MAX.  I know Jason Aaron’s good but I’m not too keen on another Wolverine book, so I will probably see what the buzz is on that, then possibly get it in trade.

    BQ: I was a baseball fan as a kid; these days I mostly hope there will be another amusing story about somebody injecting steroids into their ass then trying to lie about it. 

  4. Kind of a slow week for me. Who’da thunk I’d be looking forward to two Wolverine comics in the same week?

    Popgun 3 has potential. Yaaaaaay.

  5. Ooh, yet another light week with just four books: Secret Six; Battle for the Cowl; Green Lantern; Captain Britain. I’m tempted by Wolverine Weapon X but does the world really need another Wolverine book? Srsly.

    BQ: Baseball? Well, I like the shoes. 

  6. Seems like Marvel’s embraced the $3.99 price tag this week. Dang!!

  7. BQ: The Rays winning it all, of course.

  8. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    Buy Popgun 3!  My name is in it!  The pull number better match the registered users number! 😉

  9. Maybe we don’t need another Wolverine book. But we DO need another Jason Aaron book.

  10. I am finally buying Green Lantern as Flash Rebirth won me over.  I have very high hopes as this will also be my first Green Lantern story beside JLA books.

    BQ: While I don’t really watch baseball, I look forward to hear my Phillies obsessed relatives yell at the TV when I come over.  

  11. Light week. Look foward to more of Aaron on Wolverine and of course GL!


    BQ: Watching Matsuzaka pitch after what he did at the WBC.

  12. This week is bananas!  Just like the previous 2 weeks, I have around 7 books.  Might not get War of Kings: Acension, will have to wait until Wednesday to find out.

    BQ: The whole comics community loves baseball.  I’m most excited about it ending

  13. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    @drake – Not the whole comics community…

  14. Looking forward to ‘Battle for the Cowl’ and ‘Green Lantern’. Trying out ‘Exiles’ and seeing what comes from the relaunch (I’d rather have more First Class by him but Marvel is Marvel).

    BQ: Most excited about – Manny.

  15. @Paul-Now I don’t feel so alone.  Thank you sir 🙂

  16. Fairly small week for me.  Looking forward to Captain Britain, Locke & Key, and Echo! I definitely think everybody should check out Locke & Key, it is spectacular.  Nothing has the potential of being dropped for me.

    BQ:  I used to be a Blue Jays fan when I was a kid, now…I don’t watch any sports…

  17. VERY VERY VERY light week. May pick up the new wolverine series as Jason Aaron is awesome and will give daredevil noir ago. so far the noir series has been hit and miss with xmen being rubbish but spidey being good so lets see. My most anticipated book has got be superman world of new Krypton #2 closely followed by Green Lantern. light week but goo stuff.

  18. Hooray for superman books again


    BQ: I’m most excited that its baseball and basketball season right now. its a magical time of the year

  19. "Daredevil Noir" : from the Department of Redundancy Department.  No Thanks.

  20. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    Yeah, but regular Daredevil isn’t set during Prohibition.  Plus, this looks gorgeous.  

  21. Only World of New Krypton, Captain Britain, and Star Trek: Mission’s End for me. Hmm. I’m starting to get worried about having another massive $50+ week at the end of the month.

  22. Battle for the Cowl, Green Lantern and Superman.  I’m going to trade wait on the new Jason Aaron Wolverine series.

    BQ: I’m a Braves fan so I’m excited to see what this Jordan Schafer kid can do in centerfield.  I’m least excited for the All Star break.  By then the Braves will be out of contention, and I’ll have no other sports to watch until football season starts.

  23. Still a good week with 4 big books -GL, Superman, Battle for the Cowl and MI-13. 

    BQ – It’s too early to think about baseball.  Let’s talk hockey playoffs!  Only a week left to the season! 

  24. let’s go white sox! baseball in the snow!

  25. Battle for the Cowl, Green Lantern, and Ignition City. are definites. Wolverine looks good, and I’ll probably pick up Superman. Is Warlord supposed to be really good?

     BQ: I’m looking forward to another exciting season. I’m hoping that my Cubbies look unfamiliar to me. Unfamiliar in that I hope they do something that they haven’t done in a long time. I’m not superstitious or anything, but you’ve got to be careful…

  26. The Cleaners #03
    Battle For The Cowl #02
    Green Lantern #39
    Daredevil Noir #01
    Dark Reign: Hawkeye #01
    Wonderful Wizard of Oz #04
    Wolverine: Weapon X #01
    Locke & Key: Head Games #04
    Timestorm 2009 20099 #01
    Doktor Sleepless #12

    An average-sized week for me, but kind of a weird one. I’m really looking forward to Locke & Key,  Wonderful Wizard of Oz & Green Lantern. Good to see new issues of Doktor Sleepless & Cleaners. Other than that, it’s all stuff that I’m giving a first or second chance.

    BQ: I don’t watch baseball, but go Mariners!

