Exclusive First Look: Patrick Gleason’s BATMAN & ROBIN #3 Cover

Today we've got your exclusive first look at the cover for November's Batman & Robin #3 by Peter J. Tomasi & Patrick Gleason. 

Hang in there, Damian! 

Poke him in the eyes! All of them! Even the ones…on his…legs? 


  1. Definitely an interesting looking vilain.

  2. wow I really like this cover!


  4. why does batman’s mask cover his entire face

  5. @Smutty  Thats shadow. You can see that he has his mouth open, yelling, if you look closely.  It doesnt look right though.    Other than that I really like it.

  6. that looks like a revamp of a lame old batman rouge named ten eyed man…probley not him but maybe it is?

  7. Sweet golly miss molly.

    That’s fucking gorgeous. 

  8. The Red background ruins it for me. 

  9. lovely stuff!

  10. @jason245  That was my first thought when i saw this. “That dude stole Iron Man’s gauntlets!”