I WANT(ed) my New Comics for 06/23/08!

Get to pulling this Wednesday’s books, and then let us know what you’re looking forward to most, what you’re dropping, what others should be buying and anything you’re thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check it out here – Conor, Ron, Josh, and Gordon the Intern.

Lots of Secret Invasion tie-in books this week, but from the Marvel side the comic that I’m most looking forward to is Captain America #39. I get so, so happy when I see it’s on the list. This will also be my final issue of Uncanny X-Men… and, hey — is that actually Runaways??? I’m dropping The Ultimates 3, I just can’t support this book any longer. On the DC side, I’m shaking in my boots with excitement for Final Crisis #2, by far the one comic book I’m looking forward to the most this week. But a close second would be James Robinson’s debut on Superman.

The thing I might be looking forward to most of all, though is the next trade of The Walking Dead!

This week I have the Pick of the Week!

Bonus Question:
With Wanted hitting this week, what is the oddest comic book-to-film adaptation you’ve ever seen. Not the best, not the worst — but the oddest. Here’s a list.

I think that one of the oddest adaptations of  comic book that I’ve seen was From Hell. From Hell is one of my all-time favorite comic books and the movie they made was just head-scratching. It was another instance of “Well, why did they need to call it From Hell, why not just make their own Jack the Ripper movie if they are going to deviate from the source material that much?” I didn’t hate the movie — I think it’s decidedly average — but… okay, some comics are purchased for their name value or for the core concept (like The League of  Extraordinary Gentlemen), but the core concept of From Hell is not one held solely by Alan Moore. So, so weird.


  1. I’m just sticking with DC’s Final Crisis this week, and a few back issues i am in need of.

    BQ: The Captain America movie made in the early 90’s. When I was a kid i thought it was cool, but as an adult I think it’s just odd.

  2. Good week with lots of good stuff.  Most looking forward to Hulk and FC.  Everything else looks really good too but Project: Superpowers is on it’s last limbs with me.  I wanted this series to be so awesome and it’s just not.  Boo 🙁

    BQ: There was a really weird Dr Strange movie I caught once.  It’s was like a moving acid trip.

  3. Final Crisis, Captain America, Green Lantern, and Daredevil.  And maybe Iron Fist if it passes the flip test.

    BQ: Anyone remember Shaq playing Steel?  My thoughts exactly.

  4. Avatar photo JFernandes (@jdfernandes) says:

    Looking forward to Dresden Files and New and Mighty Avengers.

    BQ:  No clue.

  5. Aspen Showcase Aspen Matthews Talent Caldwell Cvr #1

    Avengers Initiative #14

    Beyond Wonderland #0 (OF 6)

    Bprd Ectoplasmic Man One Shot

    Caliber #3 (OF 5)

    Captain America #39

    Fantastic Four #558

    Hercules #3 (OF 5)

    Mighty Avengers #15

    Mythos Captain America

    New Avengers #42

    No Hero #0 (OF 7)

    Project Superpowers #4 (OF 7)

    Thor Ages Of Thunder Reign Of Blood

    Ultimate Spider-Man #123

    Uncanny X-Men #499

    Young Avengers Presents #6 (OF 6)


    BQ: The Captain America made for TV movies. Not only were they bad, but they were also quite odd. 

  6. Woof, I’m buying like half of the shipping list this week. But not Iron Fist; I’m dropping ahead of schedule.

    BQ: Just this morning, I was thinking, "What must it have been like to be Steve Gerber the weekend the Howard the Duck movie came out?" Talk about odd. 

  7. Two books… one of which (Proof) my LCS didn’t get the last issue… so I took a leap of faith and got the Wanted paperback.  Oh boy.

  8. Captain America, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Runaways, Thunderbolts, Uncanny, and Superman.

    Surprised you would drop Uncanny right before 500, I think it is really going to pick up when Fraction starts working alongside Brubaker. Probably looking forward to Iron Fist the most since it is the end of Fraction’s incredible run. Don’t care about Runaways Whedon’s run has sucked I don’t even know why I keep buying it that new number 1 can’t come soon enough.

    BQ: I got nothing. 

  9. Tremendous shipping list this week. There are no less than seven Triple A titles on my pull list this week. I am excited all of them.

    Tops is Final Crisis. Followed by Cap, Mighty & New Avengers and Green Lantern. Oh man, Runaways and James Robinson Superman too! 

