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Name: Randall Drisgula


Rando's Recent Comments
May 21, 2012 2:53 pm One of my all-time favorite characters, and I for one love Tim's art. "Two taps to the head, it's the only way to be sure." I'd support it, and with my cleanly shaved head, can I throw my hat into the wring to play the lead?? :)
May 16, 2012 3:51 pm I like Villians, the Joker probably ost of all. A problem is that generally when the Hero wins, the Villian is captured, goes to jail, is imprisoned, etc., to live/fight another day depending on the writer. And the book goes on from there. The few times a Villian wins, it often takes the life of the Hero, or cripples them, or at the least exposes them to the public. Which is when the direction of the book changes and somebody else takes on their mantle or whatever for a while. Seems a lot harder for the Hero to recover from their loss than the typical Villain.
February 1, 2012 2:28 pm My wife loves to read, and loves the concept of comic books, but can't read the actual execution. She loves Superhero (Thor, Captain America, X-Men, Batman...) and comic based movies (Red, Kick Ass, Constantine, Scott Pilgrim...) but can't follow the panels on the page and it gives her a headache. She likes that I read comics though, and as a result considers me the resource on ALL comic related media, which makes things a bit difficult sometimes. (Her: Is Loki part frost giant in the comics and general mythology, or is that just the movie?" Me: Uh, I don't know... he COULD have been, or it could have been added later, they change origin stories all the time...") She also likes to bring up that I'm a comic reader in public, which can really kill a normal conversation depending on company... What I have done from time to time is TELL her the stories as I go through them. On a vacation I was reading the Scott Pilgrim books, and I would recap each for her when finished, and when she saw the movie she had a good working knowledge of the story. When she had one of our kids I recapped a bunch of the Fables stories which really appealed to her and she wants to know why that isn't a TV series yet. So she supports MY reading of them, and enjoys some of the stories through me, but doesn't do any actual reading herself, but it works. But it's not just significant others, I couldn't get my brothers to read comics either, and I KNOW they would dig some of the stories, they just can't turn the corner and take it seriously as a written medium. Got my son hooked pretty good though! :)
January 12, 2012 4:41 pm I haven't read them in a while, but second the recommendation for "Return to New York". The B/W Turtle books were some of the first comics that I followed on a regular basis and the counteraction of ridiculous and gritty was perfect. However the Ultimate collection Vol. 1 is severly lacking because it doesn't go as far as issues 10/11 where the Turtles have to flee NYC in the first place. This is preceeded by one of my favorite single issues (of any book), the mostly silent Leonardo one-shot where Leonardo is trying desperately to get home to warn his brothers who are setting up for Christmas. Great characters and books that are often surprisingly dark but funny.
December 23, 2011 2:27 pm Best (& only) Comic site that I frequent. I'll try not to be so creepy.