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Name: john petrole



skrilla1212's Recent Comments
July 13, 2012 8:42 am Does anyone know who (in a general sense) coordinated that? As in, was it a surprise to Snyder? That WOULD be a career highlight.
June 8, 2012 9:44 pm If only Wizard Magazine were still around, we'd have a definitve answer of who the Top Hottest Artist really was! Joe Quesada would sell a book, Todd McFarlane too. Both guys mostly b/c they don't work much anymore. How did Madureira's Avengin Spider Man books do? That's probably the best test case. BQ: Nickelback 1) Openly allowed to disdain them without recourse 2) Huge mainstream popularity 3) Actual output is somewhere in between. I think the Greg Land's have it.
July 13, 2011 10:55 pm I love that I got about this far into the reveiw- "Sometimes you read over 20 books and none of them knock your socks off but nothing can stop the Pick of the Week freight train..." and knew that it was Conor's week.