    I am in event nirvana right now as well. Enjoying both main books and tie-ins.

    Was it always this good?


    BQ: I just don’t give a shit about comic book movies enough to answer this.  


    Mi Pull List–


    Batman Gotham After Midnite #2 (OF 12)

    Captain America #39

    Dc Universe Special Reign In Hell 80 Page Giant

    Final Crisis #2 (OF 7)

    Green Lantern #32

    Huntress Year One #4 (OF 6)

    Marvel 1985 #2 (OF 6)

    Mighty Avengers #15

    New Avengers #42

    Runaways #30

    Secret Invasion Runaways Young Avengers #1 (OF 3)

    Superman #677

    Teen Titans #60

    Trinity #4

  10. Finally a slow week but much anticipated. Angel Revelations #2 (READ THIS BOOK!!!), 1985 #2 (LOVE the covers of this series), Daredevil #108 (last issue got me interested again after all that Mila CRAP) and Thor Ages of Thunder Reign of Blood (Fraction’s last Thor "one-shot" was the first Thor book I have ever read and it was AMAZING). 

    BQ: Just recently watched Heavy Metal 2000 and all I can say is WTF?!? What was with the shitty GCI villain at the end. Until I looked at the list of comic books to movies I never knew Mystery Men and Monkeybone were comic books prior to being flicks. Man did they both suck hard! 

  11. Oh man, this week is seriously boss.  Final Crisis, a James Robinson Superman book, Daredevil, AND Captain America.  I pooed a little.  Can’t wait.

    BQ:  I looked through the list and none of the movies really stuck out to me as the oddest, but then again, I haven’t seen like 90% of them. 

  12. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    The three books which matter most this week:

    BPRD: The Ectoplasmic Man

    Final Crisis


     BQ: The original Fantastic Four movie.  

  13. Lots of good stuff this week – Final Crisis, Robinson on Superman, every Avengers book Marvel publishes, Daredevil, Captain America, PROOF!!!, Green Lantern. This is one of those weeks where the money and my recent Wednesday hassle are all worthwhile.

    BQ: That Generation X TV movie – Finola Hughes as Emma Frost? Wa-huh? I remember it being very bad and very teen-angst-ily overacted. I’ll take a Captain America with ears and an Italian Red Skull any day over this crud.

  14. top 3

    Cap American

    Green Lantern

    Ultmate spidy

    BQ: I can’t really think of one,but i’ll go with Catwomen   

  15. Just Proof #9, maybe FInal Crisis 2. I wish Aquaman would show up already

  16. The one week I wanted I short pull list for my wallet’s sake, I pull out 10 books.  Plus I gotta pick up Wolverine 66 and the first two Guardians.  I was hoping to grab a couple trades but looks like my budget’s spent on singles.

  17. This week is freakin crazy. I don’t even know when to start…

    Maybe Superman? I just wanna see what Robinson does…

    BQ: Maybe Spider-man 3… I dunno, I try not to go see frakked up movies. 

  18. after a light week last week, this is huge

    final crisis, superman, green lantern are the most exciting issues over at D.C with avengers books coming out from every direction as well as Captain America and (im afraid to say Wheddon has put me off this book so I may drop it) Runaways.

    B.Q There was some very very bad x-men film in the 90’s i cannot remember the name off. It was bizzare and terrible.

  19. A LOT this week. I count 16. Most looking forward to Final Crisis and new Superman run. Skippin out on Iron Fist, unless I hear good things.


    BQ:I’d have to say Ghost Rider. You take such a dark comic book character and throw him into a PG-13 world. Thats like if they made Blade PG-13. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. Spider-Man 3 boggled my mind as well, but no surprise there. 

  20. OH! Forgot runaways, very excited for the end of Whedon’s run. Can’t wait to see how it ends, and to see it return back to a monthly schedule.

  21. I’m most looking forward to New Avengers, I read a preview online and it looks awesome. I’m dropping the Man with No Name. The first issue was okay, and I don’t feel I’m trying to cut back on my comics.

     BQ: Steel starring Shaq. I actually never saw the movie and I’m realloy unclear on how a fill in hero for Superman can get his own movie. 

  22. Oh man!  This is a packed week, my wallet is not excited about it but I sure am.  I totally forgot all about Ultimates 3, that can’t be a good thing for a stoyline.

