Family Stalls Foreclosure By Finding Action Comics #1

In a story bereft of almost any details, a "family" from the "south" who wishes to remain "anonymous" was about to lose their house to foreclosure, and find a copy of the world's most valuable comic book in some boxes.  Then they got it CGC rated at 5.0.  There's a step in the middle I'm missing, but there you go.  Watch the news story!

Meanwhile, over in Alaska, a prospector in a Green Lantern shirt has a bungload of actually valuable comic books, and his wife has convinced him to start selling them. 

Read the whole article, because my favorite part came at the bottom when talking to the guy's local comic shop, and they said, "“We had to put restrictions on the guy,” Mollett said. “He’d come and get everything, and all the poor little kids would come in and there wasn’t anything left.”

He says he's going to attend some NASCAR races with the money.

And buy more comics.

So, here's my question.  Has anyone else noticed a surplus of these kinds of stories lately, and does it remind anyone of anything?  Because back in 1989, there was a gigantic hit blockbuster movie about Batman, and then all kinds of merchandise was available, and stories about the value of comic books started showing up all over the news, one after another.  I'm getting this strange sense of deja vu, and while I know people in comics have said they won't repeat the mistakes of the past, I think I remember hearing the same thing about the people in charge of the US economy. 

Anyway, just so you all know, when the fever pitch peaks, I'll be cashing in and selling out as quickly as possible, because I was too young the first time.


  1. What’s the Mylar market like these days?

  2. I think it’s just a sign of the economy.  People need to get rid of these things for the money.  Also, if some of the collectors have had the copies for 20+ years, maybe they feel it’s time to get rid of them and pass them on to someone else.  Hey, at least it’s not copies of Youngblood #1 or anything.  That would just be weird.

  3. heh, it just means your LCS is going to have to turn down a whole new wave of people coming it trying to sell their fifteen copies of Venom #1.

  4. That’s exactly what’s gonna happen.

  5. I like to think the two dozen or so comics I have from the 70’s will be worth something in about 40 years.

  6. It’s a nice thought.

  7. A second speculator boom would be a great reason to bring back the Sentry.

    The isssue where he had sex with Rogue while single handedly fighting a techno-Hitler-cyborg-clone from the future will sell for thousands, I tells ya!

  8. What I don’t get about this story is why the family needed to sell the comic in the first place. Couldn’t they have just kept it and put it up as collateral to refinance the mortgage? It’s not as if the value of a CGC 5.0 Action Comics #1 is speculative. There’s a pretty solid track record establishing what these books are worth.

  9. Maybe that should be a new line on mortgage applications. "Do you own any comic books printed prior to 1960? If so, please list."

  10. The saddest part of all this was in the second article.  The guy said he thinks they are a great American artfrom and he likes the art, but he never really reads them.

  11. It’s déja vu or it’s a similar good time to sell your comic books. These things trend don’t they?

  12. I remember Previews of the 90’s hundreds of books in there by independent publishers, today’s Previews. . . not so much. so brining back the "speculation" age might not be the worse thing to happen, having millions of people buy comics instead of just 500,000 or so should allow for people to have some opportunities they wouldn’t have otherwise had, and yes, that means you can sell some of those books you have sitting in your white boxes for something finally. I need the space under my desk again, bring it on!!!   

  13. Come people – you know the process:

    1. Buy comics

    2. Seal them in plastic and store in cool, dry conditions

    3. ?

    4. Profit!!!

    Yes, I just went with the most tired meme on the internet.

  14. Uh uh uh, fool me once, shame on you media. Fool me twice and I’ll use my will save to avoid impulse purchases.

    I’m too old to believe stories like that. What they need to do is find more teens to feed these stories to- waitaminute, don’t we have a lack of young readers?

  15. I’d hate to think a cycle like this would repeat, but I was in my LCS just last week and someone was trying to sell their comics,  for some huge profit. *sigh*

  16. Just knowing my copy of Mayhem #1 will be worth millions of space credits in 100 years is just mindblowing. Mindblowing.

  17. Now, that’s funny.

  18. A family’s house for foreclosure was saved by Superman? LOL! Now that’s great! It’s an interesting rare story. Recent data suggests that over 20 percent of homeowners have underwater home loans. Mortgage loan modification, even if they could get it, would do no good for 1 in 5 homeowners. They are so lucky ended.