  27. Nice week for me, not too heavy not too light. Battle for the Cowl, New Krypton, Secret Six, Booster Gold. If my shop gets it, I may pick up the Hellboy prose novel because it sounds interesting. Anyone know anything about the author? May also try out the new Warlord series, a CBR interview made it sound interesting.


  28. Popgun #3. good thing I just landed a new job so I can pay for it.

    I am a Reds fan so, honestly, I have nothing to get excited about this season. 

  29. Slowest week in a while…but House of Mystery has quietly moved into the top of my favorites book list.

    BQ: As a Cubs fan, I’m simultaneously looking forward to everything about the season and not looking forward to all the angst and teeth-grinding that goes along with it. Although, truth to be told, I probably look forward to that as well, it’s al part of it. First pitch in about 50 minutes (!)

  30. Wow big week for me, 5 big books all could be POTW contenders:

    Battle for the Cowl #2

    Batman Confidential #28

    Green Lantern #39

    Punisher: Frank Castle MAX #69

    Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk #4

    Very good week and a nice blend of the two companies.


  31. Green Lantern, i guess, though i wish seaguy were weekly.


    BQ: Excited for the Mets, hope Carlos Delgado hits his 500th this year.

  32. wtheck! Two Warren Ellis books and the Chas TPB, I think thats all this week x.x . I only read the first Chas issue, was it good? :< 

  33. Echo and Ultimate W vs H.

    BQ: Baseball is too damn boring unless you’re there at the stadium. When’s football season? 

  34. BFC, Dardevil Noir(var), New Kryp, Hawkeye, and maybe a trade or two

     BQ:I’m excited to watch the Pirates suck more ass than Jenna Haze.  We loose almost every game, but I still watch.  Why….

  35. 13 comics this week. I’m amazed to see that #4 of Infinite Horizon is finally coming out, after a year or so. There’s a lot to look forward to this week though.

     BQ: I live near Seattle, so I’m required to be excited for Griffey coming back to the Mariners.

  36. I’m required also to be excited for Griffey Jr. , but the fact is he is past his prime, slow and FAT! But I still want to see him play this season.

  37. MZ4 is making me consider picking it up. Taunting me with spooky Midnight Sons action.

    Otherwise I’m going balls out this week. 5 #1’s, 3 old faithfulls and 1 pure fanboy pull.



  38. Probably just Wolverine vs. Hulk for me this week.

  39. damn, wolverine, superman, captain brittain, probably

    and what is this base ball?

  40. Slow week, DD: Noir and Deadpool: Suicide Kings. Looks like its a good week for colons though. …. That came out wrong.


    BQ: I think this might be the first time I agreed with TNC, but PHILLIES!!! Oh and Ron and every other Met’s fan’s depression when they blow it again. Also, seeing if Josh Hamilton can continue his awesome comeback story.

  41. After a self-imposed hiatus on issues (mainly to catch up on the expense of my holiday) I’m caught up and back on track. Still a light week though; Lantern, Echo and Young Liars. Oh, and looks like I’m picking up Popgun too now 😉

    BQ: Can I answer about BASEketball instead? "Little Bitch" Scolari’s gonna own this season!

  42. No books this week, wow.

    BQ: Not much of a baseball fan, but a friend is taking me to a Yankees game this summer which is fun.

  43. Green Lantern and Battle for the Cowl – a winning week INDEED!

    BQ: Looking forward to day games, Sunday Night Baseball with Jon Miller, Joe Morgan and STEVE PHILLIPS! Homeruns! Baseball Tonight! Hot summer nights at the park with hotdog wrappers floating around in the winds of anticipation. 

    Not looking forward to another Cards season with little promise, placing all the weight on MVPujols only to see him injure himself from trying to carry the team.. (sigh)

    2006 seems like so long ago 

  44. The only book on my pull list this week is Echo. I’m probably gonna buy Green Lantern along with it, but…holy crap. This is officially one of the lightest weeks in (my) history. I’m tempted to not go to the shop at all. Though, I could use this as an excuse to start getting caught up on my Exterminators trades…


    BQ: We got Manny. Let’s hope he’s worth what they paid for him. GO DODGERS!

  45. Damn you Marvel, for making me break my "no $3.99 22 page books" rule. How can I not buy Aaron & Garney on a Wolverine book? *hangs head in shame*

    Also lookin’ forward to — Battle For (the honor of wearing) The Cowl (for 2 weeks before Batman comes home) … Green Lantern, Secret Six & Superman WONK.

    BQ – Ummmm, looking forward to the Aussies beating the Poms in cricket 😛

  46. It’s a small but really good week.  I’m looking forward to it.  I’m feeling iffy on Daredevil: Noir as I haven’t read much of the Noir line, but I love the character so I’m going to give it a shot. Also, I’m totally looking forward to Infinite Horizon #4, which is like 10 years late, but I love, love, love Phil Noto’s art and the book puts a nice spin on The Odyssey.