    BQ: Hero At Large with John Ritter (1980).  To quote IMBD’s description: "An idealistic but struggling actor finds his life unexpectedly complicated when he stops a robbery while wearing the costume of Captain Avenger..," and rest assured hilarity does ensue. 

  23. Dear god, I thought I had a huge list this week. Something like 10-12 books thanks to SI tie-ins and the blue moon frequency event of a Joss Whedon Runaways, but then I got into the trades. Ooofff! Here they are:

    Walking Dead


    Jack of Fables, and:

    Ex Machina Deluxe Edition..

    I’m gonna go cry now. And put a couple of pounds of pinto beans on to soak overnight, since that’ll be all I’m eating this next week.


  24. Most looking forward to Final Crisis #2…gotta see what kind of damage control (!) this issue will bring…

    Continue to enjoy Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, Avengers: Initiative, and Robinson’s Superman has me very excited. Also going to pick up the Ex machina Hardcover…perhaps it will actually spur me to read it…who are we kidding….it’s my own contribution to Stack Week.

    BTW (not that it comes out this week), but is anyone reading Locke & Key? I’m actually enjoying this and have no clue where it’s going to go…highly recommended!

    BQ: Wasn’t the original Wonder Woman movie goofy: featured a blonde (!) Kathy Lee Gifford i think…. 

  25. Man I am really looking forward to a lot of the dc books this week and I am going to stick around on Iron Fist and at least see what the new writer brings to it.
    I am going to drop Fantastic Four and Teen Titans. I just haven’t been enjoying them enough to justify buying them anymore.
    BQ: Does Son of the Mask count. The Mask was based on a comic (even though it too strays super far away from the concept, it is still enjoyable on a different level) But my nine year old brother could have written a better screenplay than that sequel. I caught on cable and for some reason watched it. I shouldn’t have but it was so bad I couldn’t turn away.

  26. Alright, I’m gonna sound like a total n00b…because I am a newbie here.


    But….when you pull a book on the site, does that mean we’re paying for it? Or just telling anyone that we are picking it up at a shop? Sorry just alittle confuse with the site and need some help. Thank you if anyone can help me out.

  27. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    @TheNextChampion – It’s just an organizational thing for you.  You can print out this "pull list" and take it to your shop to remember what books you want to pick up.  And after you’ve read them, you can go in and rate and review your books on the site.  

    Welcome to iFanboy!

  28. Most lookin’ forward to –

    Final Crisis #2

    Superman #677

    Daredevil #108

    BQ – Anytime they make a movie that has nothing to do with the comic book (except the name) baffles me & I find it very odd. I understand the whole name recognition thing, but I don’t understand the whole "piss off your core audience" thing.


  29. Slow week. Thank Christ! Just Final Crisis, which I don’t completely understand but I had fun reading the first issue. Also Green Lantern, and I’m enjoying this book more than I ever thought I would considering I didn’t know/understand/care about the character a few months back. GL is ealisy what I’m looking forward to most.

    BQ: I think Howard The Duck takes the cake… and I say that as someone who loves that film.

  30. Good lord! I have a shit ton of books this week. I just have one word to say though. Runaways!

    BQ: Generation X made for TV movie.

  31. Wow!

    Im gonna be reading until next Tuesday!


  32. I can’t wait to read Ultimate Spider-man #123 because Venom is back and it might explain a bit of what happened in the Ultimate Spidey video game(which was one of the best games of 2005).  New Avengers #42 might move the Secret Invasion along and give me some great back story concerning the Breakout Arc in New Avengers #1 as well.  And finally Ultimates 3 #4 because the only place this book can go is up, unless Jeph Leob finds yet another way to make it crappy.

    Bonus Question:  Predator 2 with its war on LA crime and Jamaican drug dealers

  33. Most looking forward to Final Crisis #2 and James Robinson’s first Superman #677! 

    And it looks like JR writing has got Josh on board the Man of Steel!  Now, whats keeping ya away from Action? 

    BQ: The proposed steaming turd of a Justice League movie that will hopefully never be made now.  That was just odd from the start!

  34. Holy S#*T this is the biggest pull in a very long time and we got WW Chicago this weekend

    ,I am soo Broke after this. 


