Review by: darkguyprime

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This is interesting. Well one pattern that I’m feeling with this RE G1 is that it seems every story arc is 5 issues and the first establishes a story while the 5th is just this big finale and everything else in between is just buildup. This typical but it is kind of getting old that each issue starts to feel not worth reading unless it’s the first or last of a story arc. This issue is definitely following this trend.

Although the beginning of the series was simple, the series has gone more crazy as there’s just so much going on now. I hope it does not get too complex that it aliens readers. Really, most of the issue is just build up, and after everything that happens, there’s just little significant events that all builds up. It lacks focus on a specific character or problem. It’s just a general problem on Cybertron and that may be the tone it has but I wont go that deep.

The artwork is basically the same ever since the series started so if you’ve been reading every since issue 80.5, you know how it looks. It has a copycat of the Marvel series which does look really good. The action scene it has is drawn well but nothing spectacular like say Jim Lee’s artwork but still enjoyable.

Overall, again, issues are these are feeling like buildup and nothing else and I wish a little more happened that I cared about and they would focus more on one issue or problem specifically.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good

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