    BQ: While I enjoy baseball, I’m fairly ambivalent about it this year.  I’m more excited to see who the sleeper teams will be. 

  47. Capt. Britain is the only $2.99 book from Marvel this week. Wow.

  48. Besides, Ult. HvW.

  49. I’m looking forward to Ignition City. Mr. Ellis has been a little less hit and a little more miss lately, but I’m still eager to check out his latest work.

     BQ: I’m looking forward to see what the young players on my beloved Toronto Blue Jays roster are capable of. Both Adam Lind and Travis Snider were excellent tonight and David Purcey had flashes of brilliance last season.

  50. Just 2, GL and World of New Krypton, but very excited about both.


    BQ: Baseball? sorry, but here in England if you see anyone with a baseball bat, there’s more chance they’re off mugging than playing a sport.

  51. GL, New Krypton, Captain Britain,  Dark Reign: Hawkeye, among others.

  52. Batman Battle For The Cowl – ahh, tony daniel, you stupid bastard!

    Daredevil Noir – noir and daredevil, seems pretty obvious

    Green Lantern – as part of the greedy whiney minority group, I’m glad there’s finally a roll model for me!

    Ignition City #1 – very excited

    Superman World Of New Krypton – first one was good

    Ultimate Wolverine Vs Hulk – whatever

    Wolverine Weapon X – we’ll see

    Young Liars – ….

    BQ: Baseball?! More like shmaseball! Ha!

  53. Wow, nothing on my regular list this week.  After Conor’s glowing PotW a couple weeks ago, I might go back and pick up New Krypton #1 and get #2 this week.  Daredevil Noir is tempting too.


     BQ; Excited to have some time in the schedule this year to check out the local farm team, the Portland Sea Dogs.  Less excited about another year of likely steroids scandal.

  54. Coming out of a comics purchasing drought for POPGUN VOL. 3. Hopefully, my store  has it. If not, Amazon!

     BQ: The Bufallo Bisions home opener is this weekend. Free tickets will be given to the unemployed. Also, we are now the Mets farm team. While I miss the blue collar solidarity with Clevland, it’ll be intesting to see what happens with the Mets staff. 

    I won’t be excited when the Angels tear it up. 

  55. Baseball?  I’m a lifelong Oakland fan since I live in the East Bay.  I don’t think they have a chance in hell of taking the AL West this season, but it could be interesting with Giambi back on the team and playing alongside Holiday and Chavez (if he stays healthy!). 

  56. yankees baseball in the east …..san francisco giants in the west …………..

    @davecarr….im moving to buffalo are there any good comic stores there ????

  57. Green Lantern, Superman, Batman, Echo….Does it get any better than this??

    Not really into Baseball. It was fun when the Angels won the World Series, but that was a few years ago. Maybe I’ll actually go to a game this year since the prices are all coming down.

  58. BQ: I would like…uh…some sort of team…baseball team, I mean…related to…Texas…to win…er…something.

  59. My comics of interest are:

    Batman: Battle For The Cowl(hopefully it’ll better than the 1st issue and tie-ins)

    Young Liars(yay! more craziness)

    Green Lantern

    Superman: World Of New Krypton(can’t wait!!!)

    Secret Six

    And possibly Showcase Presents Doom Patrol Vol.1

    BQ: I love baseball its my sport. but haven’t followed it since i was about 12/13 years old…. In my mid to late teens baseball got lost in a haze of Music, comics, friends, going to shows, alcohol and other controlled substances. 

  60. Blue Jays finally going into the post season? A Canadian boy can dream. Cubs doing it too would be cool. A-Roid falls apart ,cuz he’s a bum.

  61. Batman Battle For The Cowl #2 (OF 3)

    Captain Britain And Mi 13 #12

    Dark Reign Hawkeye #1 (OF 5)

    Green Lantern #39

    Secret Six #8

    Superman World Of New Krypton #2 (OF 12)

    Trinity #45

    Wolverine Weapon X #1


    Only 8 books….I haven’t had a week this small in 5 years.


    BQ: The Yankees trying to reclaim their spot on top of the baseball world and knowing that a kid I coached in high school is in the majors after all his hard work. 

  62. and share a a thought for your long suffering comic reading brothers in australia. we won’t get this weeks books until tuesday the 14th.

    i could be upset but a 4 dat weekend is pretty bloody tops either way

  63. Light yet awesome week for me. Just Secret Six and Captain Britain, and so far Wolverine: Weapon X is the only $3.99 ongoing book that Marvel has figured out a way to trick me into actually buying. (Hint: Jason Aaron)


    BQ: I couldn’t care less about baseball or any other sport for that matter.


    @Cooper: "Maybe we don’t need another Wolverine book. But we DO need another Jason Aaron book." That’s what I’M saying!

  64. I think I screwed up the quote thing there, but you get the gist. Jason Aaron = I will buy it. See also: Ghost Rider.

  65. GL, Wolverine and Captain Britain for me.

    BQ: The Yankees. Losing!  *_*