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Name: Erick



TreeoftheStoneAge's Recent Comments
August 21, 2013 9:57 pm I liked MoS, btw and Bats/Supes movie is the better move than going straight to a Justice League movie at this time.
August 21, 2013 9:54 pm It's funny that a super hero who has to defend not just a mere city, but the entire planet Earth from destruction on a regular basis Superman is expected to not kill the bad guy and still save the planet. I'm not sure how one goes about accomplishing such a task. I've also heard the speculation/theory that Supes did not kill Zod and therefore is still true to his ideals which I think would be a cheap cop out. If the story goes all the way with an act of killing then don't apologize for it.
August 20, 2013 9:05 pm This is good casting on the whole. I hate admitting that since Knoxville is a no talent moron. Still, a good call all around.
August 20, 2013 8:59 pm @Master Destructo: You make a compelling argument, but for me, there was really no reason to kill Damien to make for good storytelling. Of course, with 4 more issues after Bat. Inc #8 the story didn't end with Robin's death, for me it did in that my disappointment was so great I stop reading it. There's an excellent article here at iFanboy titled Comics Hate Children that came out sometime after Batman Inc. #8 about this very subject which I agree with wholeheartedly (I'm sorry if the title is not accurate). Damien could have been sidelined in some other way. A great character doesn't have to be killed to highlight the quality of what could be a great story. I think Morrison is one of the best creators ever. What's more, I think Arkham Asylum GN was just as great as The Killing Joke (I'd like for iFanboy to do an article on Morrison's take of the last page of K.J.).
August 20, 2013 5:42 pm JIM is one of those books I never got into and not for a lack of interest just too much already on my plate. These pages of artwork got my attention where I could buy a few issues online. I like the Niffleheim Sif the best.
August 20, 2013 3:46 pm @Conor: You're right. It doesn't cancel all other stories out, but the gist of this article is things are so doom and gloom at DC and Damien's death this is an good example. If Morrison's run on Batman is what you say it is then why have it end on such a horrible way? I know it's comic book death, still, the killing was such a disappointment for me that I don't think I'll be reading the other Morrison Bat-stories.
August 20, 2013 2:46 pm @Conor: That might well be, though killing Damien by running a saber through him cancels things out.
August 20, 2013 2:43 pm The only time I've seen any kids a the LCS was when their with a parent and he/she are trying to coax the kid into reading a comic. That audience doesn't exist or just barely exists.
August 19, 2013 4:47 pm SUPERMAN: UNCHAINED #3 DEXTER #2 BQ: I was probably 12 or 13 when it aired but I loved The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse. I remember it was also the first time I watched Phil Donahue because the topic was the controversial episode of the cartoon where MM sniffs the flower and gains super speed.
August 15, 2013 1:31 pm Yeeeaahhh, that idea won't materialize for the next hundred years, if at all. Jet-Pack anyone? Having never watched the Daily Show, I had to laugh at this John Oliver's shit fit. Good stuff.