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Name: Andrew Garda


agarda's Recent Comments
December 20, 2010 3:48 pm That's pretty awesome. Is there a link to the first one? I used to work with Bruce Timm - always fun to see him on camera.
May 12, 2010 11:43 pm I was SO dissappointed when New Avengers lurched off track with Civil War just when it seemed to be coming together and I haven't been able to (willing to?) come back. This might change that though I doubt I'll have any idea whats going on...
April 12, 2010 4:06 pm

It's so expensive and so scattered in mainstream superhero comics that I have a real hard time catching up. I tend to, these days, wait for trades of stuff like Walking Dead, Y (oh how I miss you last man) or Fables. Contained, fairly linear and easily digestible wallet wise. ultimates was liek that for a bit though the third series didn't work for me.

I keep wanting to jump in, but i always feel completely left behind and it frustrates me back out again. Could I spend hours putting together why Batman is dead and who the new Robin is or which Xman is dead this week? Sure. But I don't HAVE the time. 


Until I do, it's always goign to make it hard for me to jump back into mainstream stuff.

April 8, 2010 2:36 pm

Great stuff Wood - I think the pricing right now works fine though the IPad itself is well above my ability to own right now.


1.99 seems to be a magic ITunes # as well. I wonder how much that influenced the end price. 

I'd like to see some new releases - am hoping that some of the indier companies tackle that - Marvel/DC will probably need to see someone else do it first so they can point at the viability to Disney/TW shareholders, no?

April 7, 2010 1:40 pm

I have loved comics most of my life (adult and otherwise) but I rarely if ever buy a new issue, hit a comic shop or anything else that most 'comic fans' do.

Widereaching, overdone storylines requiring me to buy 45 different comics I never buy, culminating in half-assed 'events' all for 4 bucks a pop.  I tend to wait for trades now, which is painful but about all I can afford/deal with and I usually miss all the big events or have to hide from spoilers until a collection comes out.

I think more and more  people fit my category. We can only afford so much.

Now I'm not getting an Ipad and a comic app isn't changing that. But I think there are a ton of people like me who WOULD buy online comics if the price were right. I'd happily read my comics on my computer if  I could do it AND actually be more apt to buy more individual issues vs collections if I could do it affordably.

I've read digital copies of comics before - doesn't bother me all that much. I like the feel of a paper book or comic but in this case I so rarely HAVE one, I wouldn't miss it much.

Stores and that aspect of it is a whole different thing.

Someday I'd wager my kids will read comics this way and might barely remember a time when they didn't. Much like I kinda remember not having cable.

April 6, 2010 4:12 pm

Jeez, not to get all flag waving here, we couldn't find an American actor for our cop from Kentucky? Lots of Englishmen can do a fine US accent (sometimes southern) but when they are bad WOW. 

I liked Love Actually, actually. But it's impossible to know if he has the chops to be Rick from that flick.

Kirkman likes him but that means very little. Jim Butcher liked all the choices everyone involved made on the Dresden Files and that was a disaster.

Fingers crossed but not exactly a roaring start for me. I'll tune in regardless.