    For Me…


    Daredevil #108

    Demo Tp (probably wait to pick it up at WW Chicago)

    Ex Machina Deluxe Edition Hc Vol 01(probably wait to pick it up at WW Chicago)

    Final Crisis #2 (OF 7)

    Immortal Iron Fist #16

    Man With No Name #2

    Marvel 1985 #2 (OF 6)

    Marvel Comics Presents #10

    Mighty Avengers #15

    Runaways #30

    Superman #677

    Teen Titans #60

    Trinity #4

    Ultimate Spider-Man #123

    Uncanny X-Men #499

    Walking Dead Tp Vol 08 Made To Suffer (behind on trades need vol 6 &7)



    For My Brother…


    Avengers Initiative #14

    Captain America #39

    Fantastic Four #558

    Hulk #4 ( both covers)

    Marvels Prem Hc (probably wait to pick it up at WW Chicago)

    Ms Marvel #28

    New Avengers #42

    Project Superpowers #4 (OF 7)

    Secret Invasion Runaways Young Avengers #1 (OF 3)

    Thor Ages Of Thunder Reign Of Blood

    Ultimates 3 #4 (OF 5)

    What If Fantastic Four Tribute To Mike Wieringo

    Wolverine First Class #4

    Wolverine Origins #26

    X-Men First Class Vol 2 #13

    X-Men Legacy #213

    Young Avengers Presents #6 (OF 6)



    For My Girlfriend…


    Avengers Fairy Tales #3 (OF 4)

    Madame Xanadu #1

    Marvel Comics Presents #10

    Mighty Avengers #15

    Vix #1 (OF 3)

    BQ – i really enjoyed league of extraordinary gentleman (the movie) before i read the book and realized how much they change from book to screen.

  35. MY GOD!  Does EVERYTHING i collect come out this week?  On top of 12 books I have 2 trades!!!  MY WALLET!!!  GAH!


    ANyhoo BQ:  Tank Girl?


  36. Damn, there’s a lot of books to look forward to this week: Final Crisis, Robinson’s Superman debut, Green Lantern, Cap, and the continuation of Rucka and Brubaker’s arc on Daredevil. Also sticking with Iron Fist to see where it goes.

    BQ: I’d have to go with that Swamp Thing flick in the early 80’s with Adrienne Barbeau and Louis Jourdan as Anton Arcane. His transformation into the monster at the end always freaked me out. Damn, I need to rent this on Netflix as I haven’t seen it since I was a kid! 

  37. BQ: Holy crud  — Archie: To Riverdale and Back Again
    I thought I had blocked that out of my mind and all existence.

  38. Holy crap, this is a lot of books! Glad to see Young Avengers is over, so that’s one less book on my list and another re-affirmation of my commitment to buying miniseries in trade (SI, SI tie-ins & Avengers/Invaders excepted). On the chopping block is New Warriors and Thunderbolts, since I haven’t been loving those as much as everything else. I’m kind of pissed off I can’t drop Runaways since Terry Moore is starting the next arc. *sigh*

    Avengers Initiative #14
    Black Panther #37
    Captain America #39
    Mighty Avengers #15
    Ms Marvel #28
    New Avengers #42
    New Warriors #13
    Runaways #30
    Secret Invasion Runaways Young Avengers #1 (OF 3)
    She-Hulk 2 #30
    Thunderbolts #121
    Uncanny X-Men #499
    X-Men Legacy #213
    Young Avengers Presents #6 (OF 6)

    BQ: For me, it’s the 1990 Punisher. Just pointless.


  39. Holy crap, this is a lot of books! Glad to see Young Avengers is over, so that’s one less book on my list and another re-affirmation of my commitment to buying miniseries in trade (SI, SI tie-ins & Avengers/Invaders excepted). On the chopping block is New Warriors and Thunderbolts, since I haven’t been loving those as much as everything else. I’m kind of pissed off I can’t drop Runaways since Terry Moore is starting the next arc. *sigh*

    Avengers Initiative #14
    Black Panther #37
    Captain America #39
    Mighty Avengers #15
    Ms Marvel #28
    New Avengers #42
    New Warriors #13
    Runaways #30
    Secret Invasion Runaways Young Avengers #1 (OF 3)
    She-Hulk 2 #30
    Thunderbolts #121
    Uncanny X-Men #499
    X-Men Legacy #213
    Young Avengers Presents #6 (OF 6)

    BQ: For me, it’s the 1990 Punisher. Just pointless.